
Chapter 1754: Xiang Shao takes over

But when the group of people just walked out of the barracks, Captain Huang stopped them, "Mr. Chen, please wait."

"Captain Huang, is there anything else?" Chen Fei asked.

Company Chief Huang's expression was a little ugly, and he said, "Mr. Chen, this—our actions must be considered long-term."

When Chen Fei heard the words, he couldn't help frowning, "Company Captain Huang, the matter is urgent, and it may change too late!"

Company commander, if you drag it on, don't know what will happen? ""

That is, maybe the villagers in that village will suffer in the next step. "


The company commander said with a bitter expression on his face, and said helplessly: "This, this is not my decision, this is the decision of the superior. I reported on our investigation yesterday, and the leader said that they would send Lieutenant Xiang Dongxiang over. In charge of the village affairs." This

As soon as the words came out, everyone suddenly exploded. "

What does it mean to send someone over now? Don't trust us? ""

I know what Xiangdong. It's a second-generation, and it's related to the above. Before, I've been working in our company organization and doing clerical duties. Why is there a mission suddenly coming out this time! "

"It's not clear. People want to gild, so they came to pick peaches. Mr. Chen just solved the mountain and forest problem and found the village, so he sent the item to the east. When we asked for help before, why didn't he send him over? what!""

What a **** determination, those people, sitting in the office, with a swipe of a pen, they just do whatever they want. "

"This is a major event that affects the lives of the people in the village, so let this kind of second-generation Hustle come!"


The company commander listened to the crowd's comments and said nothing.

Chen Fei asked in a deep voice, "Captain Huang, there is no other way?"

Captain Huang shook his head and said, "This is the determination of the leaders above. The people over there have already set off and will come soon to take over the tasks here. I also want to stand aside." Chen

Hearing this, Fei was silent for a while, then raised his head to look at Captain Huang, and said: "In that case, I will write a few plans. Captain Huang will give them to them at that time and let them proceed carefully."

"Well, thank you Mr. Chen." With a helpless expression on his face, Huang Lianchang could only nod his head.

But just when Chen Fei turned around and prepared to go back to the barracks to write a plan, a rumbling engine sounded, and at the same time an arrogant young voice rang, "I Xiangdong is doing the task, and someone else will give me a plan. , A joke!" Shun

With the sound, everyone's eyes all looked over.

Soon, they saw a military vehicle parked at the gate of the barracks arrogantly with a rapid braking sound. In the position of the co-pilot of the military vehicle, a tall man in a military uniform, in his early twenties, stepped out of the vehicle. male

When the son came down, his gaze fell directly on Chen Fei, and he sneered: "Just in, you want to give me a plan?"

Obviously, this is Xiang Dong who is coming over to take over the task. Chen Fei glanced at him, and quickly found out his strength. In the late Profound Stage, it was not bad, but it could only be considered good.

There was no expression on his face, Chen Fei nodded and said lightly: "It's me."

The commander Huang on the side hurriedly came out at this moment and explained to Chen Fei: "Lieutenant Xiang, this is Mr. Chen Fei. Before we broke through the mountain forest and found clues to Erlong Village, it was Mr. Chen's credit. Mr. Chen's strength Very strong, and very experienced in dealing with magic circles and those mutant animals.""

In order to complete tasks better and more conveniently, and to ensure the safety of the broad masses of people. So Mr. Chen is going to write a plan for you to refer to Lieutenant Xiang. "yellow

The company commander’s tone was as polite as he could, but after listening to this, he still looked at Chen Fei with an expression of disapproval, and said: "You led the previous action? What about your plan?" yellow

The company commander looked at Chen Fei, Chen Fei quickly took out the paper and pen, and wrote a few suggestions, and said coldly: "This is my plan."

It was not that Chen Fei was afraid of this Dong, but that he was worried about the safety of the innocent people and wanted to resolve the matter as soon as possible, so he didn't care about Xiang Dong's rudeness. item

Dong took Chen Fei's paper without even looking at it, then threw it to a middle-aged man in a black suit behind him, and said, "Uncle Lai, what do you think about this plan?"

Uncle Wei Lai took the paper and glanced at it, then sneered, sarcasm unceremoniously: "This is called a plan? I think it's just some coward's escape strategy."

During the conversation, Uncle Lai directly tore the paper to pieces and spilled it on the ground, looking at Chen Fei provocatively and disdainfully.

Chen Fei's expression was cold and did not speak. But everyone in the barracks behind, seeing this scene, their faces were full of irritation, and the gazes of Uncle Lai and Xiang Dong were full of anger. yellow

The company commander quickly stepped up and explained: "Lieutenant Xiang, those monsters and opponents are indeed very strange and difficult to deal with. Mr. Chen's plan is more cautious and careful, and it is also for everyone's safety."

Be careful! Haha, I think it's weak and timid, what kind of monster, isn't it just some beasts? I used a gun to shoot directly, and I couldn’t use shells to wash the ground and blow up the hill. I don’t believe those things can survive. "Xiang Dong is full of pride."

Captain Huang, dealing with a group of wild beasts, you dragged on for half a month. I think your company commander's ability is doubtful! "Xiang Dong looked at Captain Huang.

Captain Huang's face sank and his expression was a little ugly, but he still reminded him earnestly: "Lieutenant Xiang, the opponent this time is really weird and should not be underestimated. Moreover, Mr. Chen also said that Erlong Village is even more weird. time--""

What a weird one, just dozens of villagers in one village. Just grabbed it and tortured it, and found everything clear. Is it that complicated? "Uncle Lai sneered on the side, and immediately asked Xiang Dong to ask, "Xiang Shao, or else, I'll take people to the village now, grab everyone, and the task will be solved. "

"I can't go there, then--" Captain Huang hurriedly shouted. item

Dong also waved his hand, then yawned, and said: "Uncle, don't be so anxious. I rushed over from a long distance, and I was very tired. Let's talk about it after a rest. Anyway, it's not a difficult task, just casual. The solution is."

"If that's the case, let's talk about it tomorrow!" Uncle Lai was very confident, and then said to Captain Huang, "What are you doing in a daze? I haven't heard Xiang Shao say that I'm tired, so I don't want to clean up the barracks and take a rest for the hospitality!" yellow

The company commander had a bitter face, but he had to act.

And this young Xiang Dongxiang, with seven or eight attendants swaggeringly, walked into the barracks.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei shook his head, said nothing, and walked directly outside the barracks. This

If someone came to lead the task, he would naturally not stay.

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