
Chapter 1761: Adventure game?

This Uncle Kang moved out and rushed out, hitting the villager with a punch.

The villager's chest was directly impacted to open a hole, splashing a dark red viscous liquid, and then fell to the ground, no more movement.

With this, everyone calmed down.

Xiang Dong quickly looked at his bodyguard, Uncle Lai, "Uncle Lai, do it!"

Uncle Lai glanced at Uncle Kang, a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said to Xiang Dong: "Don't worry, Shao Xiang, I will do it, it's just a piece of cake."

After that, Uncle Lai rushed out, faster than Uncle Kang, and rushed directly to the other villages. He flew a few times, and then cut off the heads of these villagers.

This set of movements was extremely chic, and immediately attracted cheers and applause. item

Dong was no longer afraid at this moment, his complexion recovered, and his previous arrogant and proud expression was revealed, "It looks scary, but in fact, it is just something that is vulnerable. Attack with all strength and kill the monsters in the village." Qin

Tzuyu and the others also gradually recovered from their fears at this time. On the contrary, because of the clean killing of Uncle Lai and Uncle Kang, I felt a little thrilled, as if they were playing a real adventure game. inverted

It was Captain Huang, with a solemn face at the moment, leaning against Chen Fei, and said: "Mr. Chen, these villagers are somewhat similar to the mutant animals in the mountains and forests before. Are they related to the previous events?"

Chen Fei nodded and said: "It must be related. Moreover, based on the strength of the mutant animals in the mountains and forests, the mutant villagers in this village must not only have their current strength, but there should be even more powerful masters hiding in the village." Huang

When the company commander heard this, he thought of the scene where he had led a team to attack the forest for a long time. The strongest mutant wild boar and black bear in it were almost equivalent to the strength of a late-stage Xuan-level martial artist.

And the few mutant villagers that just appeared were obviously incapable of strength, and at most they were only in the middle stage of the Yellow rank.

Therefore, it is very likely that, as Chen Fei said, there are still stronger masters hidden in the village. miss you

At this point, Chief Huang couldn't help but remind Xiang Dong.

But I saw that Uncle Lai and Uncle Kang, who rushed in front, had already killed more than a dozen villagers, cutting melons and vegetables, and didn't waste much effort at all. Therefore, at this moment, the confidence is greatly increased, and he waved his hand: "Captain Huang, don't be so timid. With Uncle Kang, it's useless to hide a master, it's just a piece of cake."

But—" Company Commander Huang also wanted to remind.

"It's nothing. Uncle Lai finish the task quickly, and it will be good for you." Xiang Dong interrupted him directly, then speeded up his pace and followed. I

At the time, he deliberately let Uncle Lai let one or two weak mutant villagers over, and killed them by himself. pause

At that time, he won a sound of cheering and flattering. Chen

Seeing this, Fei couldn't help but sneer again and again. This Dong itself also has the martial art realm of the late Xuan-level stage. It's not worth yelling when dealing with a few mutant villagers in the middle-Yellow level realm. Look

Come, this Dong should be the kind of warrior who is forcibly piled up with family resources. He has a realm without much actual combat ability. Do not

However, Chen Fei's disdain, in the eyes of Qin Ziyu and others, is quite powerful.

Even a few of them joined Xiang Dong's team. Occasionally shot, knocked down those villagers, and then one by one cheered, extremely excited.

Obviously, these rich elder brothers and sisters play here as an adventure game, and there is no sense of progress at all. and

At this moment, a strong **** breath suddenly rose into the sky. Chen

Fei felt this strong breath, and immediately moved in his heart, yelling badly, "Danger, all get back!" Listen

When it was time to shout, only a few people, including Sun Xi and Company Commander Huang, reacted. The others did not move at all, but looked at Chen Fei in a mocking manner.

"Coward, what are you shouting? Big Brother Xiang is here, what's the——" Qin Ziyu said sarcastically. but

Before she could finish her words, a loud roar suddenly sounded, and a house in front of her suddenly exploded.

Then, more than a dozen mutant villagers who were covered in scarlet as if they were stained with blood rumbled out.

These mutant villagers were obviously much stronger than the ones just now. Almost the moment they started their hands, they smashed the heads of several soldiers and splashed out red and white things.

When Qin Ziyu and others saw this, they were shocked and froze in place.

Chen Fei's complexion changed drastically, because these mutant villagers were very similar to the blood corpse he saw when he attended the funeral a few days ago.

These blood corpses have at least the strength of the mid-Xuan-level mid-level realm, and they cannot be dealt with by ordinary soldiers.

Chen Fei immediately shouted: "Captain Huang, let everyone retreat!" Huang

The company commander immediately ordered the retreat.

But when Xiang Dong saw this, he shouted sharply: "Don't leave, this is an order. Give me the attack."

"Ordinary soldiers are not opponents, you are sending them to death!" Chen Fei shouted sharply.

Xiang Dong coldly snorted, "They are soldiers, and this is their duty. Besides, what are you afraid of when the uncle is here."

The moment they spoke, Uncle Lai and Uncle Kang, who rushed to the forefront, began to attack the blood corpses. although

After a lot of effort, the two of them managed to behead the blood corpses smoothly. see

Xiang Dong snorted coldly, glanced at Chen Fei, and then warned Captain Huang, "You have to remember, Captain Huang. Your superior is me, not someone. If you don’t listen to orders, I'll deal with it by military law."

"Yes!" Huang Lianchang's face was pale.

And Chen Fei stared at a house in the deepest part of the village, and said: "The ones just now are blood corpses. There are blood corpses, and there must be people who control the corpses. The strength of these blood corpses is in the mid-Profound level realm. Left and right, then the corpse controller must be more powerful."

"What blood corpse, what corpse controller! If you continue to confuse the crowd, I will deal with your military!" Xiang Dongli shouted.

But at this moment, a gloomy sneer sounded, "Who is disturbing my practice!"

In the dark laughter, an old man with a thin body hidden in a black robe walked out of the deepest house. He still held a black wooden staff in his hand, and his whole body exuded a richness. Cold and **** air.

"Who are you?" Xiang Dong looked at the black robe old man and asked aloud.

The black-robed old man swept his eyes around the crowd, and finally looked at Xiang Dongyin’s compassionate voice: "In the late stage of the Profound Stage, the realm is good, but there is a realm in the air, and the blood is insufficient. Refining you into a zombie is still Yes."

"You--" Xiang Dong couldn't help feeling cold when he heard the old man's words. "

Devil, who are you! "Uncle Lai screamed, protecting in front of Xiang Dong, coldly looking at the black-robed warrior.

Uncle Kang, who was on the side, also came back at this moment, protecting him in front of Geng Jie.

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