
Chapter 1764: Of Kill

"How come, who is your kid?" The black robe old man was shocked.

Chen Fei sneered: "Who am I, you don't deserve to know."

That is, Chen Fei's right fist shook, and before the black-robed old man wanted to retreat, he banged his right arm directly into pieces. One

With the sound of cracking and cracking bones, the black robe old man's entire right arm fell softly. He changed color instantly and hurriedly backed away. "

Want to escape! "Chen Fei snorted coldly, and stepped to catch up. Hei

The old man in the robe showed a look of horror, and hurriedly danced his scepter, sending out scarlet blood, like blood snakes, winding towards Chen Fei.

These blood snakes exude a strong smell of blood, unpleasant and poisonous.

But Chen Fei was not afraid at all, his eyes flickered, little flower-like flames gathered in his eyes, and then whizzed out and ran into a blood snake.

In an instant, the scorching red flames burned all the blood snakes.

Seeing this, the black-robed old man was horrified, no longer intent on fighting, turned his head and fled. only

However, under Chen Fei's hands, he had no chance of escape.

Chen Fei pointed the sword together, the Qi sword whizzed out, slashed down in the air, and directly cut the black robe old man in two.

After solving the black robe old man, the strange aura in the mountain village disappeared instantly. But all kinds of screams and shouts continued. Chen

Fei turned his head and looked around, only to realize that when he was fighting against the black-robed old man. The remaining three hairy blood corpses rushed towards the crowd. this

Engraved Geng Jie's bodyguard, Uncle Kang, and Company Captain Huang and others are fighting hard against three hairy blood corpses.

Although these blood corpses are not sane, their combat power cannot be compared with warriors in the same realm. But Uncle Kang and the others are still very difficult to deal with, and they almost can't handle it.

Seeing that Chen Fei ended the battle, he killed the black-robed old man. Gu

Not surprisingly, Captain Huang quickly shouted: "Mr. Chen, help." Chen

Flying without delay, they rushed over quickly, swish a few times, when Captain Huang and Uncle Kang almost couldn't hold them, they instantly shot, swish twice, directly beheading two hairy blood corpses. in

Yes, there was only the last long-haired blood corpse that had attacked Xiangdong and the others.

When Xiang Dong saw this, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, because Chen Fei had shown great strength. Moreover, the last long-haired blood corpse was still some distance away from him, and Chen Fei could definitely come in time to kill the blood corpse. in

Yes, Xiang Dong shouted: "Come and save me." Listen

At the call, Chen Fei, who was almost instinctively about to take action, stopped when he saw Xiang Dong, his eyes a little cold. on

It was this Dong's greed and recklessness and disobedience that led to the death of more than a dozen soldiers here. And now, he is still commanding the soldiers to block the long-haired blood corpse for him, while he shrinks behind and keeps running away.

When Xiang Dong saw Chen Fei's motionless, he couldn't help but frown. He instinctively wanted to yell at him, but then he thought of Chen Fei's skill and had to change his words: "Mr. Chen, you save me. My Xiang family will not treat you badly. Yes, when the time comes, whether it is to be appointed as an official, or a beauty with money, let you choose." Wen

That said, Chen Fei's eyes became colder. Standing in place, it seemed that there was no intention to do anything. see

When he saw the long-haired blood corpse constantly approaching him, Xiang Dong was really anxious, "Help me, save me quickly. I can give you whatever you want, quickly—"

The company commander Huang next to him seemed to understand Chen Fei's thoughts and reminded him aloud: "Mr. Chen, Xiang Dong, he belongs to the Donghai Xiang family. His grandfather was a retired general. You--"

Chen Fei moved, heading towards Xiang Dong, and said: "I naturally want to save him, but I was injured in the battle just now. It will take some time to heal now, so -" Huang

Hearing this, the company commander stopped talking. and

At this time, Xiang Dong also discovered Chen Fei's intentions, his face was full of resentment, and he gritted his teeth and said in hatred: "The name Chen, if I die, you will definitely not have good fruit. My Xiang family must not I will let you go."

Chen Fei let out a cold snort, and his gaze at Xiang Dong became even colder. and

At this time, Xiang Dong could no longer withstand the attack of the long-haired blood corpse. The soldiers can only be continuously ordered to step forward and block.

Soldiers are not fools. They would never do anything stupid to kill themselves. One

Over time, Xiang Dong's pressure increased so much that he could only grit his teeth to face the attack of the long-haired blood corpse. After all, he had the realm of the late Profound Rank, and after a few times, he didn't die for a while. Do not

However, the wounds on his body have increased one after another, but it is inevitable. only

However, in more than ten seconds, Xiang Dong's arm was torn off. He was covered in torn clothes, covered in blood, and one leg was broken. He was lying on the ground and could only crawl.

This speed, naturally, can't hide from the attack of the long-haired blood corpse. only

Seeing that fierce blood corpse raised his right arm, banged, like a heavy hammer, smashed down fiercely, and bombarded Xiang Dong's head. instant

Suddenly, it exploded with a "pop", red and white things flew around, Xiang Dong could not die anymore. Do not

In the distance, Qin Ziyu, Xie Yu, Zhang Sen and others were shocked and dumbfounded when they saw this. They were completely stunned in place and did not dare to move.

Until the hairy blood corpse moved the target and walked towards them. The complexion of several people suddenly changed, and they quickly turned and fled.

At this time, Chen Fei finally finished his "healing". He leaped and rushed to the long-haired blood corpse. With a vigorous force, he cut off the long-haired blood corpse and died instantly.

After solving the final crisis, everyone at the scene could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Many people turned pale and looked scared. Qin

Tzuyu, Xie Yu and the others were even more frightened that their legs became weak, and they fell directly to the ground, unable to stand up anymore.

Chen Fei took Sun Xi over, then found Company Chief Huang, and said, "You will handle the aftermath work. I have to go to the village to see if I can find useful clues."

"Yeah!" Captain Huang nodded, then commanded the soldiers to start the aftermath. and

Chen Fei entered the village and began to investigate carefully.

Entering the houses in the village, Chen Fei found that almost all the houses were empty, with no human figures, or even dead bodies. Following

Moving forward, he came to the last house where the black robe old man came out. Chen Fei entered it and instantly felt a cold and **** breath enveloped in it. a little

After a little investigation, Chen Fei found that these breaths came from the ground. very

Quickly, Chen Fei found the entrance to the basement and stepped on.

Chen Fei saw the scene in front of him, even if he had experienced a lot, he couldn't help being shocked at this moment.

Because, in the basement at this moment, there is a pool the size of a double bed. It's just that, at this moment, what is in the pool is not water, but a pool of rich blood. more

For the horror, in a dirt pit behind the blood pool, there were shriveled corpses. Judging from the clothing on the corpse, it should be a villager in Erlong Village.

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