
Chapter 1790: Black shadows appear

Hearing this, the black shadow shook his body visibly, obviously a little surprised, "Unexpectedly, you actually knew our organization."

That is, Sombra's voice was lowered, with a cold killing intent, "However, the more you know, the faster you die."

"Come here, die!" Sombra's voice, with an unquestionable sense of oppression, grabbed it with his big hand, and directly grabbed Chen Fei.

Upon seeing this, a touch of intolerance flashed in Geng Qingshan's eyes, and his mouth moved, trying to say something, but in the end he still did not speak.

On the contrary, it was Uncle Kang, the bodyguard, gritted his teeth fiercely, and appeared in front of Chen Fei in a rush, trying to block Chen Fei's catch from the fly, "Mr. Chen, run away!"

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei felt warm, and smiled softly: "Uncle Kang, don't worry, he can't hurt me yet."

While speaking, Chen Fei gently pulled his left hand, pulling Uncle Kang back, flicking his right hand out, and slightly forward. pause

At that time, the tip of Chen Fei's index finger touched the palm of Sombra's palm, and they collided vigorously.

But the scene where everyone imagined Chen Fei's arm being broken by the shadow did not happen. Instead, the shadow of the shadow's arm was shocked, and it was actually bounced back by Chen Fei's finger.

For this result, Sombra obviously did not expect it. Frozen for a moment, then furious, with an angry killing intent in his voice, "The kid looking for death, watch me crush you." said

During the conversation, the black shadow flew directly from the main seat, with a ghostly claw-like right hand, with fierce vigor, he grabbed Chen Fei's throat fiercely, and wanted to kill Chen Fei with a single blow. This

One blow is extremely fierce, almost with the intention of killing. but

Facing this move, Chen Fei didn't show any fear. Instead, he hummed coldly and stepped forward to greet him. "

Dare to fight back! "Shadow snorted coldly, and the fierce energy in his hand became more fierce.

At the same time, Chen Fei gave a sneer and blasted out with a punch with his right hand.

With a "touch", Chen Fei's fist collided with Sombra's claws.

Black Shadow instantly exerted force, his right hand, which was as hard as steel, with sharp nails, grabbed Chen Fei fiercely, as if he was about to grab Chen Fei's skin and flesh. but

Under the power of the black shadow, something was found in an instant. He grabbed it hard, and even Chen Fei's skin couldn't be broken, let alone the flesh and blood. "

How could it—you—" Sombra was shocked, and gritted his teeth immediately.

But at this moment, Chen Fei's face was slightly shaken, and he said coldly, "Is it just this strength? Then don't waste my time."

In the sound, a strong breath of true vitality rushed out from the face of Chen Fei's fist, directly blasting towards the arm of Sombra. The huge impact force made the shadow unable to bear at all, and there was a clicking sound from the bones of his right arm, which instantly shattered. "

what! "

The black shadow let out a scream and hurriedly backed away. but

How could Chen Fei let him succeed. With a light step, he rushed out, banging out a few punches, and quickly smashed the left arm and both legs of Sombra.

Then, Chen Fei threw the painful black figure on the ground like throwing garbage, stepped on his lower abdomen, and asked coldly, "Say, where is Geng Jie?"

Me, I won't—" Sombra is still stiff.

Chen Feisi was not polite with him, exerted force on his right leg, and struck down with a burst of energy, directly smashing the black shadow's dantian, causing him to let out a loud howl.

"My patience is limited. If you don't talk about it, you will definitely die." Chen Fei's eyes were cold and his tone was cold. sense

Under Chen Fei's terrifying killing intent, Hei Ying couldn't help but shiver at this moment, resisting the pain, and said, "I said, I said all."

Immediately, Sombra reported an address. Chen

Fei glanced at Uncle Kang, and Uncle Kang knew it, and immediately rushed out to prepare the vehicle.

And Chen Fei took the black shadow and walked out in a stride. To be

When Chen Fei walked out of the hall, everyone in the Geng family was shocked and sluggish, and then recovered from the shock and looked at the direction of the door with surprise.

"Well, what's going on?"

"Then Chen Fei, he defeated Sombra? Is this--" Ru

If Geng Hua and Geng Donglin's father and son were still confused and surprised, then Geng Qingshan at this moment was shocked. because

He has been in contact with this shadow for more than ten years, and he knows exactly how powerful the opponent is and what a terrifying existence. And just such a terrifying existence that had deterred the Geng family for more than ten years was knocked down by Chen Fei's three punches.

Geng Qingshan couldn't imagine how terrifying Chen Fei's strength was. and

Thinking of how Chen Fei was a guest at Geng's house last time, Geng Qingshan couldn't help but shudder. If Chen Fei's temper was a little bit violent, he would be angry and slaughter them Geng Jie at that time. Present

Thinking of it, Geng Qingshan couldn't help but feel cold behind his back, and he was terrified. At the same time, he sighed in his heart, "Ajie, he has made a good friend!" Geng

While Qing Shan was still feeling emotional, Geng Hua reminded: "Grandpa, they have all left, shall we follow?"

Hearing this, Geng Qingshan was awakened in an instant, and quickly nodded: "Of course I am going. Geng Jie is still in their hands. We must pass.

After speaking, Geng Qingshan rushed out immediately. Geng

Hua and Geng Donglin also hurriedly followed. The grandfather and grandson followed Chen Fei's car and drove out quickly.

In terms of it, Geng Hua and Geng Donglin were still in a trance, feeling that what happened just now seemed not really ordinary.

Upon seeing this, Geng Qingshan looked at the two men and said, "What happened just now is all true."

Dad, what the **** is going on? Brother, he was in the end--" Geng Donglin couldn't help but asked loudly. Geng

Qing Shan could not help sighing when he heard this, and said: "Your eldest brother's affairs actually existed inside. Donghai suddenly changed his temperament that year and eventually died bizarrely. Of course I was sad and unwilling, and vowed to check it out. In this matter, find the real murderer.""

At that time, I hired a lot of masters, which wasted a lot of time and money. Although it was very difficult, it took three years to finally find a clue to the murderer. ""

murderer? Those people with skull masks? "Geng Donglin said. Geng

Hua Dao: "Chen Fei called them the Skull and Bones?"

Geng Qingshan nodded and said: "Yes, this is the Skull and Bones. I found on the skull and bones. I knew that Donghai died because of them. So I invited a group of masters and prepared to fight in for the East."

"But what I never thought was that I hired more than 20 masters, but in the end I couldn't beat the other three people, and they killed the entire army."

"Then they came to my head and threatened me with destroying the Geng family, asking me not to check their affairs again, and at the same time secretly doing things for them. They are too powerful, my Geng family has no way to fight, so I can only give in-- "

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