
Chapter 2005: Threats and causes

"--Uh--" Hearing this, Chen Ziling's eyes were cold, and he looked at Duan Qingyu with cold eyes that shocked Duan Qingyu.

However, Chen Ziling immediately retracted his gaze and squatted down.

Long Zetian snorted coldly, and said: "You are my maidservant, she is my prince, so she is also your master.

She made you kneel down, didn't you understand? "

"--Squeak--" Chen Ziling's teeth creaked for a while, and the anger in his eyes was almost gushing out.

But in the end, she lowered her head, her knees slowly fell, and she was about to kneel down.

At such a critical moment, a sharp shout suddenly sounded, "Ziling, no!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Chen Ziling couldn't help but shook, then turned around, and immediately saw a figure rushing out of the crowd, his cheeks were very familiar, it was his brother Chen Fei.

"Brother, you--" Chen Ziling looked at Chen Fei.

Chen Fei rushed forward and pulled up Chen Ziling who was about to kneel.

Originally triumphant and enjoying the pleasure of oppressing Chen Ziling, Long Zetian couldn't help being surprised when he saw the sudden appearance of the figure.

When he recognized Chen Fei's cheeks, his complexion immediately turned gloomy, gritted his teeth and said, "It's you, Chen Fei!"

Chen Fei stared at Long Zetian and said in a deep voice: "Long Zetian, I warned you before, don't do anything to my junior sister, otherwise, I will definitely not be polite."

But at this moment, Chen Ziling pulled Chen Fei's clothes and whispered: "Brother, things are not what you think, I—" On the opposite side, Long Zetian's face sank immediately, looking at Chen Fei, and squinting. He said, "Chen Fei, it's you."

After a pause, he said: "You said I moved your younger sister.

You seem to have made a mistake, I didn't touch her at all! "

"The facts are in front of you, you are still arguing!"

Chen Fei stared at Long Zetian, his expression gloomy.

Long Zetian curled his lips and said, "Fact?

What you see is not necessarily the fact, and what you think is not necessarily what you think. "

"Actually, I don't have much interest in Chen Ziling at all.

Today, I accepted her as a handmaid, because she herself begged me many times, and I reluctantly agreed. "


Upon hearing this, Chen Fei said instinctively.

But Long Zetian snorted coldly, "I don't believe it, can you ask her by yourself?"

Chen Fei resisted the urge to anger in his heart, looked at Chen Ziling next to him, and asked aloud: "Ziling, what is going on?

How could you agree—" Before Chen Fei finished asking, Chen Ziling looked up at Chen Fei, bit his lip, and whispered: "Brother, this matter is really voluntary.

Just leave it alone, I will take care of this matter. "


This answer surprised Chen Fei. He looked at Chen Ziling's eyes and said, "Ziling, I don't believe it, this is definitely not true.

How could you become Long Zetian's handmaid voluntarily, is there any reason, or is Long Zetian threatening you? "

Chen Fei absolutely didn't believe that this matter would be Chen Ziling's willingness, nor did he believe Long Zetian's words just now.

Not to mention the others, just say that Long Zetian is not interested in Chen Ziling.

Just a few days ago, he frantically pursued Chen Ziling's behavior.

Under this circumstance, there is only one explanation for the whole matter, that is, there is a last resort that makes Chen Ziling have to agree to this matter.

At this time, I heard Chen Fei's question.

Sitting in the chair, Long Zetian squinted his eyes slightly, buckled his fingers on the armrest, and then said: "Ziling, do I threaten you? Please make it clear to your brother!"

"Brother, I--" Chen Ziling bit her lip, looked at Chen Fei, and started to speak, "I didn't--" However, before Chen Ziling finished speaking, Chen Fei saw Chen Ziling's embarrassed expression.

You don't have to think about it, you know that she is definitely not voluntary.

After all, Chen Fei and Chen Ziling have lived together for more than ten years since they were young, and they know them well as a younger sister.

After taking a breath, Chen Fei put his hands on Chen Ziling's shoulders, looked at Chen Ziling sincerely, and said solemnly: "Ziling, I want to know what happened.

I know that you must have a last resort for making such a choice. "

"But don't forget, I am your brother and I am your brother.

If you have anything, you can talk to me, and I will do everything possible to help you solve it. "

"If even I can't solve it, then we will go back and beg the old man to take action.

He must be able to solve the problem you encountered. "

"Ziling, don't you believe me or master?"

Chen Ziling listened to Chen Fei’s sincere words, the expression in his eyes changed for a while, and finally his expression changed, tears flowed down in his eyes, his mouth collapsed, and the cry of woof rang, "Brother, I was forced to. I—" Hearing this, Long Zetian, who was sitting in the chair, couldn't sit still. He snapped up and shouted, "Chen Ziling, you have to think carefully.

What are the consequences of your next words? "

On the other side, Long Haoyun and Zhou Mei's husband and wife, their faces sank, and they commanded their subordinates to surround them quietly, and they were about to act on Chen Fei.

However, Chen Fei's eyes swept away, and an incomparable vigor spread out, directly suffocating the Long Family's subordinates and Long Zetian to breathe, and his movements became stiff.

Then, Chen Fei helped Chen Ziling up and said softly: "Ziling, brother is here.

Don't be afraid, no matter what happens, with me, you won't be hurt. "

Chen Ziling touched a tear, stood up, raised his head and looked at Long Zetian with a confident look on his face, and said loudly, "Brother, after Long Zetian was rejected by me before, I returned to Luo. I went to my home and looked at Grandpa Luo and the others."

"Grandpa Luo has been in very bad health recently, and he often falls ill. The doctors and drugs have used a lot, but the effect is not very good.

I had a good talk with Grandpa Luo, and only then did I know that what happened in the past year has dealt a great blow to Grandpa Luo. "

"The Luo family lives by picking up **** everywhere from the great family in the capital city with boundless scenery.

Later, relying on Chen Fei's support, a good living condition was restored. "

"This time, the roller coaster-like tremendous changes have had a huge psychological impact on Grandpa Luo.

In addition, what happened to the Luo Feng, which Grandpa Luo valued most, made Grandpa Luo's heart depressed and unable to resolve it. In addition, when he was getting older, his body was worsening every day. "

"He told me that he felt he would not survive this year.

After listening, I was very worried about Grandpa Luo, and I blamed myself a little bit.

Because Luo Feng was unconscious, it was because of me.

If it wasn't for protecting me, he wouldn't have—" At this point, Chen Ziling's tears flowed down, and the gurgling cries rang.

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