
Chapter 2007: Long's hands-on

Long Zetian squinted his eyes and said solemnly, "You have to think carefully about what the consequences will be if you oppose my Long's family."

"Fight if you want, what are you doing with so much nonsense!"

Chen Fei was not afraid.

Long Zetian was furious and waved: "Give me up and kill Chen Fei."

Almost following Long Zetian's words, Long Haoyun said with a deep voice, "Everyone, today my Long family is holding a long dragon banquet, and every guest invited is a big figure in Beijing."

"And I clearly remember that among the guests of my Long Family, there was no one named Chen Fei."

"Some thieves broke into my Long family mansion privately.

At this moment, my Long family arrested the culprits, and I also invite distinguished guests to testify for my Long family. "

I have to say that Long Haoyun is indeed an old fox.

Not only did he have to deal with Chen Fei, but he also came up with such a high-sounding reason to characterize Chen Fei as a thief who broke into a private house and his own attack as the arrest of the thief.

This is not only to kill Chen Fei, but also to kill him honestly, legally and reasonably.

This is the real killing without blood.

The guests below also gave Long Haoyun a lot of face, shouting and expressing their opinions.

"Such a bold thief should break into the Dragon House privately and should be arrested."

"Any behavior that is too bad must be arrested immediately and killed."

"Evil thief commits sin, and he deserves it if he died."

... Listening to these words, Chen Fei's eyes turned around, remembering these big people who usually appeared on TV networks, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said: "I have remembered all of your words.

Afterwards, I will visit them one by one. "

Hearing that, many guests turned pale and their expressions were a little worried.

After all, Chen Fei's recent fame and record have been extremely resounding in Beijing.

Although these people are all big shots, they definitely don't want to mess with such a top martial arts master.

For a while, many people closed their mouths, and kept shrinking back, worried that Chen Fei would remember their face.

Upon seeing this, Long Haoyun said: "Dear guests, don't worry, my Long family, immediately kill the thieves to protect the lives of all the guests."

Following Long Haoyun's order, the five hundred masters instantly moved and launched a siege on Chen Fei.

Chen Fei shielded Chen Ziling behind his back, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, a wicked smile appeared, and he said, "It seems that I have to move my muscles and bones today."

The moment Chen Fei spoke, Chen Fei jumped directly into the air over ten meters.

Upon seeing this, Long Zetian suddenly shouted, "He wants to escape, stop him."

Five hundred guards approached in a clatter and gathered under Chen Fei into a huge round cake.

In the air, Chen Fei was condescending, his body's vitality aura was like a mighty ocean tide, rumbling and spreading down, with a strong shock wave, directly bombarding the guards below.

The guards had just felt a strong pressure, and before they had time to run the real element resistance, they were hit by this majestic aura.

The impact started from the center of the round cake, and a group of guards were bombarded and fell to the ground, almost too late to make a scream.

And then, with the impact point as the center of the circle, the spreading vigor spread.

The pancake-shaped guards suddenly looked like petals, and were knocked to the ground layer by layer.

In the end, a total of more than five hundred guards could not even stop Chen Fei's move, and they were all knocked to the ground.

At this time, Chen Fei put his hands behind his back, and his face calmly fell back to the ground, looking at Long Haoyun and Long Zetian, and said coldly: "Do you still want to do it?"

Suddenly, Long Haoyun and Long Zetian couldn't help but their faces became stiff, and the expressions on their faces kept changing.

Although they knew that Chen Fei was amazing, they didn't expect Chen Fei to be so amazing.

Five hundred of his family's guards were so vulnerable that he was defeated by a single move.

Of course, the guarding power of the Long Family was definitely more than that, and the real Heavenly Master didn't make any moves.

But even if they shot, Long Haoyun at the moment was a little doubtful whether they were Chen Fei's opponents.

For the sake of Chen Ziling, it is not worth it to do so.

The father and son of the Long family are still thinking about it.

The surrounding guests were so horrified at this moment, they were fixed in the distance, hardly daring to move.

Especially those guests who shouted lively just now to support the Long Family in dealing with Chen Fei.

At this moment, his face was ashes, with cold sweat on his forehead, and his legs were soft, and he could hardly stand still.

The scene was silent, Chen Fei snorted coldly when seeing no one in Long's family, turned around and took Chen Ziling's arm, and whispered: "Let's go."

Immediately, the two walked towards the outside of the living room.

The guests in the front suddenly separated like a tide, making way for them, not daring to stand in front of Chen Fei at all.

Some people even dare not look up at Chen Fei.

In the living room, Long Zetian looked at the back of the two leaving, gritted his teeth with hatred, clenched his fists and said, "Dad, is it possible to let them leave like this?"

"In this way, where do I put the face of my Long Family?"

On the side, Duan Qingyu also quickly entered the role of daughter-in-law at this moment, saying: "Dad, today is the big day of the dragon banquet for our dragon parents.

For so many years, the Long Banquet has not been so ruined.

This time, Chen Fei—" "Shut up all to me!" "

Long Haoyun's expression was very ugly, and he shouted sharply, staring at Long Zetian and Duan Qingyu.

"Can't let him go?

I also know that I can't let him go! But why don't you let him go, do you go out and stop him by yourself? "

Long Haoyun shouted in a low voice.

Long Zetian's expression changed, and then he said: "Dad, don't my Long family still have hidden masters?

Let them—" "You shut up! Those are the power left by your grandfather. They are used to do great things, not to make you jealous. "

Long Zetian reprimanded, "For a woman, to make things like this, you disappointed me too much."

"Dad, me, I didn't expect things to be like this."

Long Zetian gave an aggrieved expression, "Besides, I really fell in love with Chen Ziling.

That's why--" Duan Qingyu on the side listened to this, and the muscles on her face trembled a few times, revealing a touch of sourness, but after all, there was nothing more.

At this moment, Chen Fei and Chen Ziling had walked out of the huge living room, and their backs were about to disappear.

At this moment, suddenly, a hearty female laugh came in, "Dad, Mom, I'm back.

There is a long dragon feast today, so you won’t wait for me! "

This sound suddenly changed the atmosphere of the depressed scene, and everyone's eyes gathered at the source of the sound.

Long Zetian also froze for a moment, but then his face was filled with excitement, and his smile was brilliant, "Sister, it's sister is back."

"Dad, sister is back, then Chen Fei can't leave.

Sister, she will definitely be able to defeat Chen Fei——" While speaking, Long Zetian ran out excitedly.

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