
Chapter 2010: Ecstasy

All of a sudden, Chen Fei and Long Wutian started almost at the same time, and the two groups of extremely violent true vitality aura surged from the two of them.

From a distance, outside the Long Family Manor, it seemed that two violent little suns were about to explode and collide together.

Upon seeing this, Zou Pu and Yu Qin looked very anxious and wanted to stop them.

But the two moved too fast, and when they wanted to stop it, it was too late.

Under such circumstances, Zou Pu and Yu Qin could only evacuate the onlookers as much as possible.

Because they knew very well that Dragon Wutian and Chen Fei's level of warriors would fight each other, and the aftermath of the battle might crush the onlookers into mustard powder.

At this moment, Long Wutian, seeing Chen Fei really dared to do it with himself, Xiu eyebrows were raised fiercely, with an angry and fierce look on his face, he shouted to Chen Fei: "Dare to do it with me, you will die. thing."

In an instant, Long Wutian clothes fluttered, like a fairy descending to the earth, with a holy breath that no one can approach, and with a terrifying coercion, he abruptly oppressed Chen Fei.

Invisible, it seemed that there was a huge mountain that was about to fall from the sky, directly oppressing Chen Fei.

But at this moment, Chen Fei, facing such an offensive, had a very indifferent expression. He squinted his eyes slightly. In his right hand, the true vitality aura condensed into a small hot sun, directly facing the offensive that Long Wutian descended from the sky. .


There was a loud noise, and the two men's momentum collided together.

The majestic breath of the dragon dance seemed to crush Chen Fei.

But with a crackling sound, Long Wutian's face couldn't help but change.

The expression that had originally been extremely confident showed a look of surprise at this moment.

Because she was sure to get this move, after she hit Chen Fei's palm, she was smashed by Chen Fei's palm.

On the contrary, it was Chen Fei's palm wind, and with a violent wind, it attacked her.

"How can it be?"

Long Wutian was very surprised, but he recovered quickly and quickly took a few shots of Qi Jin to block the aftermath of Chen Fei's palm.


Feeling the power of the aftermath of this palm, Long Wutian couldn't help but his face sank. He looked at Chen Fei's face and changed a little, "This Chen Fei, his strength is stronger than I thought."

However, she snorted immediately, and the aura on her body began to gather again, ready to attack again, "The surname Chen, you angered me, next, I'm going to be true."

Below, Chen Fei's eyes flashed with a flash of coldness, a murderous intent crossed from his heart, and he said coldly: "Come on!"

With a soft drink, a light mist appeared around Long Wutian, the mist was silent, covering this area, a smear of mist entered into the person's mouth and nose, penetrated into the blood, followed the meridian, and began to move.

At the beginning, there was nothing unusual.

But staying a little longer, some warriors immediately discovered the anomaly.

After inhaling the mist, the true vitality aura in the martial arts meridians was actually affected, and when it was running, it was like a traffic jam, and it became slow.

For a time, many warriors were shocked and their expressions panicked.

Upon seeing this, Yu Qin on the side quickly appeased these martial artists and said: "Don't panic, this is a unique school of my Lingyan Pavilion. It will only affect the operation of the true essence, and it is not poisonous.

When the fog dissipates and you rest for a few hours, you will return to normal without any side effects. "

Listening to Yu Qin's words, the martial artist who was affected, was relieved.

At the same time, they looked towards the center of the fog, and couldn't help thinking about the battle scene inside.

They just sucked some mist on the outside edge, and they were so affected.

Chen Fei, who was in the middle of the fog, might have fallen to the ground and couldn't move.

At this moment, Long Wutian in the middle of the mist, watching the movements gradually slow down, Chen Fei, whose eyes are beginning to be somewhat sluggish, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he muttered to himself: "Your true vitality aura is strong, but the technique is too strong. Crude, incomparable to our heavenly sect."

"This is the true strength of my Heavenly Sect, let you see it!"

With a confident smile on his face, a soft ribbon appeared in the hands of Dragon Dance and Heavenly Jade.

It looked like a snake, surging flexibly in the mist, and finally attacked Chen Fei with a terrifying snake letter.

"This is the price of offending my Long Family!"

Looking at the ribbon about to be wrapped around Chen Fei, Long Wutian said with a smile on his mouth.

She knew very well if she was entangled with her own ribbon again when she was shrouded in her own mist.

The true vitality aura in Chen Fei's body would almost completely stop functioning.

And without the true vitality, he will be a useless person when the time comes.

Do whatever you want to do.

However, just when Long Wutian was extremely proud and thought that he had a chance to win.

Standing still in place, Chen Fei suddenly brightened his eyes, raised his right hand, and grabbed the dancing ribbon.

Upon seeing this, Long Wutian couldn't help being surprised, "How is it possible?

You are in my mist, why--" "Do you think I can't detect this little trick of yours? "

Chen Fei sneered, and commented on Long Wutian by the way, "This trick is Lingyan Pavilion's "Essence Condensing Smoke", it's not bad, but it's a pity that you just learned a semi-finished product and come out. It's ridiculous to show off."

"The true ecstasy of congealing smoke, released quietly, will let the enemy be attacked in silence.

When the enemy reacts, it is when the opponent is defeated and killed. "

"But it's ridiculous that you are fascinated and condensed.

Do you think the enemy is a fool if you just make such a large smoke?

Seeing this kind of situation, one would not know dodge and defense. "

"Losing you are still self-righteous, thinking that you will win.

Unexpectedly, this might be a trap set by the opponent. "

Chen Fei's words made Long Wutian speechless, and for a moment he was speechless.

"Come down!"

Chen Fei grabbed the right hand of the ribbon and pulled it hard, and a huge force suddenly pulled Long Wutian off the sky.

Long Wutian was shocked, and quickly wanted to fight dodge.

But compared with Chen Fei's strength, her strength seemed too weak.

With a "call", Long Wutian was directly torn off by Chen Fei and turned directly to Chen Fei's arms.

If so, Long Wutian would have to pounce frontally into Chen Fei's arms, and the surrounding mist was slowly dissipating.

If this kind of scene were seen by others, Long Wutian would not accept it anyway.

Suddenly, she gritted her silver teeth, a dagger appeared in her hand, and shouted to Chen Fei: "Let go of me, otherwise, I will kill you."

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