
Chapter 2013: Assembly training

"You should know what the sky-level sect means and how powerful the disciples of the sky-level sect are.

If you can go in and learn martial arts, even if you only study for a few years, when you come back, it will be more convenient to control the dragon family, and it will also help our dragon family grow and grow.

You--" Long Wutian was quite excited, but Long Zetian was not very interested, and said: "Sister, don't talk about it, I am not very interested in learning martial arts.

Besides, my martial arts strength has reached the prefecture-level realm, and I am also a master, enough to be used in the duny world. "

"Besides, as the prince of the Long family, few people dared to move me, so I didn't have to learn martial arts."

"Zetian, you--" Long Wutian was a little helpless.

Long Zetian smiled, took his sister's arm, and said: "Sister, if you really want to help me.

Just help me get that Chen Ziling. "

"Chen Ziling, the younger sister of Chen Fei!"

Long Wutian couldn't help frowning, "That Chen Ziling looks pretty good, but I can't find a beauty of this level in my Long family.

Why do you—" Long Zetian said coquettishly: "Sister, Chen Ziling is different from other women, I really like her.

Recently, I have been thinking about her day and night, and my heart is like a cat scratching. "

"Sister, I think this is the first time I am really tempted by a woman in more than 20 years.

If I can't get her, I feel that I don't have any thoughts to deal with family matters. "

"What you said is true?"

Long Wutian looked at his younger brother in surprise.

Long Zetian nodded seriously and said: "Sister, what I said is true.

This is a knot of my heart. If I don't untie it, I feel like a knot. "

Seeing his brother's serious eyes, Long Wutian nodded and said: "Don't worry, then Chen Ziling, I will get it for you."

"Thank you sister, sister, I love you so much."

Hearing this, Long Zetian jumped up with excitement.

"Well, you are not a kid anymore, go back and rest!"

Long Wutian smiled and said.

Long Zetian went back to the room excitedly.

Looking at his younger brother's back, Long Wutian's complexion darkened, he sighed and said, "I hope that after this matter is resolved, Zetian can mature soon.

He still needs to bear the major events of my Long family. "

Behind him, Long Haoyun didn't know when he appeared beside Long Wutian, and said in a low voice, "Wutian, I've wronged you.

For so many years, I have kept you—" Long Wutian turned to look at Long Haoyun, shook his head and said, "Dad, I am not wronged.

As a child of the Long Family, reviving the Long Family is our family’s mission and my mission.

For this, no matter what you pay is worth it. "

"Wu Tian, ​​thank you very much.

If you bear with me for a while, it won’t take long for my long family to succeed.

When the time comes, my Long Family will return, and it will be a whole new world..." At this point, Long Haoyun's eyes lighted up, his tone was a bit fanatical, and the whole person looked extremely excited.

...At the same time, Zhu Kuishan took Chen Fei and his party away from Long's house, and first let Yu Qin, Zong Han, and Zou Pu return to the hotel to rest.

Then, Zhu Kuishan looked at Chen Fei in front of him, his expression sank, and shouted: "You kid, can't you be a little restful?

When is it all, there are still troubles everywhere.

Even started with his teammates! "

"Elder Zhu, I don't want to, but I can't help it, that's why--" Chen Fei scratched his head.

Chen Ziling, who was on the side, also immediately defended Chen Fei, "Old Zhu, my brother is doing this because of me.

It's all my fault, it's me who caused my brother.

Mr. Zhu, don't punish my brother, if you want to punish, just punish me! "

"Forget it, don't take responsibility for both of you brothers and sisters.

I have learned about this, but the kid from the Long Family was too much. "

Zhu Kuishan said, "The Long Family is a descendant of the former dynasty. Although it has been a hundred years, some stinking bad habits are still rooted in their blood. They will not be able to change it for a while."

"With the Long Family, you have less contact.

No good! "

Zhu Kuishan said.

Chen Fei and Chen Ziling nodded quickly.

Upon seeing this, Zhu Kuishan finally showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said: "It's too early, I'll let you know. Don't forget the meeting tomorrow morning."

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhu, we will never forget."

Chen Fei said.

Zhu Kuishan added: "Also, your grievances should not be brought to the occasion of the special training.

Otherwise, General Xu will get angry, and no one will be able to protect you at that time, understand? "


Chen Fei nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, go back and rest!"

Zhu Kuishan waved his hand.

Chen Fei and Chen Ziling left and returned home.

Although it was late at night, Chen Fei couldn't take a break, and rushed to Luo's house with Chen Ziling to treat Luo Feng who was unconscious.

I have to say that the "white dew as frost" that Chen Fei just learned was very effective. An hour later, Luo Feng, who was unconscious, woke up leisurely.

Suddenly, the entire Luo family was excited.

Although they slept very late last night, Chen Fei and Chen Ziling got up early the next morning, washed and cleaned up, and then set off together and arrived at the meeting place.

The gathering place was in a military camp. At nine o'clock in the morning, all ten participating team members were there.

Except for Chen Fei, Chen Ziling, and Zhao Hu, the remaining seven are all members of the Heavenly Sect.

Last night, Chen Fei saw four people, and today the remaining three people also saw all of them.

There is only one person in Wushuang Building, Zou Pu who I saw last night.

There were two people in Lingyan Pavilion, Long Wutian and her junior sister Yu Qin, who had seen them all last night.

There are also two people in Juetong Temple, the dharma names Huizheng and Huiming, who are not very old, but are quite senior, and are of the same generation as Master Huizhi, the head of the Thousand Buddha Temple.

These two are from Buddhism and did not attend the banquet last night. It was the first time I saw each other today.

The remaining two people belonged to Tian Wuzong.

In addition to the burly man Zong Han I saw last night, there is also a tall, thin, and younger man named Wu Zikong.

This Zong Han and Wu Zikong looked at Chen Fei and Chen Ziling, looking rather unkind.

It seems that it was because of Zhao Yi's being deposed.

Think about it conversely, if Zhao Yi is not abolished, out of ten places, the Tianwu Sect will occupy three of them, and among the four heaven-level sects, it is also the top existence. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

As a result, Zhao Yi was abolished by Chen Fei, and the other party was naturally dissatisfied with Chen Fei and Chen Ziling.

... After some introduction, the ten people can be regarded as knowing each other.

Next, the official staff talked about the rules and key points of the special training and asked them to write them down.

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