
Chapter 2016: A few matches

But from another perspective, such an inference is inferred based on the test.

If it is really a desperate struggle, even if Zhao Hu's strength is slightly weaker, the final result may be uncertain.

After another five minutes of fighting, Zhao Hu has gradually fallen into a disadvantage.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei said, "Zhao Hu, that's enough."

When Zhao Hu heard the words, he took a step back with an unwilling face, and said, "I lost."

A sharp light flashed in Wu Zikong's eyes, and he stared at Zhao Hu fiercely, almost unable to hold back his hands.

But in the end he held back his anger, stopped the attack, hummed, and took a step back.

The final result of this competition seems to be the same as everyone initially expected.

But the process of the battle surpassed many people's imagination.

Several players from the Heavenly Sect had never expected that Zhao Hu would be able to fight Wu Zikong for so long.

At the end of the competition, Zhao Hu retired. Chen Ziling smiled and walked out, "Brother, next one, it's my turn."

Chen Ziling walked onto the competition arena, looked at each other, and said, "Who are you going to?"

Wu Zikong stared at Chen Ziling, his eyes narrowed, and he wanted to speak.

But at this time, Zong Han said: "Zikong, come back!"

He saw that Wu Zikong's consumption was not light.

And after Zhao Hu's first battle, Zong Han's evaluation of the opponents has also secretly improved.

So at this moment, he took the initiative to call Wu Zikong back.

Long Wutian also splendidly said immediately: "Junior Brother Wu, the limelight can't let you out alone.

Let us also give Lingyange a chance to perform! "

This can be regarded as a face to Wu Zikong, so that he retreats.

Immediately, Long Wutian looked at the round-faced woman next to him, and said, "Yu Qin, you go!"

"Ah, Senior Sister, I--" Yu Qin was a little panicked, obviously not ready to fight, "Senior Sister, I can't, I am not strong enough, I--" Long Wutian said solemnly: "You are Lingyan Pavilion Disciples, don’t be afraid, just perform normally."

Upon hearing this, Yu Qin had to grit his teeth and stand on the competition field.

Chen Ziling looked at this little girl who was a little shy, even a little timid, and smiled, "Are you ready?

I am about to attack. "

Yu Qin was taken aback, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. After a few seconds of silence, he opened his eyes and looked at Chen Ziling on the opposite side. He nodded and said, "I'm ready, I can start."

In such a situation, Zhao Kejin, who was watching, couldn't help but shook his head for a while, and frowned slightly, "Ling Yan Pavilion, why would you choose such a person?"

Chen Fei could understand President Zhao's words, Yu Qin's temperament seemed too timid.

In the face of battle, take a deep breath to adjust your emotions.

Now it's just her own people, Chen Ziling is not that kind of fierce person, so I gave her this opportunity.

If you really waited for the game abroad, opponents from other countries would not give her this opportunity.

Waiting for a few seconds after she took a deep breath, the opponent might have attacked with a killer move long ago.

These thoughts flashed through Chen Fei's mind. He glanced at Chairman Zhao and said, "It should be because of his specialty.

Otherwise, the people of Lingyan Pavilion would not make mistakes to select such a person. "


Mr. Zhao spoke out.

At this moment, Chen Ziling and Yu Qin in the field are fighting together.

Compared to the fierce fight between Zhao Hu and Wu Zikong just now, the battle between the two women now appears to be much gentler.

Coupled with the good looks of the two women, they look like a graceful pas de deux, which gives people a pleasing feeling.

However, after more than a dozen moves, Chen Fei squinted slightly and saw some famous people.

This Yu Qin really has special skills. Although she is timid, she doesn't have much combat experience.

But from her battles one by one, it can be seen that her talent is very high.

The level of mastery of every move and the timing of the use of it are almost all at the right time, without any mistake.

Certain moves Yu Qin used were even better than those of Longwutian when Chen Fei and Longwutian fought yesterday.

Each of these tricks was extremely accurate and subtle, which made up for Yu Qin's lack of combat experience, and made her and Chen Ziling compete for a while.

Zhao Kejin on the side also saw Yu Qin's specialties at this moment, with an extremely surprised look on his face, and couldn't help but say: "This Yu Qin, the talent is too terrifying, no wonder Ling Yange would choose her."

Chen Fei also nodded aside, expressing agreement.

Anyone who can be selected is a genius with excellent talent, but Yu Qin is even more powerful than these geniuses.

It can be said that this is a natural martial arts genius and the darling of heaven.

With this kind of talent, even if Yu Qin just casually relentlessly, it is definitely not a joke to become China's top 20 master within 30 to 40 years.

Of course, she also has a problem, that is, lack of combat experience and timidity.

Especially the factor of timidity, if the combat experience can be compensated by subtle moves.

Then the timid character will really affect Yu Qin's strength.

Because of his timidity, Yu Qin hardly initiates a fierce attack on his own initiative, and his fighting method is mainly defense.

When encountering dangerous moves, he will almost only choose to dodge and retreat, and never choose to play with injury for injury.

Moreover, once injured, Yu Qin's character will be greatly affected, and his combat ability will directly drop by a level.

At this moment, the situation on the competition field reflected this.

After shaking for a while, Chen Ziling also discovered Yu Qin's problem, so he intensified his attack and started a fierce attack.

As a result, Yu Qin was caught off guard and soon couldn't resist, and finally voluntarily surrendered and was defeated.

After the opponent conceded, Chen Ziling immediately stopped and apologized to Yu Qin: "Sister Yu, I hurt you just now. I'm sorry!"

Compared to Long Wutian, Chen Ziling obviously has a better impression of Yu Qin.

Yu Qin shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter, this is a martial arts contest, your behavior is normal.

I am too weak, not your opponent. "

Seeing Yu Qin going on, Long Wutian on the side glared at her, and shouted, "Shut up, it's not embarrassing enough!"

Suddenly, Yu Qin didn't dare to continue speaking, lowered his head and stepped aside.

Zhao Kejin sighed softly at this moment and said: "Yu Qin is a good seed. As long as she overcomes her cowardice in character, the strength she can display will definitely exceed her imagination.

It's just okay, now the time is too short to train and let her overcome her timidity. "

Chen Fei said from the side: "The time is not too short. If there is special training, there is still a chance."

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