
Chapter 2040: Face-changing Chen Fei

Feeling the change in Chen Fei's aura, Yu Qin's heart suddenly felt a chill of fear.

If Chen Fei felt harsh and indifferent at the hotel just now, then the feeling Chen Fei gave her now was evil and oppression.

Especially the corners of Chen Fei's slightly raised mouth, the evil smile that looked like a devil, made Yu Qin's heart cold, and her body could not help but tremble slightly, "Mr. Chen, this, this kind of joke is not funny at all.

Let's start training, I will train well and will not be lazy! "

"Training! Haha, no, no need at all."

Chen Fei sneered, and continued to approach Yu Qin, with an icy chill in his eyes, "Because of you Yu Qin, you are about to die."

When he said this, the chill in Chen Fei's eyes suddenly broke out and turned into an indifferent killing intent. He shot directly at Yu Qin, making Yu Qin as if he had fallen into an ice cave, cold and frozen. In place.

"No, Mr. Chen, you, you—" Yu Qin trembling, his teeth trembled constantly because of fear, "Mr. Chen, I have no grievances with you, you, why are you killing me?"

"No grievances and no enmity?"

Chen Fei snorted coldly, looked at Yu Qin full of resentment, and said in a cold voice, "You are Long Wutian's junior. Long Wutian has always held a grudge against me. The night after he went down the mountain, he wanted to do something to me.

Later, I attacked my junior sister and friends again, this kind of woman, I can't spare her. "

"And you, as Long Wutian's junior, are also her accomplices and helpers.

In this way, you are my enemy, do you still need a reason to kill you? "

Chen Fei said coldly.

When Yu Qin heard the words, his face was pale with fright, and he waved his hand and explained: "Chen, Mr. Chen, I have no malice against you.

My elder sister is not that kind of person, I, I have always respected you very much, I--" "Do you think it is still useful to say this kind of thing now? "

Chen Fei said coldly, at this moment, he is less than five meters away from Yu Qin.

Suddenly, he raised his right hand, and a burst of air burst out instantly, hitting Yu Qin's chest.

Yu Qin felt the terrifying killing intent of this qi glow, his complexion changed drastically, and he did not dare to stay.

Wiping Yu Qinfei's qi glow, he hit a thick giant tree in the back, cut off the tree directly, and collapsed with a bang.

Such a situation made Yu Qin's heart horrified, knowing that what Chen Fei wanted to kill himself was true.

Suddenly, a strong sense of crisis and desire to survive made Yu Qin turn around and flee.

No matter what else, he rushed directly into the dense woods.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei gave a cold snort and immediately chased him up, "Do you think you can escape?"

While chasing, Chen Fei aroused a burst of qi glow, chasing Yu Qin like a storm and shooting intensively.

Yu Qin frantically aroused Zhen Yuan, and desperately fled in the woods. At the same time, she shouted, "Chen Fei, I am a disciple of Lingyan Pavilion and a member of the participating team.

You kill me, you can't escape! "

Chen Fei smiled and said, "If they don't know that you are dead, then there is no question of whether I can escape or not."

"Don't know I'm dead?"

Yu Qin was taken aback, then he thought of something, and his face changed drastically.

Chen Fei said at the same time: "Finally understand! Why did I fool you into this deep mountain and old forest? That's the reason."

In an instant, Yu Qin's face was as pale as paper.

Such deep mountains and old forests, if you really die here, it is almost impossible for anyone to find out.

At that time, even if Lingyange's senior officials and superiors suspected the matter, there was no evidence, and Chen Fei could not be arrested at all.

Thinking of this, Yu Qin couldn't help but feel a sense of despair in her heart, and her whole body shuddered.

"Don't run away, you can't run away."

Chen Fei's horrible and icy cry, at this moment, was like the cry of the death **** of hell, every word looked terrifying.

Seeing Chen Fei getting closer and closer, Yu Qin was terrified, but her survival instinct made her try to calm herself down.

According to the current situation, she is not as good as Chen Fei in terms of escape speed or combat experience. If this continues, she will undoubtedly die.

Therefore, the only way at present is to use the terrain of the mountains and forests to escape, perhaps fortunately to escape Chen Fei's pursuit, and win a chance.

Thinking of this, Yu Qin vaguely remembered that when he went up the mountain just now, there seemed to be a mountain stream on the right side.

If you can escape there, through the mountain stream, there may be a glimmer of life.

Thinking of this, Yu Qin gritted his teeth fiercely, resisting the fear in his heart, while dodges Chen Fei's offensive, while changing direction, he ran towards the mountain stream on the right.

"Want to escape?

You can't escape. "

Behind him, Chen Fei sneered.

In this way, the two of them swiftly shuttled through the mountains and forests one after the other.

Chen Fei's attacks became more and more violent, and as the distance narrowed, the accuracy of Chen Fei's attacks continued to improve.

Several times, he almost blasted Yu Qin, and finally, relying on Yu Qin's extremely strong talent and sense of smell, he escaped Chen Fei's attack in a snap.

Running wildly, Chen Fei had chased after Yu Qin less than fifty meters away, and he screamed with a whistling wind.

At this moment, Yu Qin saw a mountain stream in front of him, his eyes could not help showing a hint of hope, and the speed at his feet increased a bit, "The mountain stream is coming, as long as I jump into the stream, there is a possibility of escape."

As he rushed towards the mountain stream, Yu Qin felt that his heart was about to jump out.

Near, getting closer and closer, Yu Qin felt that he could hear the sound of the ding-dong of the stream.

"There is a dead end ahead, you have no way to escape."

Chen Fei's voice came from behind.

Yu Qin's heart beating wildly, ignoring other things, gritted his teeth and rushed towards the mountain stream, wanting to jump down.

But when she rushed to the edge of the mountain stream and saw the stream below, her pupils couldn't help but shrank sharply, her eyes showed a look of horror, and she braked desperately to stop her rushing impact.

Because at this moment, under the mountain stream in front of her, there is only a small stream less than three meters wide.

Moreover, the water flow in this season is not large, and the creek has dried up by half, and is now only more than one meter wide.

The depth of the stream, not to mention it, is only about half a meter to one meter deep.

In this case, Yu Qin jumped from a height of tens of meters, and even if he could accurately fall into the stream, there would only be a dead end.

But while Yu Qin was delayed, Chen Fei chased after him, with a smirk at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Want to jump into the river and escape?

Haha, do you think I would not consider this? "

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