
Chapter 2042: Real special training

But at this moment, suddenly, she felt a big hand grabbing her right leg, and then a huge force struck Yu Qin directly, and with a whirr, she pulled her back, and finally "bang" He fell on the grass on the edge of the cliff.

The pain from her back being squeezed by a stone and the skin's cracking made Yu Qin recover from the confusion and doubts.

She opened her eyes, looked at the surroundings, and found that she was not dead.

Then, a shadow appeared before her eyes, and Yu Qin looked up and recognized Chen Fei's familiar face.

Suddenly, Yu Qin was shocked and thought of something.

Chen Fei deliberately refused to let me die because he wanted to insult me.

No, I can't let him succeed.

Thinking of this, Yu Qin panicked with a look of determination in his eyes, closed his mouth, and prepared to bite his tongue and kill himself.

But at this moment, Chen Fei squeezed her chin and said coldly: "The special training is over, you don't have to kill yourself."

"Ah, special training?

It's over, what do you mean? "

Yu Qin never recovered.

Chen Fei lifted her up, and said: "I mean, everything just now was a special training for you."

"Here, I—" Yu Qin gradually understood what was going on, and looked at Chen Fei's face, a little changed, "So, Mr. Chen, you just pretended to be like that on purpose. Doing your hands on me is also testing me? "

"It's not only a temptation, but to drive you into a desperate situation, to stimulate your survival instinct, so that you can exert your strongest fighting ability."

Chen Fei said.

After Yu Qin listened, the ferocious and greedy look of Chen Fei came to mind just now, and he looked at the gentle Chen Fei in front of him, and she couldn't combine the two images of Chen Fei.

Chen Fei now and Chen Fei just now, which one is his true face.

If the situation just now was acting, it would be too similar.

Or, Mr. Chen really has that kind of thought for me. This—Chen Fei looked at the little girl with a change of face, and was confused, "This little girl, what is thinking! Why do I feel the way she looks at me, Something is not right!"

"Ahem, it's late, let's go down the mountain!"

Chen Fei coughed and said to Yu Qin.

After hearing the sound, Yu Qin came back to his senses, and quickly followed Chen Fei's pace and moved forward.

However, as soon as she moved around at this moment, she couldn't help but let out a cry of pain, and her body almost fell to the ground.

When she was struggling with life and death just now, she didn't even care about the wound on her body.

But now he relaxed, and the pain from various wounds hit, making Yu Qin a little unbearable for a while.

Chen Fei, who was walking in the front, heard the call and turned around to see Yu Qin, who was flushed with pain on his face.

After blinking, Chen Fei walked up to Yu Qin, leaned down, and reached towards Yu Qin with his arms.

Seeing this, Yu Qin couldn't help but was taken aback, "You, what are you going to do?"

With both arms, he hugged Yu Qin into his arms, then Chen Fei got up and walked forward, "You are injured, and you can't move. I will take you down the mountain."

"This is not so good, I, I—" Feeling the temperature of Chen Fei's chest and strong arms.

Yu Qin's cheeks reddened for a while, and her body became a little soft.

At this moment, she seemed unable to combine the gentle person in front of her with the fierce and evil image just now.

"Chen Fei is pretty good.

It doesn't seem like what the senior sister said! "

"No, maybe he did it.

The fierce appearance just now is his body. "

"But, he is really gentle, and the fight just now is a special training for me, and it is also for my own good!"

"No, no.

Yu Qin, he is the enemy of Senior Sister, and also yours. How can you—" "However, it seems that Senior Sister’s incident is the Long Family's fault first! "

………In this way, Yu Qin had a burst of contradictory thoughts.

Unconsciously, Chen Fei hugged Yu Qin, came to the foot of the mountain, and returned to the vehicle.

Instead of starting the car right away, Chen Fei went to the trunk, raised a medical kit, came to Yu Qin's side, and said, "I'll treat your injury first."

With that, Chen Fei became busy.

Because there are many injuries on his body, many of them are even closer to private parts, which not only makes Yu Qin feel shy.

But at the same time, a warm feeling slowly emerged in her heart.

After healed the injury, Chen Fei sent Yu Qin back to the hotel.

Then he went to the clan committee and reported the relevant situation.

The next day, the Clan Committee will send professional personnel to inspect and assess Yu Qin.

Chen Fei's special training work has also come to an end.

Back in the villa, Chen Fei was not idle, and gave Chen Ziling some guidance and special training.

During this period of time, Chen Ziling felt a little embarrassed by being targeted several times.

Somehow he is a heavenly master, one of the members of the participating team.

In the end, he was stunned and threatened, which is really unreasonable.

Therefore, Chen Ziling practiced hard, not asking for much help from himself, but asking not to delay Chen Fei's retreat in the competition.

In this regard, Chen Fei was very pleased and gave Chen Ziling a serious guide.

On this day, Chen Fei had just finished guiding Chen Ziling and lay back on the sofa, ready to take a rest.

But at this moment, a phone call came in, "Mr. Chen, it's not good, Mr. Wei has something wrong."

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei instantly jumped up from the sofa with a serious expression, "What's the matter?

What happened to Wei Ling? "

For a while, Chen Fei's opponents appeared in his mind, and his eyes became cold.

Shao Donghua, Long Family, Skull and Bones, or others... Just as Chen Fei was thinking about it, the voice on the other end of the phone quickly said: "Mr. Chen, there is a problem with the business of Autumn Shipping. Mr. Wei will go to negotiate with each other. , There was a conflict."

"Autumn shipping problem!"

Chen Fei was taken aback, and then he was relieved. If it were a commercial conflict, it would not be that serious.

Immediately, he hurriedly said: "Where is Chief Wei?

I'll go over immediately. "

The other party reported the address, and Chen Fei went out immediately and hurried over.

Half an hour later, Chen Fei arrived at a company. Looking at the big characters "Duan's Heavy Industry" on the signboard at the entrance of the company, Chen Fei couldn't help frowning, thinking of something, "Duan's Heavy Industry! It belongs to Long's family." In-laws, the family of Long Zetian's fiancee Duan Qingyu.

In autumn shipping, when did you start business with the Duan family? "

He was puzzled, but Chen Fei didn't delay his time and walked into the building of Duan's Heavy Industry.

Under the leadership of the receptionist, Chen Fei came to the reception room on the third floor. Just after entering, Chen Fei saw Wei Ling sitting on the sofa with a gloomy face. Opposite her, sitting a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes. An expression of disapproval.

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