
Chapter 2044: Tasks of the participating teams

Duan Qingyu said unabashedly upon hearing the words: "Sorry, foreign customers first.

You guys, wait.

Of course, if you don't want to wait, you can terminate the contract.

Duan's heavy industry can still afford a little liquidated damages. "

"You--" Wei Ling was full of anger, but she had nowhere to go.

Chen Fei frowned too, then looked at Duan Qingyu and Duan Yunshan, and said, "Ms. Duan, Miss Duan.

If the two are doing this deliberately because of Long Zetian's affairs, I would advise them not to be stunned by anger and lose their heads because of small mistakes. "

"I heard that Duan's heavy industry has a military background, and its rapid development is also inseparable from the military's support."

"Under this background, Duan's Heavy Industry has sold giant cargo ships to islanders.

And even if it does not hesitate to breach the contract, it must be sold to them in advance.

Such an act, if it is passed to the military, I don't know what the leaders would think of Duan's Heavy Industry. "

After listening to Chen Fei's words, Duan Yunshan's complexion couldn't help but heaved a little, and his brows wrinkled lightly.

Duan Qingyu, who was on the side, bumped his father lightly, then looked at Chen Fei proudly, and said: "Our Duan Clan's approach, Chen Fei's not your turn to point fingers."

"As for the military industry, that is our secret, and you don't need Chen Fei to worry about it."

Hearing this, Chen Fei couldn't help but raised his eyebrows, and ignored Duan Qingyu. Instead, he looked at Duan Yunshan and asked aloud, "Does President Duan think so too?"

Duan Yunshan was silent for a while. After a few seconds, he nodded and looked at Chen Fei and said, "Qingyu's decision is my decision."

Hearing that, Chen Fei nodded, and looked at the opposite two seriously, "I understand.

That being the case, the Duan family is waiting to go to court! "

Then, Chen Fei looked at Wei Ling and said, "Sister Ling, let's go."

Wei Ling nodded, got up immediately, followed Chen Fei, and left the reception room together.

In the reception room, Duan Yunshan watched Chen Fei and Wei Ling's departure from the back, and on his firm faces just now, there was a look of worry at this moment. He looked at his daughter next to him and said, "Is it really okay?"

Chen Fei is not easy to mess with. "

Duan Qingyu was extremely confident, and the look in the direction of Chen Fei's back still contained a hint of resentment, "Dad, don't worry about it.

With the support of the Long Family in this operation, nothing will happen at all. "

"But, the Long Family is now--" Duan Yunshan was still a little worried.

Duan Qingyu hugged his father's arm and said with a smile: "Dad, don't worry.

Don't forget, there is more than one Long Family in the Long Family, there are also Long Wutian in Lingyan Pavilion, and foreign friends that Long Wutian knows.

They are all very powerful, and nothing will happen. "

"Look forward to their success!"

Duan Yunshan nodded, but he was still inexplicably worried.

But Chen Fei and Wei Ling, who left Duan's Heavy Industry at the moment, returned to the car. Wei Ling looked at Chen Fei with a look of incomprehension on her face and said, "Really just forget it, don't talk about it anymore?"

Chen Fei shook his head and said solemnly: "There is no need to talk about it. Duan Yunshan has done this step. They will not change their minds."

"You must know that Duan's heavy industry has a military background, and many equipment will also involve military technology.

Therefore, the export of large, large or new equipment is subject to strict inspection and control. "

"But now, Duan Yunshan is willing to take such a risk and also breach the contract. I think there is no room for negotiation."

Upon hearing this, Wei Ling couldn't help showing a little anger, and said: "Why did he Duan Yunshan do this?

At the risk of military industry leaking secrets and affecting the reputation of his company, he must also compensate for liquidated damages.

What are the benefits of doing something that harms others and disadvantages you? "

Speaking of this, Chen Fei couldn't help being silent for a while.

He also didn't understand why the Duan family did so.

Is it just to avenge myself.

If this is the case, it is also somewhat unreasonable.

After all, the greatest harm to this approach is that it only causes the Autumn Group to lose some business, and it does not cause much harm to Chen Fei himself.

After thinking about it, there was really no clue. Chen Fei could only leave the Duan family's affairs behind, and then discuss the next countermeasures with Wei Ling.

While contacting customers, extend the delivery time; while contacting major shipping companies to buy or lease vessels to help transport.

The worst result is that this time the freight order breached the contract and compensated for the loss of the customer.

For the Autumn Group, it's not a big loss, let alone hurting one's muscles and bones.

Regarding the company, after Chen Fei and Wei Ling set the framework together, Wei Ling went back to the company and went busy.

Chen Fei returned home and hadn't stayed for three days.

A notice from the clan committee summoned him and Chen Ziling.

When he came to the clan committee, Chen Fei found that Huizheng, Huiming, Zou Pu, Yu Qin and others were all present, and even Zong Han of the Tianwu Sect and Wu Zikong, who had his leg broken, appeared in the assembled team.

"It seems that there is a task arrangement for our participating team."

Chen Fei thought.

Zou Pu rushed up enthusiastically and greeted Chen Fei with a smile.

Zhao Hu also stood beside Chen Fei and said hello with a smile.

Huizheng and Huiming gestured with Chen Fei's eyes and said hello.

The gaze that Yu Qin looked at Chen Fei at this moment was a bit strange.

Originally, because of Sister Long Wutian's affairs, her impression of Chen Fei was not good.

But after the special training a few days ago, Chen Fei's image in her heart changed a little unknowingly.

The remaining Zong Han and Wu Zikong looked at Chen Fei at this moment, and they looked very strange, even a bit awkward.

Because Zong Han and Wu Zikong all have hatred with Chen Fei, especially Wu Zikong, who was interrupted by Chen Fei's legs. Seeing Chen Fei at the moment, he still feels some faint pain in his legs.

But after talking to the head Duan Guzhou last time, Duan Guzhou's warning made Zong Han and Wu Zikong curious and afraid of Chen Fei's identity.

Although there was still some unforgettable hatred in his heart, he didn't dare to show it like before.

Therefore, seeing Chen Fei's arrival at this moment, the two of them immediately turned their eyes elsewhere and did not make eye contact with Chen Fei at all.

After the people greeted each other, Zhao Kejin immediately appeared in front of everyone, glanced at the people, coughed, and said: "Everyone is here, then I'm announcing the news."

"Today, when you are called here, there is a special task for you to carry out."


When the participating team members heard this word, they couldn't help but change their color slightly, looked at each other, and then looked at Zhao Kejin with expectation and curiosity.

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