
Chapter 2055: Send someone to kill

Suddenly, Zou Pu seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help but say: "Chen Fei, you have this level of strength.

You can leave alone, your survivability is much better than ours. "

Chen Fei said lightly: "I said, I will stay.

I hope everyone will work together, and I believe that we will win. "

After listening to Chen Fei's words, the faces of all the players on the scene changed.

The four of Huizheng, Huiming, Zong Han and Wu Zikong, who did not express their opinions, barely hesitated at this moment, and said: "We will stay too!"

If you say, just now they were still worried that they would die if they stayed.

So now, Chen Fei has demonstrated his great strength, and on the one hand, it has strengthened everyone's confidence.

On the other hand, it also encouraged everyone.

After all, Chen Fei could completely abandon them and leave by himself.

But he stayed, and the rest, what reason do they have to leave?

Thinking of this, everyone's aura was encouraged, and the true vitality rose again, "We will win!"

All of a sudden, the protective shield radiated brilliantly, and its power increased several times, blocking the bombs coming from the bombing.

At the same time, Long Haoyun, who was wearing a dragon robe on the giant wheel, didn't look so good at the moment.

Because, someone around him came to report: "Master, I—" However, before he could finish speaking, Long Haoyun screamed, and taught him: "What do you call me?"

"Old-no, emperor, emperor! Report to the emperor, we have checked the warship's signal.

We still have at most twenty minutes. If we don't leave, we will be chased by warships and there is no possibility of escape. "


Long Haoyun's complexion was dark, and he looked at the explosion of fire on the platform with an angry expression, gritted his teeth and said, "I want them to die, at least Chen Fei, he killed my son, I want him to die, must!

Looking at Long Haoyun with a grim face, his subordinates wanted to persuade something, but in the end they closed their mouth obediently.

At this time, the protective cover on the platform was shining brilliantly, blocking another round of explosions.

Through the flames, you can see Chen Fei and others on the platform, still safe and sound.

Upon seeing this, the expression on Long Haoyun's face was terribly gloomy, and he said, "Send someone over and kill Chen Fei."

"Yes, the emperor!"

The subordinates didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately went to make arrangements.

Soon, the artillery shells stopped, and the environment that had been exploding and rumbling continuously restored a rare calm at this moment.


what happened? "

"What does Long Haoyun want to do?"

"Still, our reinforcements are here!"

………For a time, the team members began to guess.

But at this moment, everyone saw several black shadows, jumped down from the huge wheel, took the speedboat, and quickly approached here.

"someone is coming!"

"Bombs don't work, they have to use people to do it!"

...... Chen Fei gave an order, "Protect the hostages and prepare to meet the enemy."

In less than three minutes, the speedboat approached the platform, and more than a dozen black shadows jumped up from the speedboat and landed on the platform. With a glance, they were about to attack.

"Face the enemy!"

Chen Fei screamed and rushed up at the same time.

Suddenly, the two sides rushed together, and the battle became a ball.

Under the fight, the team members were surprised to find that these shadows were very powerful, and they all reached the realm of heaven, even no less than them.

Under the fight, it was impossible to tell the top and the bottom for a while.

In the back, the speedboat was constantly approaching, and the opponent's personnel continued to increase.

Among them, some foreigners with blond hair and blue eyes can obviously be seen.

Obviously, this should be a helper invited by Long Haoyun.

The number of opponents has increased to more than 20, and almost all of the team members will be one against two.

Gradually, the players fell into a disadvantage and were beaten back and forth.

Although all the team members are clenching their teeth, there are too many opponents. Coupled with resisting the bombardment of so many bombs just now, everyone's true vitality has been consumed a lot, and now they are getting weaker in the fight.

Seeing that the situation fell into a downwind, at a critical moment, Chen Fei's eyes were cold and he shouted, and the energy in his body suddenly burst out, "Cover your ears."

Although the team members did not understand why Chen Fei was doing this, they had no objection and immediately covered their ears with their hands.

Those who are inconvenient to move with their hands will immediately activate the vitality aura, sealing off their sense of hearing.

Afterwards, everyone saw that Chen Fei suddenly roared to the sky.

An invisible sound wave impacted, and the team members faintly heard wisps of noisy and demon-like whispering sounds, and suddenly felt a sting in their heads, and their eyes were slightly blurred.

The enemy at this moment was not prepared, and was directly impacted by Chen Fei's attack.

Suddenly, all the fierce enemies suddenly seemed to have been hit by the fixation technique, standing still.

Then, one by one, covering their heads, they screamed in pain, and the eyes were full of scarlet red.

Some people even scratched a piece of scalp because of too much force, and it was immediately bloody.

Chen Fei wouldn't miss this opportunity and immediately attacked.

One after another, the breath screamed, hitting the enemy's vital parts fiercely and decisively, killing them with one blow.

More than 20 enemies, just like this, all died, thumping and falling into the sea, disappearing without a trace.

As a result, none of the players and opponents expected it.

Chen Fei looked serious and didn't say much.

Just now, he forcibly broke the blood devil bell sound, relying on the spirit of attacking the enemy, let them appear out of control, and then killed them.

But Chen Fei's spiritual cultivation is just getting started, not so powerful.

Forcibly breaking out in this way, the consumption of one's own spirit is also great.

As for the other stunts, although they are powerful, in this narrow area where the enemy and the enemy are mixed, the attack effect cannot be as good as the sound of the blood devil bell.

For a while, Chen Fei was slightly distracted, "After going back this time, it seems that I have to look for ways to cultivate spiritual power and strengthen spiritual power."

Just when Chen Fei was distracted, Long Haoyun's expression on the giant wheel was very ugly. He didn't expect that the people he sent would be wiped out by Chen Fei. He was furious and shouted angrily: "Send someone again, go Kill that Chen Fei, kill him!"

The subordinate whispered: "The emperor, we no longer have a heavenly master."

"What-how is it possible!"

Long Haoyun couldn't believe it, but then had to believe it again.

Heavenly master, that is the existence of the pinnacle of martial arts.

It is extremely difficult to reach this state.

Relying on years of accumulation and spending a huge amount of money, the Long Family managed to train and buy a total of 26 Heavenly Masters.

But now, his Heavenly Masters, except for the two masters who were in charge of guarding him, all the other 24 were dead, and almost all died in Chen Fei's hands.

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