
Chapter 2059: ?Above the meeting

"Ah, this, is this true?"

Although he heard Zhao Kejin's explanation clearly, for a while, everyone still couldn't believe it.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Kejin smiled and said, "Of course it is true. Otherwise, do you think why General Xu will appear at a critical moment! In fact, General Xu has already arrived and has been silently watching your performance."

Hearing this, the faces of the players couldn't help but change.

Especially Wu Zikong and Zong Han, who couldn't help looking at Chen Fei at this moment, showing a look of gratitude.

After all, at the time they advocated running away separately, and in the end it was Chen Fei who tried his best to let them stay.

If they really ran away at that time, this kind of thing would fall into the eyes of General Xu, I am afraid that it would leave bad insidiousness, and even disqualification from the competition would be something that might happen.

At this moment, Xu Junshan on the stage, looking at the surprised team members, coughed lightly and said: "Okay, the special training will be discussed later.

Now, start to announce the Long Family's rebellion. "

Hearing this, the scene fell silent for a while, everyone's expressions became serious, and they looked at Xu Junshan on the stage.

Xu Junshan didn't have any delays, straight to the point, and directly explained the causes and consequences of the incident in detail, "I first noticed the special actions of the Long Family, it was five years ago, at that time..." Chen Fei and the others listened quietly. Then, I slowly sorted out the cause and effect of the whole thing in my mind.

It turned out that when the country was founded, the rebellion that took place in the Long family did leave a very bad impression in the minds of the senior management.

Although the Long Family was a lot low-key afterwards, after all, the Long Family's special identity, coupled with such a rebellious thing, would naturally not be easy to forgive.

Therefore, over the past few decades, the high-level officials have deliberately or unintentionally pressed the Long Family, and they have not allowed the Long Family to enter the military and political circles.

Originally, with the rich family background of the Long family, even if it did not enter the military and political circles, it was definitely more than enough to be a wealthy businessman and provide a wealthy life for the whole family.

The Long Family did indeed do so.

Over the past few decades, the things of that year have been slowly diluted by time.

The development of the Long Family has also grown silently.

The high-level restrictions on the Long Family have also been relaxed.

These measures were originally a kind of reward from the senior management for the Long Family's low-key contributions over the years.

But what made the senior officials unexpected was that five years ago, by chance, someone revealed that a dragon sleeve was enshrined in the inner hall of the Long Family.

Not long after this incident came out, it was soon suppressed by the Long Family. He was not a person who knew it, and had no idea that it had happened.

Although the Long Family moved quickly, the senior management must have captured this information, and they couldn't help thinking about the Long Family's rebellion decades ago.

As a result, the senior management secretly put the Long Family on the review list.

In this way, after five years, the Long Family is still low-key and there is no abnormal activity.

Such behavior made even the higher-ups uncontrollably relax their vigilance, thinking that the inner temple dragon robe incident that year was just a coincidence.

Even considered removing the Long’s family from the review list.

But just a few months ago, when Xu Junshan was dealing with foreign warriors to investigate, he inadvertently found a clue related to the Long Family, and found the Long Family along the way.

It turned out that the Long Family hadn't given up on it all these years.

Under the superficial low-key, he secretly contacted the descendants of the old royal family, and even colluded with foreign forces in an attempt to restore his own Dragon family dynasty.

Xu Junshan immediately reported the important news and began a secret investigation and surveillance of the Long's family.

Although there are relevant clues, it is not so easy to actually catch the evidence of the Long Family's rebellion and to dig out people who have connections with him.

Therefore, Xu Junshan has been secretly investigating the Long Family in the past few months.

Originally, according to the original plan, the Long Family's launch would not be so fast.

However, the conflict between Chen Fei and Long Zetian happened, and the bomb of the Long Family was ignited at once, allowing the Long Family to start the action ahead of schedule, which gave Xu Junshan a chance to seize the evidence of the Long Family.

At the beginning, Zhao Kejin and the others learned that the Long Family was going to launch, their original intention was to let Chen Fei and the others quit and set up a trap to kill the Long Family in one fell swoop.

But Xu Junshan happened to think of the special training at this moment, so he simply combined the two, combined the special training and setting traps for the Long family, and handled them together.

Thus, there is the task of rescuing the hostages on the offshore drilling platform.

One purpose of this task is to use Chen Fei as a bait to draw the Long Family out and let them start in advance; the other purpose is to use this opportunity to exercise the players' actual combat ability.

After hearing the cause and effect of the whole incident, the team members were a little dumbfounded for a while, filled with emotion, and could not speak for a long while.

After more than ten seconds, Zou Pu said with emotion: "It turns out that we are all just chess pieces."

Wu Zikong dodged his face, muttered, and said: "Such a dangerous special training mission, is it really not afraid of accidents, if we die there—" Xu Junshan's expression sank before he finished speaking, and he shouted loudly. , Reprimanded: "It's not dangerous, is it still called special training?"

"I know that you are all the pride of heaven, the elites of various sects, and the geniuses praised from childhood to adulthood.

But what I want to tell you is that this international young warrior contest is not as simple as you think. "

"This is not a game, but a battle.

Once the battle begins, your opponents will not show mercy to your subordinates, and their fierceness will only be more powerful than this special training. "

"There is one more data, I want to tell you.

That is, in previous competitions, the death rate of contestants exceeded 50%.

You must be mentally prepared for this! "

Hearing such words, the faces of the team members couldn't help but all became dark, and their expressions became grim.

Wu Zikong pressed his mouth tightly and stopped talking.

The atmosphere at the scene was tense, only Chen Fei's expression seemed relatively normal. That was because he had already put the game in such a position in his heart, so he was naturally not surprised by Xu Junshan's words.

Suddenly, a light flashed in his mind, thinking of something, he raised his head to look at Xu Junshan, and said: "General Xu, people from the Long family, what's the situation now?"

Xu Junshan looked at Chen Fei, and then said: "Everyone, including Long Haoyun, has been arrested and is now undergoing interrogation."

"All were arrested, including Long Wutian?"

Chen Fei asked.

Xu Junshan said solemnly: "Not included."

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