
Chapter 2062: Set off

A few days later, Chen Fei and Chen Ziling, as well as Zhao Hu, Zong Han and other participating team members, a total of nine people, appeared at a military airport in the northern suburbs.

Today is the day when everyone set off to participate in the International Youth Warrior Competition in the United States.

This time, it was Chen Fei and their old acquaintance Zhao Kejin, who was in charge of the team to participate in the competition.

After rigorous inspection, the nine people now all put on the same uniform, standing bravely in front of an airplane.

With his hands on his back, Zhao Kejin looked at the crowd, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, nodded and said: "Yes, the mental state is very good."

"We are about to start. Do you have confidence in this competition?"

Zhao Kejin asked.


A tidy call sounded, and the nine people were refreshed with good demeanor.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Kejin nodded and said, "It's good if you have confidence. Now, everyone is ready to board the plane and set off."

The crowd offered salutes and boarded the planes one by one. Then, accompanied by the sound of rumbling engines, the plane rushed into the sky and flew towards the United States across the ocean.

The plane stabilized, Zhao Kejin came into the cabin again, looked at the serious-looking people, and smiled: "Well, now on the plane, don't be so serious, just relax."

Hearing this, several people couldn't help but look surprised, and looked at Zhao Kejin in disbelief.

Zou Pu was not afraid to be beaten and said: "Chairman Zhao, you are not lying to us! Let us relax, and then one more sentence, we have violated the rules and must be punished."

"In your eyes, am I the image?"

Zhao Kejin stared at Zou Pu.

Zou Pu shrank his neck and said, "Chairman Zhao, you are always very serious, so I'm—" "I'm usually serious. That's because it's a formal occasion."

Zhao Kejin gave Zou Pu a white look, then he randomly found a place to sit down, turned around and looked at the nine people, and said, "Okay, no kidding.

Now, I do have a serious matter to discuss. "

"Business! What business?"

Everyone asked curiously.

Zou Pu glanced over several people, and then said: "Nine of you, we have to choose a captain from them.

Responsible for the management of everyone's affairs during the period of time in the United States. "

"Of course, the more important responsibility of the team leader is to act as the on-site commander when participating in team competitions, grasp the overall situation, and direct the entire game."

"Choose a captain yourself!"

Zhao Kejin looked at several people.

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, everyone's eyes swept towards Chen Fei at once, and they spoke almost at the same time.

"No need to choose, Captain Chen Fei is none other than Chen Fei."

"Chen Fei is the most suitable captain!"

"Brother, I choose you as the captain."

......Not to mention Chen Ziling, Zhao Hu, and Zou Pu who supported Chen Fei.

Even Zong Han and Wu Zikong were completely convinced by Chen Fei. At this moment, Chen Fei's recommendation was completely convinced.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Kejin smiled, looked at Chen Fei, and asked: "Chen Fei, everyone chose you as the captain, what do you think?"

Chen Fei smiled and said, "If this is the case, then I won't postpone it.

I am willing to be the captain and lead everyone in the game to win the championship! "

Chen Fei's eyes brightened when he yelled the word "winning the championship", and his eyes shone with excitement and confidence.

Others were also inspired by Chen Fei's temperament, became excited, and shouted in unison: "Win the championship, win the championship!"

Upon seeing this, Zhao Kejin also smiled and nodded: "Everyone is looking forward to your victory. General Xu even said that if you win the championship, you will be rewarded after you come back."


"General Xu personally promised the reward."

…. Hearing this, the eyes of all the team members lit up.

"Chairman Zhao, what reward is it!"

"Yes, can you tell me about it first!"

……… "When you win the championship, you will know it naturally."

Zhao Kejin sold it off.

After deciding on the captain, Zhao Kejin chatted with everyone.

Sometimes it talks about the team members from various countries, and sometimes it talks about the small problems that each team member currently has, as well as the corresponding cooperation problems.

Finally, talking and speaking, slowly diverging from the main business, Zhao Kejin talked about his various past events.

Including his road of warriors back then, and even Zhao Kejin's participation in the International Youth Warrior Competition on behalf of China.

At the mention of this, the team members couldn't help showing their surprise, and at the same time became excited.

"President Zhao, you also participated in the competition back then?"

Wu Zi said nothing.

"if not?"

Zhao Kejin gave him a blank look, and said in a somewhat narcissistic voice, "I thought that back then, I was the second-seeded player selected by the military. Isn't it a matter of course that I was selected for the team?"

"The second seed?

Who is the No. 1 seed in the army? "

Yu Qin asked aloud.

Zhao Ke Jin said: "It's Xu Junshan."

Upon hearing the name, a sigh sounded.

"It turned out to be General Xu, no wonder!"

"To be the second seed behind General Xu, Chairman Zhao, you are also very good."

… Listening to these words, Zhao Kejin couldn't help rolling his eyelids, and said, "Xu Junshan is great now, but he was not so great back then.

It wasn't me who said, the strength of me back then was not inferior to him.

It was only in the final selection of the military and middle school that he made a slight mistake and Xu Junshan robbed him of the No. 1 seed. "

"If I didn't make a mistake back then, maybe the No. 1 seed position was mine."

It's just that when Zhao Kejin said this, everyone had an expression of disbelief.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Kejin stared fiercely and said, "I didn't lie to you.

Xu Junshan was not as good as he is now.

Although he was considered a genius among his peers, he was not too outstanding, and at best, he was slightly better than everyone else.

At most, it can only be regarded as the top three of its peers, not the absolute number one. "

"Then how did General Xu become so powerful?"

Everyone became curious and couldn't help asking.

Speaking of this, Zhao Kejin's eyes recalled, the expression on his face brought some yearning, and also brought some regrets, and said leisurely: "Back then, our Huaxia team was very strong, but it was not the top."

"At that time, we were not ideal in the previous competitions and did not get a taboo.

Therefore, we made meticulous preparations and prepared to fight hard in the final team competition to win the championship and obtain the taboo. "

"In the beginning, we started well and we were in a leading position all the way.

But what I didn't expect was that the United States and the filming country then shamelessly joined forces in the game to deal with our Huaxia team. We suffered serious losses. Half of the players were seriously injured and retired, and the remaining half were all. Wounded. "

"In that case, our team leader, and even ourselves, thought that we would lose in the team competition.

In this competition, we, China, can only return empty-handed. "

"But at a critical juncture, it was Xu Junshan's fierce fight regardless of his life, almost a life-and-death fight. One person maimed the other five top players and scared the opponent. This made our Huaxia team stand at the end of the team competition. , Obtained a taboo."

"It's just that when the referee announced the end of the game, Xu Junshan was covered in blood and fell directly to the ground.

Later, after inspection, we found that he had 62 broken bones, broken meridians, and cracks in his dantian. As for the skin and flesh wounds, let alone.

At that time, Xu Junshan was almost half abandoned after the game. "

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