
Chapter 2070: Wayward Song Hongyue

Chen Fei said coldly: "I don't care who he is or what you do.

But you have to remember that it is during the game and there are regulations in the team that it is not allowed to contact outsiders at will. If there is an emergency, you need to report to the superior. "

"Your current behavior has violated the rules of the team."


Jokes, your rules, what does it have to do with me. "

Song Hongyue was full of disdain.

Hearing this, Chen Fei's expression cooled down, with an anger in his eyes, and he said solemnly: "Song Hongyue, you are here to participate in the competition.

Now that you have joined the team, you are a member of the team, and you must abide by the rules.

Otherwise, you just quit.

This is not a matter for you alone, it is a matter for the entire team, or even the entire China. "

"Don't buckle me these big hats, I just want to come and play, you guys, I play mine, and you have nothing to do."

Song Hongyue didn't care.

At this moment, Chen Fei's eyes were cold with anger, and a chill slowly spread out.

On the side, Yu Qin hurriedly said: "Song Hongyue, the captain is also thinking about you.

When you were in the restaurant at noon, Louis of the film country exposed your identity, you may be in danger.

These rules are also for your safety. "

"For my sake, ha ha!"

Song Hongyue sneered again and again, "You don't need to worry about my safety.

Besides, I am a member of the Zhenwu family, who dares to move me to try. "

Yu Qin wanted to say something, but Chen Fei, who was on the side, looked at the man named Jess at this moment, and said directly in English: "Now, leave now."

Jace was taken aback, and could not help turning his head to see Song Hongyue.

Song Hongyue suddenly looked like a cat with fried hair, and said to Jace: "Jace, you don't have to leave."

Immediately, she looked at Chen Fei fiercely, and said sharply: "The surname Chen, you are a secular warrior untouchable, what a thing.

Dare to order me to get out of here. "

Hearing this, Chen Fei's face instantly cooled down, and a majestic vigor spread directly towards Jace, "If you don't go, just stay here!"

Jace felt the dangerous and terrifying breath, didn't dare to stay longer, picked up the clothes in a hurry, didn't care to put them on, and hurriedly left the room.

Upon seeing this, Song Hongyue was angry and anxious, and wanted to chase it out.

But at this time, Chen Fei stopped in front of her and said coldly: "Apologize!"

"Go away!"

Song Hongyue waved her arm, trying to fend off Chen Fei.

But at this moment, Chen Fei was like a wall, Song Hongyue couldn't shake it at all, instead she was bounced back.

"The surname is Chen, do you know what's the fate of offending me!"

Song Hongyue stared at Chen Fei and said cruelly.

Chen Fei's expression was cold and his voice was as cold as iron, "Apologize!"

Song Hongyue was angry, and directly drew out a stack of talisman seals, and slapped one out, turning it into a ball of flame.

Upon seeing this, Yu Qin couldn't help being shocked, and hurriedly shouted, "Song Hongyue, no."

But at this moment, Song Hongyue was completely stunned by anger, and couldn't take care of that much at all.

He exploded and shot the talisman seal in his hand, and the fireball roared towards Chen Fei.

When Chen Fei saw this, the corner of his eyes moved, a boundless anger surged in his heart, and his right palm came out, and with a bang, he directly slapped the fireball out.

Then, before Song Hongyue stimulated Fu Zhuan again, Chen Fei kept his right hand, slapped Song Hongyue's face with a slap, and exclaimed, "Do you know what you are doing?"

Song Hongyue has a hideous face, clutching her swollen cheeks, and staring at Chen Fei fiercely, "You, how dare you hit me, how dare you—" Crazy Song Hongyue rushed towards Chen Fei like crazy, completely desperate. Stance.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei frowned, and an anger surged in his heart.

If it weren't for his current captain's identity, Chen Fei would have given this wayward and stupid guy a severe lesson.

Just when Chen Fei almost couldn't help but shoot, a figure approached with a deep voice, "Song Hongyue, don't be fooling around."

Immediately, Zhao Kejin appeared in the room and blocked Song Hongyue who was about to pounce on it.

When Yu Qin saw Zhao Kejin, he couldn't help showing surprise, "Chairman Zhao, you are back.

We--" Zhao Kejin looked at the two of them and said, "I already know the situation, Chen Fei, Yu Qin, you should go back to the room first. "


Chen Fei nodded, responded, and then went back to the room.

Behind him, Song Hongyue's angry roar, and Zhao Kejin's deep persuasion and explanation, gradually became smaller as the door closed.

Walking side by side in the corridor, Yu Qin looked at Chen Fei apologetically, “Captain, I’m sorry, it’s my fault that caused you to conflict with Song Hongyue, I—” Chen Fei shook his head and said, “Yu Qin, you didn’t do it. What's wrong.

It is her Song Hongyue who violated the rules, you don't need to feel guilty. "

"However, the game is about to begin soon, so--" Yu Qin looked worried, and his voice was a little anxious.

Chen Fei was silent for a while, and a few seconds later, he said in a deep voice: "If it's time for the game, then Song Hongyue is still nonsense.

Even if it offends Zhenwu Zhao's family, I will kick her out of the team. "

"This—" Yu Qin looked worried.

Chen Fei said: "Don't think so much, take a good rest, adjust your state, and perform well in the game."

"Yes! Captain, I will definitely perform well."

Yu Qin nodded, and said seriously.

Chen Fei also nodded, gave her an encouraging smile, and watched Yu Qin go back to the room.

Yu Qin's talent is very high, and it can even be said to be the highest existence among all the players this time except Chen Fei.

It's just that the martial arts practice is not too long, coupled with the weak temperament and lack of actual combat experience, so the previous record is not outstanding.

But after Chen Fei's special training in the mountains, plus the special training of the drilling platform.

Yu Qin's weaknesses in this area have changed a lot, and her actual combat ability has improved a lot.

If the previous Yu Qin was in the team, Wu Zikong and Wu Zikong could be regarded as the next gear.

So now she is already at the same level as Zong Han, Hui Zheng, and Zou Pu.

Half an hour later, Zhao Kejin took the team members to the restaurant for dinner.

As for Song Hongyue, she still wasn't with everyone.

Yu Qin looked at Zhao Kejin and asked cautiously: "Chairman Zhao, Song Hongyue--" As soon as he opened his mouth, all the team members looked at Zhao Kejin. Obviously, everyone had heard of what happened just now. .

Zhao Kejin sighed, his expression was a bit complicated, and he sighed helplessly: "Temporarily comforted.

Let her be alone during this period of time before the game. "

"But, regarding the team competition, we--" Zhao Hu frowned and asked worriedly.

Zhao Kejin was silent for a few seconds, then said: "Let's talk about it then.

If it doesn't work, I will find a way. "

Hearing the words, the team members couldn't help sighing, their expressions were a bit unsightly.

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