
Chapter 2072: Sudden accident

"But—" Bart wanted to say something, but suddenly he thought of something. He rolled his eyes and said, "The hotel is a formal occasion, so if you are not in the hotel, can you—" Moss waved his hand and interrupted After Bart’s words, he said: "These things, you don’t have to tell me in front of me, I don’t want to understand these things."

After speaking, Moss waved goodbye.

But Bart looked gloomy and was silent for a few seconds. Then he looked at Aiden and said: "Ayden, what method do you think I can use to kill Chen Fei and avenge my Addis family?"

Aiden still had the standard gentleman's smile, and said softly: "Bart, there are some things that don't work from the front, so let's start from the side.

You know, this time the Huaxia team temporarily added a member, and their relationship seems to be somewhat at odds, so—"Speaking of this, Aiden didn't continue speaking, just looked at Bart with a smile on his mouth.

Bart's eyes lit up, thinking of something, he quickly took out his phone and made a call, "Hey, Dad, this is Bart. I have important things to talk to you. That's it, I..."... ...But said that Chen Fei returned to the room. Not long after, Zhao Kejin knocked on the door and came to the room.

Zhao Kejin opened the door and asked directly about the conflict between Chen Fei.

Chen Fei didn't conceal it, and told Zhao Kejin the cause and effect of the incident.

After hearing this, Zhao Kejin frowned, with a look of anger in his eyes, but then his face eased, he sighed and said to Chen Fei: "Chen Fei, we understand you about this matter.

But after all, the game is approaching, we still have to focus on big things.

Some things, you have wronged you. "

As Chen Fei listened, looking at Zhao Kejin's face, he suddenly saw a touch of fatigue and helplessness on his face.

So Chen Fei nodded and said to Zhao Ke, "Chairman Zhao, I understand.

It's the same with you. Don't take responsibility alone for anything you have. You can talk it out and discuss it with everyone. "

Zhao Kejin shook his head and smiled: "I'm fine.

Besides, I am the team leader and I should have protected you. "

After speaking, Zhao Kejin said goodbye in unison.

After a rest for one night, the atmosphere in the entire hotel seemed a little quieter than usual the next day. At the moment, the crowded gyms, training rooms and other places were almost invisible.

Everyone understands, because tomorrow is the day when the game officially starts.

Therefore, on this last day, almost all the participating players were resting and adjusting their state.

The same is true for the Huaxia team. There is no intensive training today.

Zhao Kejin convened everyone for a meeting, and after reminding him of various precautions, he asked everyone to go back to their rooms and rest.

Back in the room, Chen Fei was meditating and adjusting his breath.

About an hour later, suddenly, there was a slightly rapid knock on the door.

Chen Fei opened the door and saw that the deputy leader of the team was standing at the door, his expression a little worried.

With this situation, Chen Fei couldn't help being a little surprised, and immediately said, "Leader Huang, what happened?"

Team leader Huang looked at Chen Fei and said: "Captain Chen, Song Hongyue is gone, now Chairman Zhao is out looking for someone."


Chen Fei couldn't help but cried out in surprise, "Leader Huang, please tell me, what is going on?"

Before the meeting, Chen Fei also asked Yu Qin to inform Song Hongyue. Although she still didn't intend to attend the meeting, she responded at that time.

Team leader Huang quickly said: "Just after the meeting just now, Chairman Zhao came back and made a phone call, and then went to Song Hongyue to talk to her about tomorrow's game."

"But when Chairman Zhao came to the room, he found that Song Hongyue was gone, and the phone couldn't get through."

"Later, we checked the surveillance video of the hotel and found that Song Hongyue sneaked out by herself while we were in a meeting.

She got into the car at the door of the hotel, and it was her boyfriend who drove. "

"That Jace?"

Chen Fei had some impression of that person.

Team leader Huang nodded and said, "That's the one.

Now, Chairman Zhao has gone out to find someone. Let me talk to Captain Chen and take care of the other team members. "

Chen Fei nodded and said, "I will."

Immediately, he was a little worried, and said: "Or, I'll go out and have a look."

Team leader Huang shook his head and said, "No, the team's affairs are more important."

Chen Fei said, "Well, then Team Leader Huang, if there is anything else, you will immediately notify me."

"I will!"

Leader Huang said goodbye and left.

Chen Fei closed the door and returned to the room, sitting on the bed, frowning involuntarily.

Firstly, he was dissatisfied with Song Hongyue's willfulness, and secondly, in the faint, Chen Fei felt that something was not quite right.

But for a while, he couldn't tell what was wrong.

In this way, about a quarter of an hour later, when Chen Feiyue thought that something was getting worse.

Suddenly, a rapid knock on the door sounded again.

Chen Fei opened the door immediately, and at a glance he saw the leader Huang standing at the door.

"what happened?"

Chen Fei asked directly.

Team leader Huang looked worried, and said anxiously: "Chairman Zhao’s cell phone cannot get through.

The locator signal on his body also disappeared. "


In an instant, Chen Fei's face became more serious. He calmed himself down and immediately said, "When did the locator signal disappear?"

"Just now, about two minutes ago.

We just monitored this point, I will come up to let you know. "

Leader Huang said.

Chen Fei said solemnly: "In this way, send me all the route of Chairman Zhao's trace, the place where the signal disappeared, and the information materials you know, and I will go out to find Chairman Zhao!"

"This, but—" Team Leader Huang said worriedly.

Chen Fei said, "Chairman Zhao may be in danger!"

"But—" "I will call General Xu immediately!"

After speaking, Chen Fei immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call.

After the call was connected, before Chen Fei could speak, Xu Junshan over there said directly, "I know about Zhao Kejin.

You can go out, but also pay attention to your safety. "

"Yes, General Xu!"

Chen Feidao, then handed the phone to the team leader Huang.

"Yes, yes, I understand, General Xu!"

Team leader Huang had a serious face and nodded repeatedly.

After finishing the call, Chen Fei retracted his phone and said to Team Leader Huang, "Leader Huang, you should inform the other team members about the matter.

Everyone is staying in the hotel, don't act rashly until we come back. "

"I see!"

Team leader Huang nodded and immediately turned around to get busy.

Chen Fei returned to the room, prepared a little, and then went out.

And when Chen Fei left the hotel, Bart looked at Aiden next to him in a certain room in the hotel, and said with a smile: "Sure enough, Aiden, that guy, left the hotel."

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