
Chapter 2080: Individual match begins

The staff once again read out the rules of the individual competition. After everyone confirmed that they were correct, the game was announced to begin.

The rules of the game are very simple. Lots are drawn in order, paired with each other, and then eliminated in rounds. Until the final final, the champion can get a taboo.

Everyone is familiar with the rules, but before the draw, Zhao Kejin still told the players, "Today's individual match, except for Chen Fei, the rest of the people will do their best, pay attention to protect themselves, and go. Don't be aggressive to prevent injury.

Tomorrow’s team competition is the focus, understand? "


All the team members said in unison.

If we say that at the very beginning, Zong Han and Huizheng might have some objections to Zhao Kejin's decision, thinking that they were not in a position to compete.

But after yesterday's events, they understood the strength gap between themselves and Chen Fei, and they no longer had any objections.

With Chen Fei, they would not be able to win the individual championship.

Therefore, retaining strength and preparing for tomorrow's team competition are the main things other players have to do today.

On Chen Fei's side, Zhao Kejin turned his head and looked over, and said solemnly: "Chen Fei, I won't say much about you.

Still that sentence, be careful yourself. "

"Chairman Zhao, don't worry!"

Chen Fei nodded solemnly, then stepped out and went to draw lots.

Everyone stepped forward to draw lots, and soon, the lottery numbers of all the players were set.

Immediately, the lineup and sequence of the duel were announced on the spot.

"Number One, China, Chen Fei."

Chen Fei was the first to read, and he was the first to appear.

For a while, there was an uproar at the scene, and everyone looked at Chen Fei.

Everyone knows that the first appearance is not a good thing.

It is easy for opponents to observe their own fighting methods and find their own weaknesses in order to attack in a targeted manner.

Therefore, all the historical No. 1 picks are considered to be the worst.

However, Chen Fei didn't care about this. Instead, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he stepped forward indifferently.

"Number two, Tianzhu, Mo Khan."

Chen Fei's opponent also came out, a member of Tianzhu.

"Next, draw the playing field!"

The staff continued, "The playing field, the No. 3 bush field."

"Now, ask the players from both sides to go to the game field No. 3 and start the game."

The staff spoke out.

As everyone walked towards the third venue, Zhao Kejin's expression was a little cold, and he whispered: "Namo Khan is from Tianzhu, and his main feature is his agility and agility. There may also be some special methods of poisoning.

The No. 3 bush field can be said to be the most suitable field for him to play.

Xiao Chen, you have to be careful. "

Chen Fei nodded, thinking that the master of the secret list he had killed was also Mo snake from Tianzhu who was good at using poison.

However, Chen Ziling pursed his lips and said with dissatisfaction: "My brother directly won the No. 1 lottery and came out first.

Now that the opponent has just drawn the most suitable venue, it would be a coincidence.

In my opinion, the United States must have bought the organizers, and they secretly tricked them. "

Zhao Kejin sighed and said, "As a host, there are some advantages that cannot be avoided."

Chen Fei didn't care, and said, "No matter how they are doing things, I will defeat them all."

"Brother, I believe you, you can definitely win the championship."

Chen Ziling clenched a fist and said.

As a result, there was a sarcastic laugh next to him, "Win the championship?

Does the little girl know how many players are participating this time?

How many well-known masters are there?

Wouldn't it be ridiculous to just say to win without knowing anything? "

"who are you?

Do I know you? "

Chen Ziling turned his head and looked at the man who made the noise.

It was a thin man with a red dot on his forehead, his eyes sunken, and his mouth was arrogant, "My name is Moti Khan, and Mo Ke Khan is my brother."

"Huh, it turns out to be the brother of the first loser!"

Chen Ziling said coldly, "Wait, when your brother is defeated, I think you can still be so proud!"

"My brother can definitely win."

Morty Khan gritted his teeth.

"Let's watch it then!"

Chen Ziling shook his head and walked away without much effort.

The people gathered in front of the No. 3 site, which is a site specially built by the sea, and the trees, flowers and plants inside are also specially planted.

The venue has obviously been expanded and the area is very large. The long section is nearly 300 meters long. People walk into it as if they have entered a small patch of bushes. If they lean down, it is difficult to see the trace of the other party at a glance.

"Chen Fei vs. Mo Khan, try, start!"

The staff announced.

Chen Fei and Mo Khan walked into the competition arena from two opposite entrances.

Other staff members choose the right place to watch the game taking place in the venue.

Mo Khan is obviously very suitable for this kind of venue. As soon as he entered it, he quickly took out a few bottles of powder and sprinkled it on himself. Then he bent down and rushed into the bushes, his figure agile and fast moving in the bushes. , But there was almost no sound.

This kind of person, in the bushes, has become a jungle killer, able to raid opponents silently.

In contrast, Chen Fei on the opposite side, after entering the venue, without any fancy moves, he walked towards the center in a stride.

He made no secret of his noise along the way.

Upon seeing this, many team members began to discuss.

"Is this Huaxia team member so stupid?

I don't know how to hide it. "

"I heard that Huaxia Chen Fei is quite strong, he should be confident!"

"No matter how confident you are, you can't be so mindless. Isn't this attracting Mo Khan to sneak attack him?"

"Too arrogant, he will pay the price."

………In the midst of discussions, Chen Fei walked to the center of the venue, then stopped, closed his eyes, and felt the movement around him.

At this moment, Mo Khan, hidden in the bushes, walked through the bushes silently with a strange arc.

Even if the condescending spectators are not paying attention, it is difficult to find Mo Khan's trace, let alone Chen Fei in the center of the venue, Mo Khan is completely invisible.

Moti Khan on the side, with a smile on his face, looked at Chen Ziling and said provocatively: "My brother is determined to win. Your brother is too stupid. Standing still, he must have lost."


Chen Ziling didn't bother to explain anything, but quietly watched what happened in the field.

After standing for a while, Mo Khan still did not launch an attack. The audience did not wait. Chen Fei seemed to be unable to wait. He glanced around and snorted coldly: "I want to play with me." Hide and seek?"

"However, I am not interested in wasting time with you."

Chen Fei tapped the tip of his right finger lightly, and a flash of light burst from the tip of the finger, and then fell into the bushes.

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