
Chapter 2088: Gather team members

Chen Fei and the members of Mao Xiongguo gathered together and quickly discussed the strategy of the next alliance battle.

Then, in less than five minutes, the team competition officially began.

In order to avoid teamwork at the beginning, but also to test individual strength.

The members of their respective teams did not directly enter the field in a group.

But under the leadership of the staff, they were brought into the venue from different positions and at different times.

Therefore, the first problem to be solved in the team competition is to quickly gather the players of the alliance under the premise of ensuring their own safety.

Naturally, Chen Fei and the others knew about this rule long ago, so they also made corresponding countermeasures.

At this moment, Chen Fei was taken to the second floor of an abandoned factory building.

Chen Fei looked at the surrounding environment and recognized that this was a workshop of a steelmaking plant. After recalling the previous observations, Chen Fei roughly confirmed his position.

Then, after planning the route in his mind, Chen Fei walked out of the factory in a swaggering manner, and then stood on the open ground, blasting a red-red vigor against the sky, exploding a group of red lotus flowers in the air.

After doing this, Chen Fei stood there and waited quietly.

It didn't take long for Chen Fei to hear a loud noise from the surroundings, and someone should have come over.

But Chen Fei still pretended to be unaware, standing in the same place boredly, without any movement.

Chen Fei’s relaxation seemed to give the other party confidence. Several figures moved quietly in the abandoned factory building, and finally found a suitable position, and then through the gap, at the same time issued a few qi glows towards Chen Fei from several directions. Came in bursts.

Their attacks on themselves can be said to be determined.

Even if Chen Fei is great, he is the champion of the individual competition.

But under their combined sneak attack, it is unlikely to escape.

The air burst out, and it was about to hit Chen Fei.

Several figures couldn't help getting excited.

But when the Qimang was still more than ten centimeters away from Chen Fei, it seemed to hit an invisible wall and broke directly.

"how come?"

Upon seeing this, several figures couldn't help being surprised.

At the same time, Chen Fei gave a sneer, then flung out a few qi glows, and shot at the place where several dark shadows were hiding.

Chen Fei's aura, whether it is speed or power, is much stronger than their sneak attack.

Before they could react at all, they hit a few sneak attack black shadows, causing them to fall to the ground instantly.

When there was no movement, Chen Fei walked over and checked a few figures, but they weren't members of the U.S. and Shadow Nations teams, but members of a few small nations.

"Are they allied with the U.S. and the Shadow Nation, or are they calling the shots and attacking me?"

Chen Fei thought in his heart, there is no answer at present, and he stayed there for another three minutes.

Then, Chen Fei saw a certain direction, moved straight forward, and walked about 500 meters. This side was an abandoned basketball court. Chen Fei stood still again, and then exploded into the air with a red breath of true vitality. For a lotus flame.

After doing this, Chen Fei waited quietly on the basketball court again.

At this moment, many team leaders and staff outside the field watched the performance of the team members from the video of the monitoring equipment.

When everyone saw Chen Fei's unusual behavior, they couldn't help but become curious and talked.

"What the **** is Chen Fei doing?

I don't understand it at all! "

"He deliberately made movement. Isn't this revealing his position?"

"Perhaps, he used this to set up traps to attract enemies to sneak attack him, and then kill him.

Just like just now. "

"That's correct, but if the enemy is very strong, there are many enemies.

He might not be as lucky as he was just now. "

………There was a lot of discussion, and many people were puzzled.

But at this moment, Zhao Kejin, with a smile on his lips, seemed quite confident and relaxed.

On the basketball court, after waiting for about two minutes, two figures rushed over.

However, this time it was not the enemy, but the two team members.

One of them is Huiming, and the other is a member of Mao Xiongguo.

After the three people gathered, Chen Fei led the team and continued to move forward again. After walking a distance of about 500 meters, Chen Fei stopped again, exploded a red lotus into the air, and waited on the spot. .

Seeing this, everyone suddenly realized that they finally understood what Chen Fei wanted to do.

It turned out that he used this method to gather his Union players.

Follow a fixed route and send a signal every some distance to tell nearby teammates that they are here, and come to meet as soon as possible.

In this way, the journey continued for some distance, and finally all the team members were gathered together.

Before the game started, everyone also discussed other ways to gather. For example, everyone signaled together and gathered closer together.

Or Chen Fei sent a signal somewhere and everyone gathered to him.

These methods are all feasible, but they are not too safe.

After all, as long as you send a signal, you will expose your position and may attract enemy attacks.

In the end, for the safety of teammates.

Chen Fei thought of the current method. The teammates did not send signals. Once they entered the playing field, they would find a place to hide, waiting for the arrival of Chen Fei's signal.

When Chen Fei's signal arrived nearby, the team members quickly approached and joined Chen Fei.

In this way, the safety of the players can be guaranteed to the greatest extent.

Of course, from another perspective, Chen Fei is constantly revealing his position.

It's equivalent to taking this big horn and swaggering through the entire playing field.

While the teammates know his position, the enemy can also grasp his position at any time.

It is very likely to launch a sneak attack or even a siege on him.

In other words, with this method, Chen Fei's own danger would increase several times.

However, in the end Chen Fei confidently decided on this approach.

In the playing field, the dropped players moved quickly to gather.

Occasionally, conflicts broke out, but most of the team members were looking for their own alliances and quickly teaming up.

Obviously, many teams have set up the league before the game.

Just waiting for the alliance to gather, and finally a decisive battle broke out.

Other alliances can only rely on luck, sneaky exploration and search, and try to converge.

On Chen Fei's side, with his mobile signal source, the speed at which the team members of China and Mao Xiongguo joined together increased a lot.

After walking a short and a half distance, a large number of players gathered around Chen Fei.

With the increasing number of players around Chen Fei, fewer and fewer people attacked and besieged.

In this way, after another ten minutes, almost all the players from Huaxia and Mao Xiongguo joined together, only two of them were Yu Qin from the Huaxia team and Netov, the captain of Mao Xiongguo.

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