
Chapter 2092: Not an opponent

As a result, Bart, Aiden, and the leaders and spectators in front of the screen were all astonished and surprised, and found it to be unbelievable.

"how can that be?

He blocked all the covering blows of dozens of heavenly warriors. "

"This Chen Fei, what realm has his strength reached?

The late heavenly realm? "

"I'm afraid that the horror in the late stage of the sky is not enough! Only Bart and Aiden have the strength of the late stage of the sky, plus the remaining more than sixty people, this Chen Fei's strength is definitely beyond the late stage of the sky."

"Could it be the peak of the heavenly rank, how old he is, even if he started practicing in the womb, he can't reach the peak of the heavenly rank!"

"But facts trumps everything!"

……… In the sound of surprise, Zhao Kejin, who was extremely worried, was relieved at this moment.

On the side, Knok and Louis, their expressions darkened, their expressions a bit gloomy.

But then he snorted coldly, and said coldly: "This is just the beginning. A more violent attack is yet to come."

It seems that they have heard the conversation between the two. At this moment, Bart and Aiden in the workshop, after a preliminary surprise, their faces sank, and immediately issued the order to attack again, "attack—" It's just that, without waiting for the words of the two. Exit, Chen Fei said at this moment, "It's me."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Fei's right index finger and **** pointed together to form a sword, a red light burst and condensed at the fingertips, and then turned into a red long sword burning with flames.

Holding a long sword, Chen Fei leaped out across the air.

"Nine Suns Red Flame Sword!"

The long sword draws a red arc in the air, and the scorching flame, with a sharp red streamer, turns into blades, spreading out in the shape of a fan.

In an instant, more than a dozen opponents were hit by a sharp blade, and their bodies were directly cut in half. Before they even reacted, they died suddenly on the spot.

One move, kill fifteen or six heavenly martial artists.

With such strength, the warriors couldn't help being extremely shocked, their complexions changed drastically, and they backed off one after another.

But Chen Fei kept moving, and the scarlet long sword slashed out again.

Several sags and dances were intertwined, and 16 or seven warriors were beheaded and killed.

The warriors all over the field were half dead in an instant, and as a result, everyone was shocked.

The warriors of some small countries have already begun to flee.

Bart and Aiden looked very gloomy when they saw this.

Aiden hurriedly shouted: "Don't run away, let's do it together, and there is still a chance of winning."

However, such a shout is really lacking in appeal in front of the dripping blood.

But Bart's face sank, his right hand slammed two punches, and directly killed the two escaped warriors, and then he shouted in a deep voice, "Those who are running now are regarded as traitors of my country, and they are killed."

The deterrence of death and blood was obviously greater, and the panicked warriors had to stop and gathered around Bart and Aiden one after another.

Then Bart looked at Aiden and said solemnly: "We joined forces and killed him!"

Aiden nodded solemnly, and said, "Go all out, don't keep it."

"It all worked hard for me to kill Chen Fei!"

Bart screamed, put on a lion-shaped black fine iron glove on his right hand, and slammed forward.

Suddenly, the lion head on the fist seemed to come back to life, and a lion roar, forming an illusory lion head, roared and rushed towards Chen Fei with an open mouth.

Upon seeing this, the morale of the warriors inside and outside the field was lifted.

"Bart is really moving. He is a late-stage martial artist, and his strength should not be underestimated."

"Trick, the mad lion roars."

………Aside, Aiden also moved at the same time.

He drew out a slender cross sword with an extremely serious expression. Looking in the direction of Chen Fei, his right hand suddenly moved.

The slender cross sword suddenly drew a sword light in the air, and finally formed a huge cross-shaped star light, swallowing a sharp edge, and attacked Chen Fei.

"Ayden has done a trick too, Cross Starburst."

The exclamation sounded again.

The two warriors all used their strongest tricks, and the other warriors also took action, using their lifelong skills, and desperately launched an attack on Chen Fei.

For a time, the entire workshop was covered by colorful fireballs, sharp blades, long swords, and so on.

The violent whistling sound broke through the air, accompanied by the sky full of roaring wildly, leaning towards Chen Fei.

Without changing his face, Chen Fei gave a cold snort, holding the sword in both hands.

Promoting the true essence, the flames on the long sword suddenly rushed out, turning into a series of flying fire dragons, roaring and flying out.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

All the attacks collided together, suddenly bursting out a bright light, and then exploded with a bang, rising up a ball of flames.

The abandoned workshops and factories can no longer withstand such a strong explosion.

The steel column broke, the roof collapsed, and the huge factory collapsed with a bang, raising smoke and dust in the sky.

The scene of the competition that was so lively just now, suddenly quieted down, only the sky was filled with smoke and dust, and then there was no sound.

The surveillance video at this moment has completely lost its signal.

The many staff on the scene were all worried and curious.

The staff immediately made a decision and said: "Let's go to the scene!"

Suddenly, a group of team leaders and staff set off in a mighty manner, and quickly rushed to the scene of the explosion.

When the staff hurried to the scene, the people in front stayed where they were.

Knok and Louis, who were a little behind, couldn't help but drank angrily.

"What are you doing in a daze! Save people!"

"See if there are any survivors!"

……… The two are about to rush to find the members of their respective teams.

But at this moment, a cold voice rang, "The game is not over yet, what do you want to do?"

Hearing the sound, the two looked up and saw a slightly thin figure standing proudly above the ruins of the factory, with their clothes fluttering in the wind.

A closer look, this person is not someone else, it is Chen Fei.

Moreover, Chen Fei's body was spotless at this moment, and there was no sign of injury at all.

"You--" For a while, Knok and Louis stared at Chen Fei in surprise and anger, and they were speechless.

Zhao Kejin, who was a little behind, also hurried over at this moment, seeing Chen Fei safe and sound, he was immediately full of joy, "Chen Fei, you are fine, great, great."

Chen Fei smiled faintly and said, "I said, they are not my opponents."

I repeated the words just now, but at the moment it sounds completely different to everyone.

When Chen Fei said this just now, everyone's first impression was ridiculous.

But now, when everything became a reality, hearing these words at this moment, everyone's hearts were only shocked.

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