
Chapter 2171: ? Things exposed

Seeing that the questioning is getting louder and louder, and the situation is no longer under control, Meyer gritted his neck and gritted his teeth and said: "Even if there is a problem with our medicine, it does not mean that it has something to do with Chinese medicine!"

Hearing this, Chen Fei shook his head disappointedly, and said solemnly: "It seems that you won't admit it if you don't completely tear off your hypocritical mask!"

After speaking, Chen Fei's expression was sharp, and he looked at the crowd and said loudly: "These three medicines of Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals were developed by Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals some time ago when they smashed the Cheng Pharmacy in Chinatown, Los Angeles, and stole the prescriptions. from."

"What, there is such a thing?"

"L.L. Chinatown, I've heard that it was very popular in Los Angeles some time ago."

"Yes, I have several friends in the Chinese circle, and they have been passing them some time ago."

"I've read the news about the fact that the Cheng Pharmacy in Los Angeles was smashed. It's true."

... "You are talking nonsense, why do you say that our new medicine is stealing the prescription from Cheng Pharmacy?"

Meyer is still denying it.

Chen Fei gave a cold snort and said loudly, "Why?

Just because I am the owner of the Luocheng Pharmacy, I wrote down the prescriptions myself. "

Meyer was stunned when he said this.

Everyone was also shocked, their eyes focused on Chen Fei.

Chen Fei saw Meyer's lips tremble, as if he wanted to say something, he snorted and said directly: "Do you still want to deny it?

Then I will let you see what is meant by ironclad evidence! "

"Old Liang, please!"

Chen Feilang said.

Immediately, the crowd separated, and Lao Liang, Lao Liu, and others from the Luocheng Pharmacy before stepped out with serious expressions.

Then, they walked up to the booth, and in front of everyone, they all told about the attack on Cheng Medical Hall, the battle in Liang Lao Manor, and the unfortunate death of Huang Lao.

Moreover, there is corresponding video evidence.

As soon as these news were announced, there was an uproar, and everyone was shocked. The reporters opened their eyes wide, and each one was extremely excited, like hungry wolves smelling the smell of meat.

Meyer was really panicked. If these things were exposed, it would not be a drug problem, but a criminal case, and the entire company would be held accountable.

So he immediately argued: "What you are talking about is just speculation.

Those so-called signs are members of the Green Gang and have nothing to do with our Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals.

As for the so-called evidence, it is only the contact information in the mobile phone, and that doesn't explain much. "

"is it?"

The corner of Chen Fei's mouth raised and said, "Perhaps, the text message really doesn't explain anything, so let's not talk about it for now.

Let's talk about the human drug test of Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals in Los Angeles some time ago! "

When it was mentioned, Milton felt his scalp numb.

Everyone at the scene was also excited.

After all, some time ago, there was a lot of noise about this matter, and it can be said that the whole country knows it.

But then, for some reason, the matter slowly subsided, all kinds of news and voices disappeared, and the discussion was gone, and the matter gradually disappeared.

Everyone did not expect that Chen Fei would bring up the matter again at this time.

"You, don't talk nonsense, then, that's false news--" Meyer was still denying, but when he spoke, he was a little unconfident.

Chen Fei didn't say much, just clapped his hands and said, "Mr. Douglas, it's your turn."

As soon as the voice fell, Douglas brought a group of people in the crowd and came over mightily.

In an instant, the eyes of the scene gathered, and everyone was surprised.

After all, Douglas's popularity in the United States is absolutely top-notch.

Not to mention, at this moment, he still has a group of friends who belong to the show business circle behind him, all of whom are well-known stars, singers, and directors.

As soon as such a group of people appeared, they immediately became the focus of everyone's attention.

Douglas stepped onto the stage, nodded to Chen Fei, and then said loudly: "Some time ago, it was exposed on the Internet that someone was experimenting with illegal human drugs in the Los Angeles Nursing Home in Los Angeles.

I paid attention to this and expressed my support. "

"But I didn't expect that after that, I was under tremendous pressure.

The program was suppressed by inexplicable forces and was suspended.

The staff were subjected to various investigations for no reason.

Some people even broke into my company directly, acted on my company's employees, and even wanted to take me away. "

"After suffering all this, I know that behind all these things, there is a great relationship with Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals.

They were worried that their scandal would be exposed, so they used various means to calm the news and suppress those exposed.

Today, my friends and I are here to expose this matter in public. "

After Douglas said these words, the scene instantly fryed, and it boiled directly.

Meyer's face was flushed, his body was trembling, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Mr. Douglas, you are a famous person.

You can't talk nonsense about this kind of thing.

Our Bald Eagle Pharmaceutical has not suppressed you in any way, and it is impossible to send someone to do it on you. This is all slander! "


Douglas snorted coldly, then said, "Then I want to ask Mr. Meyer, how do you explain the devil gospel matter?"

The incident involved the Devil’s Gospel, a well-known underground force in Newtown, which made everyone even more interested.

At this moment, Chen Fei clapped his hands, and the two personnel walked out. It was the demon evangelist who Chen Fei had taken before, Zacley and Grote.

As the two came out, Meyer's eyes shrank and he staggered, almost not falling to the ground.

"Let's talk about it, what's the situation?"

Chen Fei looked at the two and said coldly.

Zakley and Grote took a look at Chen Fei and did not dare to conceal them. They told them how to buy them from Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals and how to instruct them to do something to Douglas.

Furthermore, Grote also released the live video of the negotiation at that time.

In this way, it can be said that there is ironclad proof, and Meyer can no longer hold it, and fell to the ground with a bang, and then fainted directly.

Then, a sirens sounded, and the police rushed over and squeezed Meyer and Bald Eagle Pharmaceutical's on-site personnel directly into the police car and took them away.

Douglas and other personnel also went to the police station as related personnel.

Many reporters at the scene ignored the reporting of the exhibition and left after the police car.

After all, this kind of breaking news is much more explosive than an exhibition.

The organizer of the exhibition was helpless when encountering this kind of incident, and could only hurriedly announce the end of the review process. The remaining links were also greatly compressed, and the whole exhibition was prepared to end quickly.

Everyone in the venue immediately left.

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