
Chapter 2204: Stars and Stripes

The reason Steve didn't sit at the conference table was not because he was not enough, but because he didn't want to.

Otherwise, the position of the first seat on the conference table today is definitely his.

Everyone looked at Steve with respectful and questioning eyes.

Steve shook his head lightly and expressed his attitude, "My opinion is, don't make a move."

As soon as these words came out, the hawkish generals who had just been tough-minded suddenly frowned.

"General Steve, then Chen Fei has caused a huge loss to our country this time. If it is—" Before he finished speaking, Steve waved his hand and interrupted his words, and said lightly: "You may not yet I know that just five minutes ago, Huaxia Army God and Xu Junshan came forward publicly on behalf of Huaxia officials and expressed support for Chen Fei, asking any individual or organization not to infringe on Chen Fei’s interests, otherwise it would be regarded as an infringement on Huaxia."

"At the same time, Xu Junshan made a public move in the Kunshan Mountains of China, smashing a mountain range with one palm, demonstrating the strength of the semi-god realm."

As soon as the words came out, the scene was stunned, and then someone immediately picked up the relevant information and projected it on the big screen.

Soon, the generals watched the official speeches of Huaxia, as well as the video of Xu Junshan's shot in Kunlun.

In the video, the mountain collapsed and the ground cracked, and the momentum was mighty and shocking.

Xu Junshan stood in the air, like a **** of war, standing proudly between the sky and the earth, giving people a huge pressure.

After watching it, the scene was silent, and for a while, everyone was speechless.

After all, the U.S.'s guess on the strength of Xu Junshan, the number one master of the Chinese military, is only between the peak of the sky and the realm of demigod, and even whether there is a realm of demigod, they all hold their own opinions and have been unable to confirm.

But now it seems that Xu Junshan has not only reached the realm of a demigod, but also has good strength, even no less than Steve, who reached such a realm more than ten years ago.

After a brief silence, several hawk generals spoke again.

"General Steve, even if Xu Junshan is a demigod master, so what?

We in the United States are not afraid at all. As long as General Steve is there, Xu Junshan is not afraid. "

Facing these somewhat flattering words, Steve shook his head slightly, and said, "The strength that Xu Junshan has shown is no less than mine."

"This—" The hawk general was taken aback for a moment, and then he said again.

"No less than general you, that is, at most a tie with you general.

In our territory, Xu Junshan is still impossible to win. "

Steve said lightly: "But, you forgot.

Xu Junshan is only 60 years old this year, and I am 72 years old.

I have started to go downhill, and Xu Junshan has at least ten years to make progress. "

"This—" The hawk general paused, and then said, "General Steve, the more so, then we must act as quickly as possible! Otherwise, when Xu Junshan progresses and rises, we will be more dangerous."

"Yeah, and Chen Fei.

This time Huaxia issued a statement so urgently, and also disclosed Xu Junshan's strength.

This more and more shows that Huaxia attaches great importance to Chen Fei.

Therefore, the more we must take this opportunity to kill him, otherwise, there will be endless troubles! "

"General Steve, besides Xu Junshan, it is almost impossible to leave China mainland.

Even if he leaves, he will definitely not be able to make it in this moment.

Let's start with Chen Fei now, cut it first and play it later, and it will be of no avail when Xu Junshan arrives. "

"Yes, this kind of opportunity must be seized even more. Xu Junshan, who is really responsible, has come, and it will be even more difficult to handle."

"Also, according to intelligence.

When Chen Fei and Beria fought, they should have been injured.

The last moment of vomiting blood is the proof. "

Several hawkish generals spoke out one after another to persuade Steve to take action.

Even the dovish general on the opposite side, several people were moved at the moment, and their attitude was a bit swayed.

Seeing the scorching eyes of the generals, Steve sighed and stood up and said: "If you insist, as a soldier, I will not disobey the military order."

Upon hearing this, several hawkish generals suddenly showed excitement and immediately said: "We will contact the president immediately and let him order as soon as possible."

Steve nodded and said, "Well, I'm going to prepare."

After speaking, he turned and left.

The soldiers in the meeting room immediately ended the meeting and immediately began to get busy.

Afterwards, it was unknown whether it was the US reporter's supernatural powers or the US military deliberately revealed it.

The news that the star-and-stroke war **** Steve was about to personally kill Chen Fei spread quickly.

This news helped the U.S. which was depressed during this period of time. Countless people were rejoiced. Countless netizens posted various messages supporting the Stars and Stripes on the Internet. Some even took to the streets and held parades. Expresses support for the Stars and Stripes God of War and opposition to Chen Fei.

For a while, things were raging, and it was so lively.

Under such circumstances, Chen Fei, who lived in the hotel, naturally learned the news.

By his side, Lin Qiuhan and others looked at Chen Fei with a little worry, and asked softly: "It is rumored that Steve, the God of Stars and Stripes, will take action, you--" Chen Fei smiled and said, "It's okay, don't talk about the history. Will Tiff really make a move?

Even if he shoots, I am not afraid, the big deal is just another battle. "

Although Chen Fei was extremely confident, Lin Qiuhan was still a little worried.

After all, yesterday's successive battles, Chen Fei definitely did not consume lightly.

In addition, the two vomiting blood made Lin Qiuhan worry about Chen Fei's physical condition. "The injury on your body--" Chen Fei waved his hand and explained to his wife: "Don't worry, my wife is just a small injury, nothing serious."

This is not Chen Fei comforting Lin Qiuhan, but the actual situation.

At that time, Chen Fei vomited blood for the first time because he was attacked behind the back, and then he was hit by Beria's death sickle. The organs were shaken, so he vomited blood.

When he chased Beria for the second time, he vomited blood because of a sudden surge of blood.

Although it seems that the situation is a bit serious, it is not a big deal for Chen Fei at all.

When I came back last night, I took care of my true vitality, and it quickly improved, almost negligible.

Just as Lin Qiuhan was about to continue speaking, suddenly, a majestic aura came under pressure, and then, a deep voice came from the sky, directly penetrated the house, and passed into the house.

"China Chen Fei, come out and die!"

Upon hearing the sound, Lin Qiuhan and the others changed their complexions instantly, their expressions sinking.

"Stars and Stripes, Steve is here!"

"Chen Fei, you--" For a while, several people in the room looked at Chen Fei with a worried expression on their faces.

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