
Chapter 2210: In the cabin

The eyes of everyone in the conference room then gathered on the video.

At the beginning, they didn't take it seriously, but soon, the expressions on everyone's faces condensed, and their bodies became straight.

When five minutes passed and the video was played, the conference room was silent, no one said anything. Everyone looked at the video blankly, seeming to be immersed in the shock just now, and hadn't recovered.

Finally, a participant spoke out first, "If the content in the video is true, then I agree with this plan."

"I think so too. This level of strength is a good remedy for the loss of our U.S. martial arts world."

"I agree!"

………For a time, almost all the people present at the scene agreed to the plan proposed by the glasses man.

A smile appeared at the corner of the glasses man’s mouth, and he nodded and said: "If this is the case, then I will submit the results of the meeting and formally submit our plan to the Congress."

Everyone nodded, and then declared the meeting to end, and they left the meeting.

At the same time, Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan's flight also entered China's airspace.

Although it was only a few months away, but now returning to China, Chen Fei felt more emotion in his heart. Looking at the white clouds outside the window and the land boundary line gradually appearing in the distance, his eyes softened a bit.

But at this moment, suddenly, a hurried cry of "Ah" attracted Chen Fei's attention from the scenery outside the window.

"what are you doing!"

The female voice sounded again, this time with a sharp shout.

At this moment, Chen Fei's complexion changed immediately, he unfastened his seat belt, got up from his seat, and walked towards the toilet in front of the cabin.

Because the shout just now was the voice of his wife Lin Qiuhan.

It was convenient for my wife to go to the bathroom just now. It seemed that something happened.

Walking quickly to the bathroom, Chen Fei saw the angry-faced wife Lin Qiuhan at a glance. Opposite his wife, there was a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes standing in his 40s or 50s.

Next to them, there was a flight attendant, whispering something to them.

"Wife, what happened?"

Chen Fei went straight to Lin Qiuhan and asked aloud.

Seeing Chen Fei's arrival, Lin Qiuhan hurriedly approached, then pointed to the middle-aged man in the suit opposite, and said: "When I came to the bathroom, I accidentally saw that guy and the stewardess were irregular.

I didn't see it, but I didn't expect that the guy still wanted to treat me wrongly, and reached out to touch me. "

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei's eyes suddenly became cold, and he looked at the man in the suit and stepped forward at the same time.

Seeing Chen Fei's cold eyes, the middle-aged man seemed to be a little frightened. He stepped back two steps and said in a panic: "You, what do you want to do?"

Chen Fei didn't say a word, walked forward, slapped his hand and slapped the man's face fiercely. With great force, the man turned around for several times, and finally his legs became weak and he fell to the ground. .

Seeing this, the stewardess hurriedly stepped forward and helped the man up.

The man clutched his swollen cheeks, looked at Chen Fei fiercely, gritted his teeth and said: "Do you dare to hit me, do you know who I am?

How dare you do it to me, do you know the consequences? "

"as a result of?"

Chen Fei gave a sneer, slapped it out again, and drew it toward the man's cheek on the other side.

The man was shocked, and quickly backed away to dodge.

The flight attendant also screamed at Chen Fei, "Sir, your current behavior is illegal. If you mess around, we have the right to arrest you."

"Catch me?"

Chen Fei looked at the flight attendant and said coldly, "Then he tried to treat my wife with unruly behavior, is there any violation of the law?"

"This, this—I didn't see this happening."

The flight attendant's eyes flickered and she said.

The middle-aged man also hurriedly said: "Yes, I didn't touch her at all, it was your wife who slandered me."

"I think it's your wrong intentions, trying to slander me and blackmail me.

I want to sue you and arrest you all. "

This guy seized the opportunity and started to beat him up.

As soon as Lin Qiuhan heard this, on her pretty face, she immediately wrote angrily, "You are talking nonsense."

"You're just talking nonsense, you just want to blackmail me."

The man said, "You recognize my identity, know that I am the boss of the Weihang Group, and deliberately blackmailed me."

"Weihang Group!"

Chen Fei is very unfamiliar with this name and doesn't understand it at all.

It was Lin Qiuhan. After listening to it at this moment, he had some impressions and vaguely remembered.

This Weihang Group is a domestic cargo shipping company. The company's scale is not too big, and its assets are only about 10 billion yuan, which is not too powerful.

The Weihang Group is not too famous, but Lin Zhiwei, the boss of the Weihang Group, is quite famous.

He is famous not because of the company, but because of his personal life.

This guy often appears in various entertainment news because of scandals with various female stars.

Last month, Lin Zhiwei just divorced his fourth wife, a second-tier female celebrity who had just been married to him for half a year.

As a result, when he appeared on the plane now, Lin Qiuhan met him and the flight attendant, which caused such a disturbance.

Lin Qiuhan and Chen Fei's short silence, in Lin Zhiwei's view, has become their fear of their status and status.

As a result, Lin Zhiwei became even more arrogant, pointing at Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan and said: "I now ask you to apologize for my mistake.

Otherwise, I will call the police and arrest all of you. "

"You, you reverse black and white."

Lin Qiuhan was really angry, her pretty face flushed.

However, Chen Fei's expression sank, and he said: "If you call the police, you will call the police. There will be surveillance video on the plane. When the time comes, the police will know the facts.

Upon hearing this, Lin Zhiwei couldn't help but his face sank slightly.

And the flight attendant said in time: "Sorry, there is no corresponding surveillance video for the surveillance and temporary maintenance on our plane."

Upon hearing this, the sad expression on Lin Zhiwei’s face just disappeared immediately, putting on a relaxed smile, and even showing off to Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan with a bit of pride, "Now, Know how good I am!"

Chen Fei looked at the stewardess and asked coldly, "This is the attitude of your airline?"

With an expression of disapproval, the stewardess said lightly: "I'm sorry, sir, what I said is the truth.

Even at the police station, I would say the same. "

"good very good!"

Chen Fei said a few good words with a calm face.

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