
Chapter 2232: Individual

In this way, after rounds of unsatisfactory competitions, Wei Tian led his own Weitian Martial Arts Gym and successfully won the team championship.

It sparked a heated discussion on the scene.

After that, it was time to rest. Wei Tian didn't feel so excited about winning the team competition. Instead, he cheered the players backstage and prepared for the upcoming individual game.

An hour later, the highlight of the conference-the individual competition finally began.

The individual competition is still carried out in the way of knockout, drawing lots to determine the order of the game, and then rounds of competitions to advance to the final top 16 masters.

The draw ended soon, and then the game began immediately.

Compared to the team competition that was reserved just now, the individual competition seemed extremely hot at the beginning.

A famous player unreservedly blasted in the ring, playing quite lively, drew a burst of applause from the audience below, and the atmosphere gradually became enthusiastic.

Before long, it was Weitian's turn to play.

Fatty Huang and Chen Fei made an encouraging gesture to Wei Tian and said, "Come on!"

Wei Tian showed a confident smile to the two of them, and immediately boarded the ring.

As the champion of the team competition just now, Wei Tianyi took the stage and immediately attracted a lot of attention, and the discussion in the field also became lively.

Obviously, the opponent is also very concerned about Wei Tian, ​​and said: "It is my honor to be able to play against the champion of Wei Guan."

When the opponent is polite, Wei Tian is also very polite, arching his hands like the opponent, and saying, "Thank you for your praise!"

"let's start!"

The referee gave an order and the fight started.

With a few bangs, the two fought against each other. Then, in less than ten strokes, the opponent was kicked to the ground by Wei Tian, ​​voluntarily conceded defeat and retreated.

Wei Tian won the game smoothly and advanced to the next round, which immediately aroused a lot of calls.

The game continued, and the second round began, and it was time for Weitian to appear again.

This time the opponent is stronger than the opponent just now.

He is a martial arts player who won the fourth place in the team competition.

He obviously wanted to challenge Wei Tian. After taking the stage, he directly said: "Although you are the champion, the winner must be me."

"It just so happens that I think so too."

Wei Tian smiled and said.

Immediately, the two collided.

After more than thirty moves, Wei Tian hit the opponent's chest with a palm and directly photographed him in the ring, winning the final victory.

Wei Tian, ​​once again promoted.

The smooth promotion of two consecutive rounds, coupled with the victory of the team competition, made Wei Tian a popular presence among many players.

Cameras are constantly shooting here, and there are even enthusiastic fans, shouting to take pictures with Wei Tian.

Other games are also going on.

After the two rounds of the game, Wei Tian was somewhat consumed.

So he closed his eyes to rest his mind and began to meditate on the spot.

And Chen Fei and Huang Fatzi also took advantage of Wei Tian's time to go out to facilitate activities.

When they came back again, they heard a burst of enthusiastic cheers, which was even mixed with a loud shout of women, which was very eye-catching.

"How is this going?

It's so intense, it's like watching a star concert! "

Chen Fei and Fatty Huang were a little confused for a while.

"Could it be that Brother Tian is on the stage again?"

Fatty Huang guessed that, after all, until now, Wei Tian is undoubtedly the biggest focus.

However, when they returned to their seats, they found that Wei Tian was sitting on the spot, not on stage.

"My God, you have no competition!"

Huang Fatty said.

"The third round hasn't yet my turn!"

Wei Tian glanced at Fatty Huang with a questioning expression.

Fatty Huang said: "I heard the screaming loudly from the inside, and thought it was you who appeared on the stage, and the fans were shouting!"

Wei Tian shook his head, pointed to the ring, and said, "I am a fan of others."

Looking in the direction of Wei Tianzhi, Chen Fei and Huang Fatzi suddenly saw a young and handsome man standing on the ring.

The man looks handsome and slender, and he also specially put on make-up and dressed up, coupled with his custom-made ancient-style robe, holding a folding fan, looks personable, quite a bit of the meaning of the son in the costume drama.

"What's the matter with this guy?"

Fatty Huang was stunned for a while.

Wei Tiandao: "His name is Luo Xin, he is very handsome, and there are many fans, especially female fans.

When people came on stage, the female fans were naturally very excited. "

In the voice, Fatty Huang and Chen Fei heard another piercing voice from female fans.

Those fans holding various banners, folding fans and scarves, holding cameras and mobile phones in their hands, were shooting wildly at Luo Xin on the stage while shouting enthusiastically.

"Husband Luo Xin, so handsome!"

"Luo Xin, Luo Xin, I love you."

"Husband, look over here."

………This posture of a fanatical entertainment star really made the other players and audience on the scene a bit silly for a while.

What made them even more dissatisfied was that Luo Xin cooperated with various poses on the stage to let the fanatical female fans take pictures of themselves.

Under such a situation, Fatty Huang couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help but say: "How did this little white face get into the game? Is it still here?"

Wei Tian smiled and said, "Fatty Huang, don't judge people by their appearance, look down on them.

This Luo Xin is not low in strength, and he has also come in all the way. "

"Just him, I don't believe it."

Fatty Huang looked disbelief.

At this moment, Chen Fei had already seen through the realm of Na Luo Xin's strength. In the mid-Xuan-level stage, although he was not very good, he also had the mid-level level of the players in this competition, which was pretty good.

"Can you start the game?"

The opponent finally couldn't help Luo Xin scratching his head and posing, and said in dissatisfaction.

Luo Xin smiled softly at his opponent and apologized: "I'm sorry, I was rude.

Now, the game will be played right away. "

This gesture immediately caused the female fans to cheer and shout again, and of course, it also made the opponents more and more dissatisfied.

"Do whatever you want to pretend, fight it."

The opponent is a little impatient.

"let's start!"

The referee announced the start of the game.

Perhaps he wanted to vent his dissatisfaction, this opponent launched a fierce attack as soon as he took the stage, and Cao Luoxin rushed away fiercely.

Upon seeing this, the female fans of Luo Xin below suddenly yelled again.

When Luo Xin attacked, they shouted loudly and cheered, and when it was the opponent's turn to attack, they booed all over the sky, or even cursed on the spot.

All kinds of off the court made this opponent feel more and more unhappy, and he couldn't wait to give him a violent beating with the little white face in front of him, and teach him a lesson.

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