
Chapter 2239: Quarrel in the lobby

At this moment, Huang Wei looked at Fang Qingxi anxiously, with an expression of persuasion: "Miss Fang, what I said is true.

Na Luo Xin, he is really not a good person, he is lying to you, he is not Master Chen's junior at all. "

Fang Qingxi obviously didn't believe Huang Wei's words, looked at him coldly, and said, "Is it enough?

Huang Wei, you have pestered me so many times during this period.

Now that you are still in front of Master Luo, don't you feel embarrassed? "

The cold words and the disgusting eyes made Huang Wei feel a pain in his heart, but he couldn't help but persuade him: "Qingxi, I really don't have any bad intentions.

That Luo Xin is a liar, he—" Before Huang Wei finished speaking, Luo Xin, who was standing behind, stepped over, looked at Fat Huang, and said: "Mr. Huang, I seem to have nothing wrong with you. No hatred, right?

Why are you telling me such a lie to arrange me? "

"You--are you a liar? I know in my heart."

Huang Wei gritted his teeth and looked at Luo Xin, wishing that he could beat the little white face violently.

And Luo Xin looked disappointed, shook his head, and sighed: "Mr. Huang, if it is because of Ms. Fang, you are dissatisfied with me.

Then I apologize to you here. "

After that, Luo Xin took the initiative to bow to Huang Wei.

This move immediately caused the onlookers to discuss.

"As expected of Master Luo, too magnanimous."

"That's right, the fat man wronged him, and he took the initiative to apologize, which is so touching."

"If it were me, I would slap the fat man to death."

"They are Master Chen's younger brother and Master Luo. This is how the master behaves."

………In addition to complimenting Luo Xin, almost all other words are accusing Huang Wei.

"Fatty, Master Luo didn't pursue you, enough, go back!"

"Boy, don't get into it! Otherwise, if Master Luo doesn't do anything, I can't help but teach you a lesson."

"Get out of here, don't be ashamed here."

………Fang Qingxi also spoke amid the noisy voice.

She looked serious, mixed with a few anger, stared at Huang Wei, and said solemnly: "Huang Wei, I solemnly tell you now, it's not your turn to take care of Fang Qingxi's affairs."

"Also, I won't like you anyway.

In terms of relationships, you'd better give up early.

Even if I am single all my life, I would not like a man like you. "

"Qingxi, I, I--" Fatty Huang was shocked as soon as he heard this, his face was slumped, his legs were weak, and he almost didn't fall to the ground.

Fang Qingxi's face was cold, "I'm not familiar with you, don't call me that."

After speaking, Fang Qingxi turned her head and looked at Luo Xin.

The cold face just now filled with a smile, and even with a weird anger, he pulled La Luoxin's arm, "Why do you apologize to such a person?

You didn't do anything wrong, he was too much. "

Luo Xin smiled softly and said, "If the misunderstanding can be resolved, then what is my apology."

"You-you are too kind, that's why you are easily bullied."

Looking at Luo Xin, Fang Qingxi's expression became more gentle, and the tenderness in his eyes almost overflowed.

When Fatty Huang saw Fang Qingxi look like this, the anger he had just suppressed in his heart ignited again, staring at Luo Xin, and said: "The surname Luo, I don’t care what your purpose is, I’ll get from Qingxi’s side immediately. Get out, otherwise--" "Huang Wei, you're endless.

Is the matter between me and Mr. Luo related to you? "

Fang Qingxi said to Huang Wei unceremoniously.

"I--" Huang Wei's face sank for a while, his face full of pain, anger and grievance.

At this moment, Chen Fei and Wei Tian just arrived, "Fatty, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing the two coming, Huang Wei became excited for a moment, and quickly took Chen Fei's hand and said, "Brother Fei, tell Qingxi, that Luo Xin is a liar.

You are the real Master Chen, you—" Luo Xin couldn't help but his face changed when he heard this, his expression was a little nervous, and his eyes turned towards Chen Fei.

On the contrary, Fang Qingxi, with his face as usual, gently hugged Luo Xin's next door, and explained: "That man is his friend. When he was at school a few days ago, they came to cheat me like this.

Unexpectedly, it's here again. "

"Such people, don't pay attention, let's go!"

Fang Qingxi pulled Luo Xin to leave.

When Huang Wei saw this, he became excited and hurriedly asked Chen Fei for help: "Brother Fei, you help me, Qingxi, he--" On the side, Wei Tian frowned, held Huang Wei in hold, and whispered: "Fatty, calm down.

Brother Fei said before, it is not convenient for him to reveal his identity now. Isn't this embarrassing Brother Fei? "

"I, I--" Huang Wei's expression changed, his expression embarrassed.

Chen Fei patted Huang Wei on the shoulder and said, "It's okay, let me talk about it."

Immediately, Chen Fei took a few steps quickly, and said to Fang Qingxi and Luo Xin, "Wait a minute."

When the two heard the sound, they turned their heads and looked at Chen Fei.

Suddenly, Fang Qingxi frowned, and said displeased: "What do you want to do?

Are you using your lies to lie to me again? "

Chen Fei looked calm, looked at Fang Qingxi with a serious tone, and said: "Huang Wei is my brother. He has never lied to you."

"Haha--" Fang Qingxi sneered, obviously not convinced.

And Chen Fei continued to say in a deep voice: "I don't care if you believe it or not, but I have a word to tell you.

That is, Huang Wei's feelings for you are true. "

"No matter what you think of him, like, insensitivity or even disgust, I can be sure that Huang Wei has no malice towards you. He wants you to be good."

"I hope you can think about my words."

After speaking, Chen Fei turned back.

Fang Qingxi looked at Chen Fei, squinted her eyes, and was silent for a few seconds, as if she was a little moved by Chen Fei.

But at this time, Luo Xin gently held her arm and said softly: "Qingxi, are you okay?"

Hearing the sound, Fang Qingxi's thoughts were pulled back, and he raised his head slightly, looking at the handsome and gentle man in front of him, his heart became hot, and Chen Fei's words were left behind, "I'm fine."

After all, Luo Xin is almost perfect in appearance, temperament, or strength.

Besides, he is also the younger brother of Master Chen.

With this level of identity, once Fang Qingxi and Luo Xin really get along, Fang's family will definitely be able to follow along with her in the future.

This is a matter of no doubt.

The imagination of a bright future in his heart made Fang Qingxi fall into a kind of sweetness at this moment. In a blink of an eye, he forgot Chen Fei's words, and lovingly hugged Luo Xin's arm, and the two left together.

Here, Chen Fei and Wei Tian helped Huang Wei who was extremely lost and brought him back to the room.

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