
Chapter 2245: Vulnerable

Seeing Luo Xin not moving, Jiang Yu squinted his eyes and said, "Why, dare not to go?

Then change someone and don't waste my time. "

At this moment, everyone in the Fang family's eyes fell on Luo Xin, with a look of expectation.

After all, Luo Xin just uttered wild words, saying that he didn't put Jiang Yu and Xiaoyao Zong in his eyes.

Facing the look in Fang's family's expectation, Luo Xin had to stand up, but he didn't do anything directly with Jiang Yu, but tried to squeeze a smile and said: "The conflict between Jiang Gongzi and Fang's family, I also have something to do. I heard that, speaking of it, the matter is not that serious."

"It's better to be like this, Young Master Jiang gives me a face.

On behalf of the Fang family, I apologize to you and compensate you, and this matter will stop there. "

Luo Xin was in a posture of peace talks.

Jiang Yu was slightly surprised when he heard the words, and then coldly snorted: "Now you want to be soft?

However, it was too late.

Either send someone to fight, or I will destroy your Fang family! "

"Luo Xin said this to save you face.

You really think that our Fang family is afraid that you won't make it. "

Fang Qingxi shouted again, and at the same time said triumphantly, "Luo Xin is Master Chen's junior. With his strength, hitting you is the same as playing."

"Master Chen's younger brother, which Master Chen?"

Jiang Yu was a little puzzled.

Fang Qingxi spoke again, "Of course he is a master of the semi-god realm who has been famous all over the world recently, Master Chen Fei."

"What! He is Master Chen Fei Chen's younger brother."

Jiang Yu was really surprised.

"Why, now I know I'm afraid.

Oh, but I tell you, it's too late. "

Fang Qingxi is extremely confident.

After a brief surprise, Jiang Yu calmed down and stared at Luo Xin for a while.

In the end, it was determined that this guy only had the strength of the mid-Xuan level, and he was not a strong master at all.

As for the younger brother of Master Chen, he has never heard of it.

Only occasionally heard that Master Chen has a younger sister.

At this moment, he can almost conclude that this so-called Master Chen is a liar at all.

It's just that Fang's family was too stupid, or too anxious, that they were deceived by this liar.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yu couldn't help but sneered, "Afraid?

Haha, a small Fang family will scare me, you guys think too much. "

"Luo Xin, right? You said you are Master Chen's younger brother?"

Jiang Yu looked at Luo Xin.

Luo Xin bit his head and nodded and said: "Yes, I am!"

"is it?

Then let me see, what is your strength, Master Chen's junior? "

With that said, Jiang Yu's momentum skyrocketed, and he smashed directly towards Luo Xin.

Under such circumstances, Luo Xin had to bite the bullet and come out to fight.

The Fang family behind him looked at Luo Xin expectantly.

"Luo Xin, come on, give him some color and see."

"Young Master Jiang, you and me--" Feeling Jiang Yu's terrifying aura and coercion, Luo Xin's heart became even more empty, and he wanted to speak to ease.

But before he finished speaking, Jiang Yu attacked directly, "Don't talk nonsense, just take me."


Jiang Yu's offensive, with a terrifying wind, struck Chao Luo Xin with his head and face covered.

Luo Xin was extremely frightened, but there was no other way but to mobilize his true vitality frantically to resist Jiang Yu's attack.

However, when Qi Jin bombarded him, Luo Xin still found that he underestimated Jiang Yu's strength.

The violent vigor hit Luo Xin's chest frontally, and the huge force directly knocked him out, and his body smashed the screen of the stage behind him. In a little spark of light, he slammed heavily on the ground and his mouth. Spit out a mouthful of blood.

This result was completely unexpected by everyone. For a while, many people let out a cry of exclamation.

Especially the Fang family, they didn't expect this at all.

Fang Qingxi's pretty face was dumbfounded at the moment, his face was full of incredible expression, "This, this is impossible.

Luo Xin, how could he lose?

And also—" Jiang Yu didn't care about that much, he stepped forward again, his palms gathered vigorously, and he continued to attack Luo Xin, "Is the fight not over yet? "

At this moment, Luo Xin, who finally got up from the ground, had not had time to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth. He was shocked when he saw Jiang Yu attacking him again, and he couldn't care about anything else, and quickly waved his hand: "Don't fight. ,I surrender.

I lost, the competition is over, it's over. "

With such a panic, Jiang Yu couldn't help showing a sneer. He glanced at Luo Xin with disdain, "Trash one."

Then, he looked at everyone in the Fang family and said coldly: "I gave you three years, did your Fang family find such a waste?"

Everyone in the Fang family looked gloomy, their expressions were very ugly, they wanted to say something, but when the words came to their lips, they couldn't say anything.

Moreover, at the moment they looked at Luo Xin's gaze, they also became suspicious.

Only Fang Qingxi, who was lucky enough, helped Luo Xin up in the past and asked aloud: "Luo Xin, you, how could you—" Luo Xin touched the blood on the corner of his mouth and explained: "I, I He has been injured all the time, and he can't exert his full strength.

That's why--" "What, you have an injury, so why didn't you say it earlier."

I--" Fang Qingxi became excited for a moment.

Luo Xin looked at Fang Qingxi in an affectionate tone and said, "Because you are my fiancee.

I can't refuse your request, even for any reason. "

With these love words, Fang Qingxi was captured again, and the doubts in his heart were swept away. He hugged Luo Xin and said with a cry: "It's me that is not good, I don't understand you, and let you go into battle with injuries— -""is that enough?

I'm here today, not to watch a drama of bitter love. "

Jiang Yu yelled coldly and interrupted the two of them.

With tears in the corners of Fang Qingxi's eyes, she looked at Jiang Yu angrily, bit her lip and said: "Jiang Yu, you have already won, what else are you doing?"

"What else do you want?"

Jiang Yu snorted coldly, his eyes cold, "Don't you really think that Jiang Yu, my wounded for three years, is just to come to your house to fight!"

"Then you--" Everyone in the Fang family changed their expressions.

Jiang Yu sternly said: "Three years ago, Fang Mofeng damaged my pubic area and had to spend three years to recover from the injury.

These three years have delayed my practice and reduced me from the number one disciple of the Xiaoyao Sect to a hundred. "

"Do you really think that this kind of huge loss can be ended in one battle?"

"So, what do you want?"

The expressions of everyone in the Fang family were scared and worried.

Jiang Yu stared sharply, gritted his teeth and said, "What do I want?

I want your family to be destroyed, and I want everyone in your family to pay the price. "

After speaking, Jiang Yu waved his hand and ordered: "Start to act."

Suddenly, several of his followers turned and rushed out.

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