
Chapter 2250: Impede us

"What's wrong, I just went out and came back?"

"Could it be that you can't bear the party's banquet?"

"What happened outside?"

………Someone finally spoke in the voice of the question, “Outside the hotel, surrounded by people from the Xiaoyao Sect, there are more people than before, and we can’t get out at all.”


"Didn't Jiang Yu leave?

Why is it still surrounding the hotel. "

"Well, what is going on?"

......Just as everyone screamed in surprise, a burst of angry shouts came into the auditorium from outside.

"The kid surnamed Chen, and everyone in the auditorium, the humiliation you made me Jiang Yu, I'll get you back soon.

I will let you know that you cannot afford to offend my Xiaoyao Sect. "

After speaking, the auditorium suddenly fell into chaos.

"Jiang Yu wants to retaliate against us, what can we do?"

"There are more and more people in Xiaoyao Sect. Did Jiang Yu ask for help?"

"It's very possible. I heard that several elders of Xiaoyao Sect have come down the mountain this time, maybe they are not far away."

"What, the elder of Xiaoyao Sect.

That is the pinnacle of the earth level, and even the master of the heaven level realm. "

"It's over, it's all over, we are dead."

"This matter has nothing to do with us, why are we included?"

……… This sudden news made all the guests on the scene nervous.

Some people are very anxious, pacing anxiously on the spot.

Someone shrank their heads and hid in the corner, trying to hide their whereabouts as much as possible.

There were also people with hot tempers that couldn't help it, gritted their teeth and rushed out toward the door.

But it didn't take long before he flew back upside down, vomiting blood, apparently injured by the Xiaoyao Sect guarding outside.

As a result, the noisy scene suddenly became quiet.

Everyone in the Fang family also changed their faces at this moment.

Especially Fang Qingxi, today's engagement ceremony was originally a good thing for her and Luo Xin.

As a result, she didn't expect that various things happened one after another, turning her good things into jokes.

The resentment and resentment in his heart caused Fang Qingxi to look in Chen Fei's direction and muttered: "It's all to be blamed on them. Just now, Young Master Jiang said just let it go.

It was him who insisted on making every inch of it, forcing Young Master Jiang to kneel down to apologize, and in the end he offended Xiaoyao Sect to death, and caused the current result. "

The speech was not loud, but it spread clearly in the quiet scene.

When many guests heard the words, their eyes turned to Chen Fei involuntarily, with a few complex expressions in their eyes.

In the faint, the whispering whispers also rang.

"Miss Fang is right. I blame that kid for being too arrogant."

"If he wants to play prestige, he will do it by himself, why does he bother us all."

"Harmful spirit, we are just here to attend the engagement ceremony, who knows that now we have become enemies of Xiaoyaozong."

………There are more and more dissatisfied discussions, and the voice is getting louder and louder.

Fang Qingxi didn't hide his dissatisfaction even more, and said again: "Those few people don't feel any guilt at all.

What is this, let us all be their funeral? "

Following Fang Qingxi's words, everyone's eyes fell on Chen Fei's trio.

At this moment, they are sitting at a dining table, eating snacks and drinking beverages with a calm expression, making them a relaxed expression.

Fang Baimu looked worriedly in Chen Fei's direction, then glared at his sister, and shouted, "Don't talk nonsense."

"I'm not talking nonsense."

Fang Qingxi puffed up his mouth, retorted, and then snorted slightly and said in dissatisfaction, "Besides, they should be asked to apologize to Xiaoyao Sect and admit their mistakes, and don't bother us."

As soon as this remark came out, it was instantly recognized by many guests, and the discussion became even louder.

"That's it, it didn't matter to us in the first place, but now that it hurts us, there is no reaction at all, this is nothing."

"Miss Fang is right, they should be asked to apologize to Xiaoyaozong and admit their mistakes. There may be room for things to change."

………Is getting louder and louder, more and more noisy discussions sounded in the auditorium.

Chen Fei, who had been sitting quietly without speaking, suddenly slapped the wine glass in his hand on the table and screamed, "Shut up!"

This stern shout did not bring any real vitality, but it was shocked that everyone at the scene was speechless, and each one looked at Chen Fei with nervous and horrified expressions.

Chen Fei got up, glanced around the crowd, and finally fell on Fang Qingxi, sternly: "Everyone here is qualified to speak of me, but your Fang family does not have this qualification."

"If I hadn't repelled Jiang Yu, do you think you can stand here intact now?"

Chen Fei stared at Fang Qingxi and asked coldly.

Fang Qingxi's expression panicked, and she couldn't help but backed up a few steps, but she still didn't relax. She made excuses for herself and said, "I, my Fang family and Jiang Yu's affairs, didn't let you intervene. It was you who were passionate. ."

"Besides, with Luo Xin, things don't need you to solve the problem."

"Luo Xin, do you mean the trash that was defeated by Jiang Yu?"

Chen Fei sneered and pointed to Luo Xin, "You let him speak, dare you to confront Jiang Yu and Xiaoyao Sect?"

Hearing this, Fang Qingxi looked at Luo Xin expectantly, hoping to utter the word "dare" from his fiance.

However, Luo Xin's eyes flickered at this moment, and he didn't dare to look at her eyes at all.

He hesitated, but couldn't squeeze a word for a long time.

"Hehe, this is your Fang family's savior?

It's just a ridiculous liar. "

Chen Fei sneered.

"Luo Xin is not a liar, you are a liar.

He was only injured temporarily, so he was temporarily defeated. "

Fang Qingxi is still making excuses.

What else did Chen Fei want to say, and as a result, at this moment, a sharp shout rang out, "Who hurt Jiang Yu, get out of me and die."

With this harsh shout, the entire auditorium trembles, and everyone's expressions are instantly changed and their expressions are terrified.

Chen Fei just looked towards the door, then turned back to his seat, sat down, took another drink, and drank quietly.

He didn't take this scream seriously at all.

After dozens of seconds, in the silence, several figures in cyan robes walked into the auditorium.

The head was an old man with a thin face and hanging eyebrows, long hair and long beard. His eyes were slightly narrowed, with a hint of danger in his eyes, and he stepped in.

Behind him, there are five or six middle-aged men dressed like him.

In the end, it was Jiang Yu who had just been injured and fled.

At this moment, he walked in triumphantly.

Then he looked at Chen Fei, full of resentment, and let out a stern shout, "Chen, get out of here!"

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