
Chapter 2252: Snap fingers

"This, this is the Ice Soul Sword of the Great Elder of Xiaoyao Sect."

"I heard that this sword is made from the ice soul stone under the Jiuyou Bingquan. It has been refined after ninety-nine and eighty-one days. It is definitely a magic weapon!"

"Great Elder, really angry.

He is the pinnacle of the earth level, a master close to the realm of heaven! "

"That kid, this time is really dead."

………When the guests exclaimed and discussed constantly in the field, Chen Fei still looked indifferent, glanced at the Ice Soul Sword in the hands of the Great Elder, and then said faintly: "You are alone, not my opponent.

Simply, let's go together, so as not to waste time. "

"You--" the elder was angry, his eyes flushed, and he stared at Chen Fei fiercely, "Boy, take my sword and then rant."

In the angry voice, the blue long sword in the hands of the great elder shot, and the long sword volleyed out, whizzing out.

The icy chill instantly seemed to condense a cold ice dragon invisibly, roaring and rushing towards Chen Fei.

For a moment, the huge auditorium seemed to fall into an ice cave, and the temperature dropped instantly.


The great elder stabbed Chen Fei with a sword of the will to kill.

With an extremely cold aura, the ice dragon rushed towards Chen Fei, trying to freeze Chen Fei completely.

But at this moment, Chen Fei still didn't make any dodge movements. Instead, a faint smile appeared on the corners of his mouth and said, "Is it an ice dragon?

It's just right. "

After speaking, Chen Fei rubbed his right thumb and **** and snapped his fingers.

In an instant, a blaze of light burst out at the fingertips.

Then the fire light rushed out towards the front, and in the whistling, it turned into a scarlet fire dragon, roaring to meet the ice dragon on the opposite side.

"This is--" "Huolong, this kid, want to use the true vitality of the fire attribute to fight against the elder of Xiaoyao Sect?"

"Let's find death.

Not to mention the strength of the Great Elder is stronger than him, just to say that the Ice Soul Sword itself carries an ice cold aura, which has an enhanced effect on the ice cold aura.

He wanted to do it hard, it was completely self-defeating. "


In the center of the auditorium, the faint blue ice dragon and the scarlet fire dragon collided, and there was a loud bang, and the scorching heat and ice-cold energy exploded in the air, dividing the auditorium into two completely different worlds.

One is like a sinking ice cave, and the other is like a fiery hell.

For a time, the two giant dragons collided, and they were even on par.

This result surprised everyone.

The Great Elder's expression also sank, and then he gave a cold snort, and the Ice Soul Sword in his hand flicked slightly, and a faint blue vigor rushed out of the long sword, instantly strengthening the ice dragon a lot, roaring and spraying. An icy breath came out, completely submerging Chen Fei's fire dragon.

But at this moment, Chen Fei laughed instead, "Is it that way?"

"In that case, then I won't waste time."

After speaking, Chen Fei snapped his fingers again.

The fire dragon in the air burst, and the light burst instantly, and the crimson fire light rushed out, with a searing heat wave, directly enveloping the ice dragon of the great elder.

In the pulsating flames, you can vaguely see the blue ice dragon twisting and wailing, and finally melted quickly and disappeared without a shadow.

A few seconds later, Chen Fei snapped his fingers again, and the fire dragon in the air burst open with a bang, turned into countless pieces of light, scattered from the air, and finally disappeared.

At this moment, the elder's face was pale, his originally serious and confident face was covered with sweat at this moment, and his trembling right hand was still holding his Ice Soul Sword tightly.

However, the originally faintly blue sword of the divine weapon had turned into a grayish white at this moment. With the movements of the great elder, it cracked and broke in an instant, turned into a pile of fragments, and scattered to the ground.

The ice soul sword of the great elder of Xiaoyao Sect was destroyed in this way.

For a moment, there was silence in the auditorium.

Everyone looked at this scene with dull gazes, their faces stunned, and they couldn't believe that such a thing had happened.

At this moment, Chen Fei faintly hooked his fingers at the other elders behind the great elder, and said lightly, "You guys, do you want to go together?"

Only then did the few people come back to their senses, their complexions suddenly sank, their expressions were angry, and they roared towards Chen Fei.

"Boy, you are looking for death."

"Smelly boy, dare to hurt the big elder, look for something dead."

………Amid the clamor, several elders of Xiaoyao Sect, together agitating the true vitality, attacked fiercely.

At this moment, when the great elder saw this, his expression became tense, and he hurriedly shouted: "Stop, you are not his opponents, hurry up—" It's just that the few people who are completely occupied by anger at this moment, how can they listen to the words of the great elder, His eyes were scarlet, almost bursting into flames.

"Huh, boom!"

A burst of energy, with a whistling killing intent, poured over Chen Fei's body.

Such a fierce offensive shocked all the guests in the stadium. They all retreated and huddled in the corner, worried that they would be implicated by the aftermath of the attack.

But at this moment, Chen Fei, who was in the center of the attack, still stood still and did not move.

Seeing the sky attack swept through the air, Chen Fei raised the corners of his mouth, showing a faint smile, "Is it just that way to do it together?"

The strength of Xiaoyao Sect really disappointed me! "

"Boy, look for—" The elders were even more angry when they heard the words, gritted their teeth and stern.

However, Chen Fei, who had just finished speaking, faced the turbulent offensive, flipped his right hand and shot out with a palm in the air.

In an instant, with a bang, the air directly made a popping sound.

The invisible air was like a cannonball, bursting out, with the majestic vigor, facing those fierce offensives.

Immediately, in less than a second, the bursting shock wave shattered all the offensives and dissipated in the air instantly.

Without waiting for the other party to react, the shock wave continued forward, banging, and slapped several elders on the chest.

Suddenly, a scream sounded.

The elders of Xiaoyao Sect who were still angry and arrogant just now were all knocked out with blood vomiting, and fell heavily to the ground, and left with the previous Seventh Elder and Sixth Elder.

The elders of Xiaoyao Sect, only the elders can stand at this moment.

It's just that, at this moment, his face is pale, his body is trembling, and he will almost fall down at any time.

There is no fighting power at all.

As a result, the Xiaoyao Sect and his party who had just arrived aggressively were solved by Chen Fei alone at this moment.

Such a result is something that everyone dare not even dream of.

For a moment, everyone was stunned, looking at Chen Fei, with surprise, completely speechless.

However, Chen Fei retracted his gaze, looked around for a week, and said coldly: "Who was it just now? I've hurt you."

As soon as this remark came out, many people at the scene immediately changed their colors, bowed their heads and shrank, completely afraid to speak out.

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