
Chapter 2265: Road to hell

Upon hearing this, the expressions of the villagers became melancholy and even panicked.

Even Lao Miao and his wife were full of worries at this moment, and they didn't dare to come over and act on Ma Zhikang.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei couldn't help asking: "Is his brother very good?

Are you so scared? "

The former uncle sighed softly and said to Chen Fei: "His younger brother is called Ma Zhifu, and he has been wandering around our town since he was a child.

Later, I went out and came back from outside a few years ago.

I practiced a martial arts, very powerful, defeated our local strongest masters, and even smashed other people's martial arts gymnasium. "

"No one in the whole town dared to move him.

Wherever he goes, everyone will respectfully call "Fu Ye", which can be said to be an invincible existence! "

"Yeah yeah!"

Following the uncle's narration, many villagers around also nodded in agreement.

Ma Zhikang became more and more proud, "Boy, have you heard?

My brother is the famous Fu Ye, you immediately let go of me, otherwise, my brother will definitely kill you. "

Facing Ma Zhikang's threat, Chen Fei didn't care at all, but raised his right foot and stepped on it.

There was a crackling sound, and Ma Zhikang's left arm was directly broken by Chen Fei.

The screams of pain rose to the sky, and aroused many birds and beasts who had night in the mountains and forests.

Ma Zhikang flushed, staring at Chen Fei fiercely, "You, do you dare to hurt me, my brother——" He also said, but Chen Fei stepped down again, and Ma Zhikang's right arm was broken, and he screamed. Sounded again.

At this moment, the frightened villagers around came back to their senses and looked at Chen Fei in astonishment.

"Mr. Chen, you, you--" "Doctor Chen, you can't make it, you can't make it!"

"Xiao Chen, stop it.

That Fu Ye, you can't afford it. "

……… Even the uncle’s voice trembled at this moment, and said to Chen Fei: "Xiao Chen, you, don't be impulsive.

Run away, get out of here as soon as possible. "

Chen Fei was very calm, and said lightly: "Master, don't worry, I have a sense of measure. I'm just a hooligan, I can deal with it!"

At this moment, Ma Zhikang, who was wailing in pain, gritted his teeth and endured the pain, and said: "My brother is not a rogue, he is a warrior, a witch monk.

If you dare to move me, he will definitely kill you and make you worse off than death. "

Chen Fei, who originally wanted to kill Ma Zhikang directly, showed interest when he heard the words "Witch Sect monk", and stared at Ma Zhikang, "You said, your brother is a Witch Sect monk?

Do you know what a witch monk is? "

"Of course I know, my brother is.

The witch monk is a very powerful warrior, very powerful, and even capable of spells, just like the kind of martial arts masters who can shine on TV. "

"My brother went hunting in the mountains with me the day before yesterday. At that time, he met a wild boar weighing more than 300 kilograms. He stood more than 100 meters away and waved his hand directly. A ray of light flew out and killed the wild boar."

"His strength, his methods, are not what you can imagine.

You let me go as early as possible, otherwise my brother will never let you have good fruit. "

The surrounding villagers were dumbfounded and surprised.

Many people think that Ma Zhikang is exaggerating to deter Chen Fei so that he can get away.

It was Chen Fei who believed his words at this moment.

He learned earlier that the witch monks and the witch doctors are inextricably linked.

Du Cang and Du Lao were taken away by the father and son of the Witch Doctor Hall, and the route happened to be here.

A witch monk happened to appear here.

This had to make Chen Fei connect these information and start to guess.

Is this Ma Zhikang's younger brother related to Wu Li and Wu Yinan and his son?

Thinking of this, Chen Fei did not continue to work on Ma Zhikang, but picked him up by his collar, and said, "Lead the way and go to your house."

"Ah, what are you going to do?"

Ma Zhikang was stunned for a while.

Chen Fei squinted his eyes and said, "Of course I am going to see your brother, and I will meet the "Fu Ye"."

"Xiao Chen, don't be impulsive!"


"Dr. Chen, thank you very much. You have helped us a lot and cannot continue to take risks."

......The villagers all persuaded.

Chen Fei smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm sure that nothing will happen."

"Yes—" The villagers still wanted to persuade.

But Chen Fei has already started to move forward.

Seeing Chen Fei leaving, a slender figure suddenly rushed out of the crowd, followed behind Chen Fei, and said firmly: "Big Brother, I will go with you."

Chen Fei turned his head to see Xiao Miao, a delicate girl who was catching up and grabbing the hem of his clothes. He was a little surprised, "Xiao Miao, you don't need to—" "Big brother, you are my savior, and we can't let you take the risk alone.

I want to be with you. "

The little girl was very firm.

Behind him, Lao Miao and his wife also followed, "Xiao Miao is right, we can't let Xiao Chen take risks alone.

We also go together. "

"Let's go together too!"

"Many people are powerful, and Lord Fu is nothing."

"Xiao Miao has gone, I am a big man, can I still not go?"

More villagers behind, came up one after another, with a high spirit.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei smiled at the corner of his mouth and said firmly, "Let's go together!"

As a result, a group of people left the village mightily and headed towards the house of Dr. Ma in the next village.

At this moment, Ma Zhikang seemed quite quiet in the face of the excited crowd.

He lowered his head and said nothing, with a faint sneer at the corner of his mouth.

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at these people, and he sneered in his heart, "Don't look at each of you now with high morale, you will soon become dead."

Then Chen Fei was too arrogant, thinking that he would be able to defeat him.

But he didn't understand his brother's strength at all, so he wanted to hit the door.

Now I am taking this group of stupid villagers to go to the house and cast a net together.

When he got home, he asked his brother to take action, and this kid was definitely dead.

At that time, Ma Zhikang must let this group of people know what is regret and what is terror.

Especially that arrogant boy, Ma Zhikang has already calculated in his heart how to torture him, how to make him better than death, and let him know the fate of offending him.

Hiding the cold thoughts in his heart, Ma Zhikang led Chen Fei and his party toward his home in a mighty manner.

In his opinion, this is a road to **** paved for Chen Fei.

The closer they are, the closer they are to death and terror.

In the vast mountains and forests, a little bit of cold stars hung in the sky.

On the rugged mountain road, a group of people lit a little light, marching forward high, like a fire dragon in the endless dark night.

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