
Chapter 2267: Evil repair methods

But Chen Fei just slapped a burst of energy, and instantly smashed all these flying knife-like energy, but instead slammed into Fu Ye's chest, directly knocking him out.

"You--" Fu Ye was shocked, never expecting Chen Fei's strength to be so powerful, and knocking himself into the air with one move.

Ma Zhikang, who had just been extremely proud, changed his face instantly when he saw his brother vomiting blood and flying upside down.

As for Chen Fei, the offensive continued, and continued to attack Fu Ye.

Upon seeing this, Fu Ye was really a little scared.

But Chen Fei's offensive was so fierce that it was inevitable to avoid it.

In such a situation, it seems that there is no way out.

Seeing that Chen Fei’s offensive was about to come, Lord Fu gritted his teeth fiercely, with a fierce color in his eyes, and said: "Boy, this drop of witch blood, I originally wanted to keep it for attending the witch gate conference. .

I didn't expect to be forced out by you! "

"Today, you will definitely die!"

While speaking, a transparent glass bead appeared in Fu Ye's hand, and a drop of bright red blood was sealed in the center of the glass bead.

Exudes a weird light.

Fu Ye crushed the glass beads in a hand, then put the glass beads to his mouth and sucked hard, and immediately sucked the bright red blood into his mouth.

He quickly swallowed the blood into his abdomen, the aura on Fu Ye's body instantly changed, his eyes became weird, his eyes were scarlet, like a demon crawling out of hell.

The villagers suddenly felt that the surrounding air became cold, and they seemed to be like a demon hell, trembling all over, terrified.

"Boy, go to hell!"

The devil-like Lord Fu glared at Chen Fei and rushed.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei frowned slightly.

Although he didn't know what that witch blood was, it was judging from the weird aura emanating from that drop of blood and the strength of this Fu Ye suddenly becoming stronger.

That is definitely not a righteous thing.

"It seems that you are really a witch cultivator!"

Chen Fei's eyes fell cold.

"What about evil repair?

You so-called righteous people, what qualifications do you have to ask us. "

Fu Ye shouted, the offensive was already less than ten meters away from Chen Fei.


Chen Fei snorted coldly, and smashed it directly with a fist.


Under the impact, the devil-like Fu Ye seemed to be smashed by a huge hammer, and his body flew out with a bang, a large mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and it was sprinkled down in the air.

"Why, how is it possible, you--" Fu Ye never expected that after taking witch blood and forcibly enhancing his strength, Chen Fei was blown away by Chen Fei. "Who are you?"

"You don't need to know! You don't deserve to know either."

Chen Fei's voice was cold and his figure shook, and he chased after Fu Ye who was flying upside down.

Upon seeing this, the pale-faced Fu Ye was terrified.

He knew that with Chen Fei's strength, once he was chased, there would only be one ending, no doubt he would die.

His thoughts were running wildly, and he was thinking of a way to save himself.

But the current situation seems to be a dead end.

Seeing that Chen Fei was about to chase him, at this moment, Fu Ye caught a figure in his eyes, his brother Ma Zhikang.

In an instant, he thought of something, his eyes were cold, and there was a hint of chill.

Immediately, he moved in the air and flew in the direction of Ma Zhikang.

When he landed, he lifted his brother Ma Zhikang up.

Because the movement was too violent, Ma Zhikang's broken arm was involved, and Ma Zhikang cried out in pain for a while, "Zhifu, move lightly."

But Lord Fu completely ignored him. After lifting Ma Zhikang up, he opened his mouth and bit his brother's neck and sucked hard.

The sharp teeth pierced the blood vessels in Ma Zhikang's neck, and the blood flowed into Fu Ye's mouth.

Ma Zhikang screamed out of panic and pain, "Zhifu, you, what are you doing."

You let me go, I'm your brother! "

"Brother, that kid is a master.

With my strength, it is not his opponent at all.

If this continues, we have only one dead end.

I have sucked your blood and can forcibly improve my strength. Perhaps, I still have a way out. "

Fu Ye was sucking the blood while speaking out.

Ma Zhikang was really frightened, "Zhifu, no, don't.

I'm your brother, you can't kill me, you can't—" "Brother, I'm your brother. If you die to save me, you can be considered dead. "

Fu Ye increased his sucking force, then raised his left hand and patted Ma Zhikang on the head.

With a click, Ma Zhikang, who was hit hard, died instantly.

However, before he died, his staring eyes were filled with incredible colors.

At this time, Lord Fu directly held his elder brother's corpse and sucked, "Brother, don't blame me.

In this way, you can be more relaxed. "

The villagers on the periphery were stunned and completely frightened when they saw such a **** and frightening scene.

Some people slumped directly to the ground, and their legs trembled.

Chen Fei, who was chasing up, had a colder look in his eyes.

At this moment, he finally knew why the Huaxia official listed the Wumen monks as evil cultivators and tried their best to suppress and expel them from the country.

In the current harsh environment, these evil cultivators would still do things that harm their relatives and cultivate with human blood.

He couldn't imagine the extent to which these evil cultivators would accomplish decades ago.

With an icy killing intent in his eyes, Chen Fei pursued Fu Ye.

At this moment, Lord Fu had his mouth full of bright red, and his body was also covered with a lot of blood. The whole person looked extremely terrifying and hideous in the night.

His eyes were wide, with scarlet bloodshot eyes, his **** mouth grew, and he roared wildly, "Dead, die!"

In the frantic cry, dark red vigor spread from him, increasing his strength a bit, even reaching the level of a ground-level master.

Fu Ye was also very confident about his own strength enhancement, and smiled with blood, "Haha, haha, I am a prefecture-level master.

Boy, you are dead, dead. "

After speaking, Fu Ye laughed wildly and rushed towards Chen Fei.

The ferocity of the prefecture-level master seemed to crush Chen Fei completely.

But afterwards, Chen Fei just bombed out with a simple punch, which seemed to be no different from just now.


It was another shock, and the two collided together.

Then Fu Ye vomited blood again and flew out.

At this moment, his face was full of shock and disbelief, "How could it be possible, I am a prefecture-level master, how could you—" Chen Fei flickered before he finished speaking, and then he appeared above Fu Ye with a squeak. Raise the right palm and take a picture.


In an instant, Fu Ye was like a cannonball, and he was directly photographed from the air to the ground.

The huge impact force caused him to hit the ground into a one-meter-deep human-shaped pit, and the whole person fell into the pit, unable to move.

"You, what are you--" Chen Fei fell down in the weak and shocked voice of Lord Fu, stood beside him, and said coldly: "Tell me everything about the Wumen monks."

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