
Chapter 2274: Ground Snake Nanda

But at this moment, not only Hu Kang and Chu Hui, but also some other travelers began to gather around and accuse Chen Fei.

"It's all good things this kid did."

"The troublemaker, I have to show the limelight, and it turns out that something big happened."

"Boy, when you go out to apologize and admit your mistakes, maybe we still have a chance to survive."

………Chen Fei didn’t make any excuses, but just glanced at everyone coldly, and sternly shouted: "Shut up all of you!"

In an instant, the crowd who had just been so noisy fell silent and did not dare to make any noise at all.

And Chen Fei stepped forward to meet the mighty crowd on the opposite side.

Seeing this, Zhan Qinqiu couldn't help showing a worried look, but still gritted his teeth to follow.

Hu Kang and Chu Hui narrowed their eyes and murmured a few times.

"We still have to be a hero, depending on how others teach him."

"Ah Qiu was given Ecstasy by that guy?

Why are you still facing that guy in this situation! "

………Chen Fei came to the other group of people. The dark-skinned shopkeeper pointed at Chen Fei and said something in a whisper, with an angry look.

On the side, the female tour guide put her arms around her chest, sneered and translated what the other party had said: "The shopkeeper said that the troublemaker was you. Now, please ask Nanda to beat you up."

Chen Fei glanced at the dark crowd in front of him, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "Is that all?

It seems that this so-called black boss in Meng Nao City is nothing more than that! "

"You--" The female tour guide was irritated by Chen Fei's words, and then translated Chen Fei's words to the group of people on the opposite side.

After listening, the group of people burst into a commotion.

One by one, they waved their weapons and yelled at Chen Fei fiercely.

For a time, the momentum was shaking, and it was frightening.

In such a situation, the expressions of the passengers behind them changed drastically, and they hurriedly backed away.

"Is that kid crazy?

It's not enough, even irritating the other party. "

"Is this looking for death?"

"Find death by yourself, don't hurt us all!"

"Boy, shut up and apologize to them!"

………Amidst the shouts, the other party had already rushed over. There were more than a dozen people at the head, each of them viciously waving the weapons in their hands and smashing them towards Chen Fei with murderous intent.

Seeing such a scene, Zhan Qinqiu felt that his heart was about to jump out of his mouth, and the whole person was extremely worried.

The other passengers were also scared to back away again.

At this moment, Chen Fei shook his head in the face of the surging opponent, then snorted and rushed towards the opponent.


"Da da da!"

After a crash, Chen Fei retreated to the place where he stood straight, like a white poplar tree.

And the opponents who came in the first assault fell to the ground crazily at this moment, wailing.

Almost half of the people were knocked to the ground by Chen Fei in less than three minutes, unable to move.

The rest of the people watched this scene in horror, full of astonishment, holding weapons in their hands, and wondering for a moment whether they should step forward or retreat.

The triumphant shopkeeper and tour guide were also dumbfounded at the moment.

The other passengers were also surprised, and they didn't expect such a result at all.

Although Chen Fei had already staged such a scene when he dealt with the shopkeeper just now.

But after all, there were only ten or twenty people just now, and most of them were just shop assistants.

And now, there are a hundred people, and all of them are thugs in the society, and they are much stronger than the clerk just now.

But even so, Chen Fei knocked down the opponent by half in less than three minutes.

This result is something that no one had expected.

For a while, the expressions of everyone at the scene changed.

Zhan Qinqiu was very happy, with a smile on his face.

Chu Hui and Hu Kang were startled for a while, and then their faces sank, and their gazes at Chen Fei were somewhat complicated.

The tour guide and the shopkeeper on the opposite side were stunned for nearly a minute, and finally came back to their senses.

Their eyes flickered, their footsteps kept moving, and they wanted to retreat and escape.

After all, even if they were fools, they could tell that Chen Fei's strength was very good.

Although there are still half of the people left, it is by no means Chen Fei's opponent.

But as soon as they left, Chen Fei's cold voice rang, "Where do you want to go!"

"I—" Hearing the voice, the tour guide and the shopkeeper froze.

After a few seconds, the tour guide turned around and knelt down in front of Chen Fei, begging for mercy with a crying voice: "Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, I was wrong.

Please, my lord has a lot, forgive me once, I will definitely not dare next time. "

Although the shopkeeper on the side could not understand what the tour guide said, he seemed to understand what was going on.

He knelt down and kept kowtow to Chen Fei.

Chen Fei looked at them quietly, with a sneer on his face, "Now that I know to beg for mercy, don't you think it's a bit late?"

"I—" What else the tour guide wanted to say.

But at this time, Chen Fei had raised his right hand, ready to do it on her.

Upon seeing this, the tour guide paled with fright.

She wanted to get up and escape, but under the pressure, she found that her legs were weak, and she couldn't stand up at this moment.

Seeing that Chen Fei's right palm was about to fall, just at this moment, a slightly weird Chinese voice sounded, "This gentleman, please be merciful."

Hearing the sound, Chen Fei turned his head and looked over and found a middle-aged man wearing a large diagonal robe walking towards him.

The robe is very gorgeous, with strong ethnic characteristics, it should be the local clothing of Meng Nao City.

The middle-aged man looks like in his forties, with long hair, a smile at the corners of his mouth, and a gentle face, giving a sense of kindness.

But the tour guide and the shopkeeper became excited when they saw this person.

"Master Nanda, you are here!"

"Master Nanda, please help us."

……… "Nanda!"

Hearing this name, Chen Fei couldn't help but squinted slightly, staring at the long-haired man on the opposite side and looking closely, "Are you Nanda?"

Nanda smiled and nodded, "I am."

"I already know what's going on here.

It's my bad guy who ran into Mr. Chen. Please forgive me! "

The other party's kind attitude exceeded Chen Fei's expectations and made him vigilant, "forgive me?"

"You can't be forgiven for what you did?"

Chen Fei said coldly.

"Oh, I wonder what Mr. Chen wants?

As long as I can give in, I will definitely agree. "

Nanda Road.

As soon as Chen Fei heard this, the passengers behind him spoke first.

"Mr. Nanda, we didn't ask for it, and you don't have to make concessions, just let us go.

"Yes, yes, we didn't ask for it."

"Xiao Chen, Mr. Nanda has given us face, please speak up!"

"Chen Fei, don't cause trouble, it's enough to resolve the matter like this."


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