
Chapter 2276: Blood Witch

Just as Hu Kang's words fell, Nanda looked at Chen Fei and Zhan Qinqiu with a wicked smile, "You two, I can exempt you from compensation."

"Of course, it is not without conditions.

But don’t worry, the conditions are simple. "

"Your name is Chen Fei, you are good at it, and I am very optimistic about you.

If you are willing to be my subordinate, compensation will be avoided. "

"As for this little beauty, it's even simpler.

Stay with me for one night, and I will send you home. "

As soon as he said this, Zhan Qinqiu was immediately angry, "Bah, it's impossible!"

It was the other passengers who showed envy and yearning to the two at this time.

Chu Hui was extremely excited, as if she had found a way to save herself, she took the initiative to stand up, pulled her collar down fiercely, and then hurriedly said, "Master Nanda, I, I can also accompany you. , One night is not enough, two nights and three nights are all right.

As long as you—" Nanda sneered and said unceremoniously: "You don't take a **** and take a picture of yourself. Are you qualified to accompany me? "

"I--" Chu Hui froze in place, not knowing what to say.

Afterwards, Nanda looked at Chen Fei and Zhan Qinqiu with a smile, and said, "How are you thinking about my suggestion?"

Zhan Qinqiu looked resolute, shook his head fiercely, and said, "I will never agree.

If you dare to move me, I will die. "

"Little beauty is a bit temperamental, I like this!"

Nanda smiled, did not take Zhan Qinqiu's words to heart, but looked at Chen Fei, "What about you?"

Chen Fei raised his eyes to Nanda and said, "You said, let me be your subordinate."


Nanda nodded and said, "As long as you promise, I will definitely let you go.

Moreover, I will let you be my right-hand man. At that time, my business in Meng Nao City will have your share. "

"With me covered, when you are here, what you want, money and beautiful women, are all at your fingertips."

Nanda tempted Chen Fei.

The others looked at Chen Fei with complex expressions at this moment.

Some people hope that Chen Fei will agree, maybe they can use their status as a compatriot to win a chance for themselves.

There are also people who don't want Chen Fei to agree, because they just ridiculed Chen Fei unceremoniously just now. If Chen Fei agrees, then he will get revenge on them.

......Just when everyone's eyes on the scene gathered on Chen Fei.

Chen Fei raised his mouth with a sneer, looked at Nanda, and finally said, "Let me be your subordinate, are you worthy?"

"what did you say!"

In an instant, Nanda's face sank, his face was full of anger, and he stared at Chen Fei fiercely.

"I said, are you worthy?"

Chen Fei repeated the words just now.

At this time, Nanda was completely angry, and said coldly: "Do you know what you are talking about?

Do you know the consequences of what you say? "

Not to mention Nanda, even the many tourists were shocked at this time.

Some people sigh with emotion, some are anxious, and some are secretly gloating, all in different faces.

But Chen Fei didn't take Nanda seriously, and said coldly: "Consequence?

I want to see what the consequences are you talking about. "

"Something to die!"

Nanda was angry, waved a big hand, and ordered, "Do it, kill him!"

In an instant, the remaining fifty people rushed towards Chen Fei.

However, the result was almost the same as before. In the blink of an eye, Chen Fei knocked down a dozen or so people.

Upon seeing this, Nanda's expression sank, knowing that he had to take action.

"I come!"

He shouted, his body soaring, grabbing two huge machetes with both hands, and slashing at Chen Fei fiercely.

I have to say that this Nanda can become the underground boss of Meng Nao City, and he still has two brushes.

At this moment, the aura that burst out all over his body had the strength of the late stage of the profound level, and the average warrior was really not his opponent.

Unfortunately, the opponent he met was Chen Fei.

Facing Nanda who came fiercely with knives in both hands.

Chen Fei was not afraid, and rushed straight up.

As a result, Nanda's two machete hadn't cut Chen Fei's time.

Chen Fei's gleaming fist directly smashed into pieces and flew around.

"How could it be, you--" Nanda held two bare knife hilts, with a look of surprise on her face.

But Chen Fei wouldn't give him a chance to sigh, with a fist with a scarlet light, he slammed it out.

When Chen Fei's fist fell on Nanda's chest, Nanda instantly felt as if a giant hammer was hammering over, and a huge force instantly knocked him to the ground.

Then, before he was struggling to get up, Chen Fei stepped forward and stomped him on the ground with one foot on his chest.

The remaining twenty-odd thugs saw that their boss was knocked to the ground so easily by Chen Fei. One by one, they were frightened and lost their fighting spirit. They dropped their weapons and fled in all directions.

The many passengers who retreated were completely stunned at this time. They didn't expect that after Nanda appeared, it would turn out to be such a result.

For a while, the scene was silent, and everyone's eyes focused on Chen Fei.

Chen Fei stepped on Nanda condescendingly, and said coldly: "Say, how do you want to die?"

Nanda still wanted to struggle, but felt that the strength on Chen Fei's feet was like a mountain, making him unable to move at all.

In Chen Fei's right palm, an air glow appeared, and he was about to kill Nanda.

Upon seeing this, Nanda was terrified, and hurriedly struggling to shout, "Don't kill me, I am..." Under the fullness, Nanda whispered in the local language, Chen Fei was confused and didn't understand a word. .

Upon seeing this, Nanda hurriedly yelled at the already scared tour guide.

The female guide was pale, she stood up from the ground tremblingly, glanced at Chen Fei, and then lowered her head in horror.

"He asked you to translate?"

Chen Fei looked at the girl guide.

The female tour guide dared not look at Chen Fei and nodded.

"Say it!"

Chen Fei said.

The female guide immediately endured her fear and translated Nanda's words to Chen Fei, "Master Nanda said, you can't kill him.

Because, because he is a member of the blood witch cult, if you kill him, the blood witch cult will not let you go. "

"Blood Witch Cult!"

Hearing this term, Chen Fei's eyes condensed, "What is this?"

Without waiting for the tour guide to translate, Nanda grumbled again.

The female tour guide continued to translate: "Master Nanda said that the Blood Witch Cult is the largest sect in the underground of Vantaa. The leader of the Blood Witch Cult is a strong power in the sky. You cannot be the opponent of the leader.

"Moreover, above the leader of the Blood Witch Cult, there is also Lord Sorceress.

Tomorrow’s Witch Sect Conference will be held here, and then Lord Witch Master will appear. If you make trouble now and provoke Lord Witch Lord by then, you will offend all Witch Sect monks and you will suffer all Witch Sects. The chase of the monk. "

After the female tour guide finished speaking, she looked at Chen Fei with a pale face.

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