
Chapter 2278: Just ask a few questions

At this time, downstairs in the headquarters of the Blood Witch Sect, the tour group who followed Chen Fei was shocked to see such a scene.

They thought that Chen Fei's coming to the blood witch cult was bold enough.

But I didn't expect that Chen Fei's boldness was more than that.

Just now, Chen Fei brought Nanda directly into the blood witch sect.

Unceremoniously, he knocked down more than a dozen members of the blood witch cult in a blink of an eye, causing a mess here.

In the noisy environment, Chen Fei would block the blood witch cultists in front of him, knocking them off one by one, and moving on.

And when Chen Fei walked to the top of the stairs and was about to go upstairs, a blood witch in a red robe appeared in front of him with majesty and anger.

Master Blood Witch's gaze fell on Chen Fei, and when he saw that he was just a young man, he was suddenly angry and dissatisfied. He gritted his teeth and said, "Huaxia, it's you, making trouble below?"

Chen Fei squinted his eyes slightly, took a look at the person in front of him, and then said: "Are you the leader of the Blood Witch Cult?"

"I am!"

Master Blood Witch said in a deep voice, staring at Chen Fei fiercely, and said angrily, "Huaxia, who gave you the courage to let you break into my **** sect?"

Chen Fei threw Nanda out of his hand and threw it to Master Blood Witch, "Is he yours?"

Master Blood Witch frowned when he looked at Nanda, who was embarrassed and hurt all over.

Chen Fei clapped his hands, his tone was flat, and even slightly relaxed, he continued to say: "Your person, wanting to blackmail me, happened to be met by me, so I learned a lesson."

"Then, he mentioned you as a patron, saying that you are a witch monk.

It just so happened that I had something to ask the Wumen monk, so I came over.

If your people stop me from asking, then I can only call you up to ask. "

"You, you--" Upon hearing this, a majestic anger surged in Master Blood Witch's heart, like a volcanic eruption, which was about to rush out, "Boy, what are you kidding?"

"Say, which branch are you from?

Who sent you here?

Black witch religion, poison witch religion or sky witch religion? "

Master Blood Witch stared at Chen Fei fiercely.

"Black Witch Cult, Poison Witch Cult, Sky Witch Cult?"

Hearing three brand new words, Chen Fei couldn't help but squinted his eyes, and there were more questions in his heart. "There are more questions. It seems that I have to ask someone to ask them clearly."

"I think you are not bad.

If you answer my question well, I can consider not doing it. "

Chen Fei said lightly, and even a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, showing his kindness.

However, this smile fell into the eyes of Master Blood Witch, and it became a naked mockery.

"Do you think I will believe this stupid excuse?"

Master Blood Witch was really angry, and the true vitality aura began to revolve. Around his body, a whirlwind-like vigor appeared, whistling and slowly spreading.

"To answer my question, who are you sent here?

Otherwise, I will let you know, what is life better than death? "

The voice of Master Blood Witch was like a **** killer, spreading with a chilling coldness.

Before Chen Fei had made any movement, the passengers who were hundreds of meters away from Chen Fei could no longer bear the pressure and chill, and shivered.

Zhan Qinqiu gritted his teeth and wanted to continue to approach, but found that his legs couldn't be moved anymore, and fell to the ground.

Lying on the ground, she looked at Chen Fei, her pretty face was full of worries, "The opponent is too strong, can Chen Fei really be able to fight?"

The expressions of other passengers changed drastically at this moment.

"Is this the coercion of a heavenly master?

Too, too scary. "

"Then Chen Fei is dead, we shouldn't have followed."

"That kid, I'm so arrogant, what could have been done, I have to make trouble to this point."

...... Even Hu Kang and Chu Hui, who had a wishful thinking in their hearts at the beginning, their complexions changed drastically at this moment, and their expressions became frightened.

They wanted to turn around and escape, but before they acted, they found that the periphery had been surrounded by followers of the blood witch cult, and there was no way to escape.

Suddenly, Hu Kang and Chu Hui looked horrified, "It's over, we were killed by Chen Fei."

......... The violent vigor spread, blowing the blood-colored robe behind Master Blood Witch into a hunting noise.

Master Blood Witch had scarlet eyes and was covered in a **** whirlwind, like countless rapidly rotating blades, approaching Chen Fei step by step, "Say, who sent you here?"

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei couldn't help shook his head and sighed: "I only wanted to ask you a few questions.

But if you have to do it, come on. "

After speaking, Chen Fei stretched out his right hand and hooked his finger at Master Blood Witch.

Upon seeing this, Master Blood Witch was instantly exposed, and the anger in his heart gushed out instantly, turning into a violent **** vigor, and the blade flew towards Chen Fei.

"Mr. Chen, be careful—" Zhan Qinqiu cried out anxiously.

"This, this is a thousand cuts!"

"Xiao Chen is still too big."

"It shouldn't have come, it shouldn't have come!"

………In the face of a desperate cry, Chen Fei faced the deadly attack of Lord Blood Witch, and directly put out his right hand and slapped it out with a palm.

In an instant, it seemed that a thick and thick wall came out.

With a crackling sound, Master Blood Witch's air blade was all shattered under Chen Fei's palm, turned into countless small air energy, and exploded in the air.

"How is it possible, you--" Master Blood Witch was shocked when he saw this.

Immediately, he moved his breath, ready to attack again.

But at this time, the palm of Chen Fei's shot had already reached him.

The majestic aura, like a mountain descending from the sky, was so overwhelming that Master Blood Witch could not breathe, let alone resist.

"This, this is--" Master Blood Witch was shocked.

As for Chen Fei's right palm, at the last moment, his palm changed to grasping, and he pinched Master Blood Witch's throat, and directly lifted him up.

"I said, I only need you to answer a few questions.

Now, do you believe it? "

"Cough, huh—" Master Blood Witch wanted to break free, but there was no way. In the end, he nodded desperately, and barely squeezed a few words from his throat, "I, I—believe. ——" Chen Fei released his right hand when he saw this.

Master Blood Witch fell to the ground and coughed violently.

And Chen Fei, with his hands behind his back, said calmly: "Find a quiet room, I have something to ask you."

"My room is on the top floor, sir please!"

The blood witch at this moment is extremely respectful.

Chen Fei stepped up, took a few steps, and suddenly thought of something, turned around and pointed to the people in the tour group, and said to Lord Blood Witch: "They are my people, you have to take care of them, you understand?"


Master Blood Witch nodded quickly, and then hurriedly ordered his opponent, "What are you doing in a daze, don't you please entertain all the distinguished guests."

The followers hurriedly got busy.

As for the passengers, they were stunned at this moment, and some hadn't recovered.

They didn't expect that they had just been an enemy besieged by the other side, and in a blink of an eye they became the distinguished guests that the other side wanted to treat each other respectfully.

And the root of this huge change is just a sentence from Chen Fei.

At this moment, the passengers looked at Chen Fei's back, and they seemed to have a thousand words, but they seemed to be difficult to say, and their emotions were complicated and tangled.

Seeing everyone in the tour group settled down, Chen Fei turned around and stepped upstairs.

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