
Chapter 2294: Stay here

For a moment, when the entire Meng Nao city was attracted by the light flying in the sky.

In the courtyard of the blood witch sect base camp, the tour group looked worried at the increasingly chaotic city.

"It seems to be messed up outside. It's no way to continue waiting here. Or, let's go out and see what happened?"

Hu Kang said.

Zhan Qinqiu frowned slightly, "Don't do it, the situation outside is so messy, it must be dangerous."

"Besides, before Mr. Chen leaves, he asks us to stay here and wait for him to come back.

We have to believe him! "

Speaking of Chen Fei, Hu Kang's face suddenly became a little ugly. "Whether the Chen surnamed can come back or not is still a question?"

"Mr. Chen said he will come back, so he will definitely!"

Zhan Qinqiu looked at Hu Kang and said in a firm tone.

Hu Kang was about to refute, but at this moment, a noisy footstep sounded, and the courtyard began to become chaotic.

Several people went to the gate of the courtyard to take a look, and found that the guards who had been guarding outside had fled around at this moment.

This situation caused the people in the hospital to be puzzled and worried.

"What the **** happened outside? How come the blood witch cult people are all messed up?"

"Isn't this blood witch cult a local snake?

It should be amazing! "

………The passengers talked a lot, and their emotions became more and more anxious.

A middle-aged traveler finally couldn't help it. He picked up a steel pipe and said: "Come on, a few young and strong, come out with me to see what happened."

Suddenly, several sturdy middle-aged men stood up.

On the contrary, Hu Kang, who had called the loudest just now, shrank behind Chu Hui, completely afraid to show his head.

Seeing this, Zhan Qinqiu looked down on Hu Kang's more and more, snorted coldly, turned his head, and stopped seeing him.

Hu Kang coughed and tried to make excuses for himself: "I called my dad a long time ago. My dad found a relationship and said that he had found some local people and wanted to pick me up.

If I go out and miss the contact, that would be bad. "

Zhan Qinqiu ignored his explanation and looked out of the courtyard with worry.

Several middle-aged men went out fully armed.

About a quarter of an hour later, amidst everyone's trepidation, several people came back panting.

"What happened, what is going on outside?"

"Did you find anything?"

"Now, what should we do?"

………A series of questions rushed over.

Only Zhan Qinqiu carefully sent mineral water to several uncles, let them drink their mouths, and take a good breath.

After drinking half a bottle of water in one breath, the uncle spoke solemnly.

"We went out to find out some news, the situation in Meng Nao City is very dangerous now."

"What! It's dangerous!"

"Well, what is going on?"

………For a while, everyone was a little flustered.

Zhan Qinqiu was also a little scared, but he still tried to calm himself down and asked aloud: "What is going on outside?"

The uncle said: "I heard the locals outside say that there was a war of warriors outside."

"It's a few top heavenly warriors who fought on the edge of the city.

The aftermath of the battle destroyed many houses and even injured some residents. "

"I heard that someone had taken pictures of the battle, and one of them turned out to be Lord Sorcerer."

"Furthermore, two more powerful warriors appeared later, joined the battle group, and the battle was fierce."

"There are even rumors that Lord Sorcerer was defeated.

The entire Wumen had been bloodbathed, and the whole army was about to be wiped out. "

"We guessed that it was precisely because of this rumor that the people guarding our yard escaped in a panic."

After listening, the passengers burst into noise.

"The battle of the heavenly warriors is comparable to the power of two atomic bombs! If it really spreads here, the entire city will probably be destroyed!"

"If it's really Lord Sorcerer, it's probably more than an atomic bomb.

I heard that Lord Sorcerer is a warrior in the pinnacle realm of the heavenly rank, extremely powerful. "

"We are the territory of the blood witch sect. Now, the entire witch gate has been cleaned. We continue to stay here, it's not safe!"

……… "Yes, it's not safe, we have to leave as soon as possible!"

Hu Kang hurriedly said.

Other passengers also nodded in agreement.

Only Zhan Qinqiu frowned, and said: "But, Mr. Chen let us stay here, I--" Hu Kang said: "Qin Qiu, the surname Chen left with the leader of the blood witch.

Now, the blood witch cult is going to be cleansed, do you think he can still live? "

"No, Mr. Chen is very good, he won't—" Zhan Qinqiu didn't want to believe this result.

Hu Kang said coldly: "Even if he is not dead, do you think he will come back to this chaos outside now?

This is completely impossible! "

"But—" Zhan Qinqiu still didn't want to leave, because at the bottom of her heart, she chose to believe in Chen Fei.

Chu Hui on the side was anxious when she saw this, and took Zhan Qinqiu's arm, and hurriedly said: "Aqiu, when is it, what are you doing after listening to that guy!"

"Now, it is the most important thing for us to keep our lives!"

"Following Hu Kang is the best choice at the moment!"

"But, but, what Mr. Chen said, he will come back."

Zhan Qinqiu repeated such words.

Hu Kang still wanted to persuade, but at this moment, the phone rang and he hurriedly connected.

"Uncle Liu, here you are.

Great, well, I'll be out right away. "

Hanging up the phone, Hu Kang said to everyone excitedly and excitedly: "The person my dad contacted has come to pick me up. If you want to go, get ready and go with me."

After hearing the words, the passengers hurriedly packed their things and followed Hu Kang to the outside of the courtyard.

Chu Hui also pulled Zhan Qinqiu to follow.

However, Zhan Qinqiu was unwilling to move, standing still on the spot, repeating the words just now, "Mr. Chen said, let us stay here."

"Aqiu, are you going to die?"

Chu Hui said anxiously.

Other passengers, no matter there are so many, have already rushed out.

Soon, dozens of passengers got into a truck, squeezed into it and sat down.

Only Chu Hui and Zhan Qinqiu were left.

"You two, move faster!"

Hu Kang urged.

Chu Hui finally persuaded a few words. Seeing that Zhan Qinqiu was still reluctant to leave, she dropped a harsh word and turned and ran.

"Zhan Qinqiu, you don't know what is good or bad, then stay here and wait for death!"

Everyone got on the car, and the car was ready to start.

At this moment, a faint voice rang, "Where are you going?"

Following the voice, the passengers saw a familiar face, it was Chen Fei.

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