
Chapter 2300: Disciples

When Zong Han heard this, his expression looked ugly.

He could clearly know that Chen Fei was not as kind as it seemed on the surface. Once he really angered him, it would not be impossible to directly kill these gossips.

Worried about angering Chen Fei, Zong Han had to come forward.

He swept his gaze and sternly said: "Shut up, Master Chen is not something you can talk about."

Zong Han is, after all, a master in the late stage of the Heavenly rank, and a leader among the disciples of the generation of Tian Wuzong.

When he spoke like this, everyone was instantly shocked, and the scene fell silent.

However, without waiting for Zong Han to explain further, at this moment, a tall man walked at the entrance of the cafeteria.

"Who is so prestigious?

In my Tianwu Sect, can't even talk a few words? "

Everyone looked at the tall man at the door.

Han Zhi changed his face and hurriedly walked over, with a flattering look, "Brother Du, you are here."

Zong Han's expression sank, his expression a little ugly.

Wu Zikong whispered in Chen Fei's ear: "Brother Chen, that is Du Wuxuan, our Tianwu Sect's strongest disciple who entered Xuankong Valley this time."

Chen Fei nodded and looked over.

At this time, Du Wuxuan had already learned the matter from Han Zhi's mouth, looked at Zong Han, and said coldly: "Zong Han, did you just tell everyone to shut up?"

"Yes, it's me.

However, I just—" Zong Han wanted to explain.

But Du Wuxuan didn't give him a chance at all, and interrupted his words coldly, "No need to explain, I, Du Wuxuan, don't like people who talk about me behind my back."

After that, he turned his gaze and fell on Chen Fei, looked up and down Chen Fei, and then said, "Are you Chen Fei?"

Chen Fei said lightly: "I am."

"Long admiring'Da Ming'!"

Du Wuxuan deliberately emphasized the two words of his name, "I hope that after entering Xuankong Valley, I can see Master Chen's strength."

Facing the inexplicable malice of Du Wuxuan, Chen Fei was naturally not afraid, his face remained unchanged, and he met the other's eyes and said, "You have this opportunity."

Du Wuxuan couldn't help squinting his eyes, and his gaze at Chen Fei became even more gloomy.

The atmosphere at the scene also became tense.

At this moment, a soft voice rang, "Brother Chen!"

Following the voice, Chen Fei saw Yu Qin trotting towards him with excitement on his face. Behind Yu Qin, he followed several young women wearing the same clothes as her.

Obviously, they are the disciples of Lingyan Pavilion.

Lingyan Pavilion only accepts female disciples, and their temperament and appearance are very good. When they appeared in the cafeteria at this moment, they immediately attracted everyone's attention and relieved the originally tense and heavy atmosphere of the scene.

"Yu Qin."

Chen Fei looked at Yu Qin trotting towards him, smiled, and rubbed Yu Qin's head with his hand, causing the little girl to lower her head shyly.

Such a situation has fallen into the eyes of many male disciples in the cafeteria, and many people almost burst into anger in their eyes.

After all, Yu Qin's appearance is very good, even in Lingyan Pavilion, she is considered a top beauty.

After returning from this trip to the United States, Yu Qin's strength has increased by leaps and bounds, and he has also received more attention within Lingyan Pavilion.

Such a beauty with both looks and strength is naturally the object of many men's favorites.

Many warriors from other sects have expressed their admiration to Yu Qin, and some even come to the door and hope to get married.

However, these gestures were all rejected by Yu Qin.

Now, Yu Qin took the initiative to be so passionate about Chen Fei, and Chen Fei and her actions were so intimate, which naturally aroused a jealous anger.

However, Chen Fei had no idea about this.

Even if he knew it, he didn't take it seriously.

"Yu Qin, this is Master Chen! You won't introduce it to me!"

A woman's voice sounded.

When Yu Qin heard the words, he couldn't help sticking out his tongue, and hurriedly looked at the woman, and then introduced him to Chen Fei.

"Brother Chen, this is Senior Sister Shan Yumeng, and our Lingyan Pavilion supports the chief disciple who entered Xuankong Valley."

This Shan Yumeng was about twenty-six or seventy-seven years old. Although he was not as refined as Yu Qin, it was considered generous.

She took the initiative to smile at Chen Fei and greeted him: "Shan Yumeng has seen Master Chen."

Chen Fei also responded with a smile, "I have seen Senior Sister Shan."

After the salute, Shan Yumeng came to Chen Fei, smiled, and said in a low voice: "Last time the US delegation, Master Chen took great care of Yu Qin. On behalf of Ling Yange, I would like to thank Master Chen again.

"Senior Sister Shan is polite, it's a trivial matter, it's not enough."

Chen Fei smiled.

Seeing the scene where Chen Fei and the beautiful disciple of Lingyan Pavilion had an intimate conversation, the eyes of the other young male disciples in the cafeteria almost burst into flames.

However, before their jealous gaze went further, another cry rang out, "Big Brother Chen!"

Immediately, everyone saw a man walk in quickly and gave Chen Fei a hug with a smile on his face, "Brother Chen, I see you again."

Aside, Wu Zikong rolled his eyes and said, "Zou Pu, is it necessary to be so exaggerated?

Didn’t you just meet me when I went down the mountain to pick up Brother Chen?

You did it, as if I haven't seen it in a long time. "

"That's different. It was a private meeting. Now, on behalf of my Wushuanglou, I officially meet with Brother Chen."

Zou Pu explained, then formally gave Chen a flying gift.

Chen Fei also returned the gift.

The other people in the cafeteria saw such a situation, and the fire of jealousy soared and burned.

Because they all know Zou Pu, he is not only the outstanding young disciple of Wushuanglou's generation, but also the nephew of Wushuanglou's head Zou Dukong.

With this level of identity, Zou Pu's status in the four heavenly sects is not low, and many people have made friends.

However, Zou Pu just kept the surface polite to these people who took the initiative to make friends. It is not an easy task to truly become friends with him.

But now, Zou Pu took the initiative to greet Chen Fei, and seemed to admire Chen Fei very much, which naturally made many people feel a little bit sour in their hearts.

After the salute, Zou Pu took the initiative to introduce Chen Fei, "Brother Chen, this is Brother Li Songzhao and Li, the chief disciple of our Wushuang Building."

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei looked after Li Song.

Li Songzhao wears a cyan robe, a straight figure, no expression on his face, meticulous, and a bit serious.

"Hello, this is Chen Fei."

Chen Fei took the initiative to speak.

After hearing this, Li Song glanced at Chen Fei, the expression on his face did not change, and said lightly: "Hello!"

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