
Chapter 2307: Entrance open

As soon as this remark came out, the scene became lively, and there was an uproar of discussion.

"What, then Chen Fei actually broke through the formation of Tianwu Mountain's back mountain?

This is not true, is it? "

"The legend is the formation left by Senior Xuanyuan. Can he really break through, a secular martial artist?"

"It's not an excuse!"

………Many people started talking in surprise, and the others who didn’t know, could not help showing shocked expressions after asking the people around them to inquire.

After Duan Guzhou finished listening, he couldn't help his face sinking, with a palm lined up on the armrest of the seat, and he let out a deep stern.

"What's the reason?

An excuse? "

Zou Pu hurriedly defended: "Head of Duan, this is not an excuse. What I said is the truth.

Chen Fei did enter the cabin. If you don't believe it, you can ask someone.

At that time, many people were on the scene. "

"It has nothing to do with whether I believe it or not."

Duan Guzhou yelled coldly, "I don't care what reason Chen Fei has. He is late by himself, so that all of us are waiting for him. This is a taboo."

"Yes—" Zou Pu wanted to say something else.

But at this time, Zou Dukong in the seat winked him and told him to shut up.

Then, Zou Dukong smiled and spoke to Duan Guzhou beside him, "Brother Duan, don't be so angry."

"There is still a quarter of an hour before the mysterious realm of Xuankong Valley opens.

Perhaps, then Chen Fei will be here soon, today is the day of great joy, there is no need to be so angry. "

On the side, Zhan Biyun also smiled and said, "The time has not come yet, so we don't need to rush.

Wait a minute! "

The two heads opened their mouths to speak for Chen Fei, which surprised Duan Guzhou and all the martial artists off the court.

Duan Guzhou's face was dark, his eyes flickered, and he was silent for a few seconds before speaking.

"Since Brother Zou and Fairy Bixia have both spoken, I will wait."

Duan Guzhou said solemnly.

"However, I can put the ugly words on the front, if the time comes, the kid hasn't come yet.

Don't blame me for being polite and disqualifying him. "

Zou Dukong's expression slightly changed, but Duan Guzhou was justified in this matter, and he couldn't continue to say more, so he could only nod his head.

In this way, the scene was silent, and a group of people stood there, waiting for the time passing by.

Tick, tick.

The time at the scene seemed too slow for Duan Guzhou, Du Wuxuan, and Han Zhi.

For Zou Pu, Yu Qin and others, it seemed particularly hurried.

Several people looked in the direction of the back mountain, expecting Chen Fei to arrive in time.

But, until now, there is still no movement at all.

"There is only half a minute left before the stipulated time."

Duan Guzhou's icy voice rang.

Suddenly, Zou Pu and others felt that the whole person was poured into a basin of ice water from the beginning, and the whole person froze in place.

"Does Brother Chen really want to miss this opportunity?"

"Well, what can I do if I change it!"

……… "Fifteen seconds!"

Duan Guzhou's voice sounded again, like a spell for life.

"Huh, huh!"

Zou Pu and the others were so anxious that their breathing was about to stagnate.

"Ten seconds!"

"I don't think you need to wait. Some people don't cherish opportunities, so don't blame us for being rude."

"I announce that Chen Fei will be cancelled--" Duan Guzhou announced coldly.

But, at this last moment, an exclamation sounded, "Well, what is that!"

The voice came from Zou Pu. At this moment, he looked at the direction of the mountain, his eyes widened and his face was full of excitement.

Everyone followed his gaze and saw a dark shadow flying towards this side at a very fast speed.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the black shadow arrived in front of him.

Finally, everyone was able to see the appearance of the shadow, not someone else, but Chen Fei.

"Brother Chen, here you are.

Hurry, I'm going to be late. "

Zou Pu hurriedly shouted.

The black shadow squeaked, rushing over with a strong wind, and finally fell to Zou Pu's side.

Regardless of greeting Chen Fei, Zou Pu hurriedly shouted to the four heads of the stage: "Brother Chen is here, he is here."

"This kid--" Duan Guzhou's eyes were low and his expression was a bit annoyed.

On the side, Zou Dukong breathed a sigh of relief, then smiled and said brilliantly, "Alright, time is up."

"Xiao Chen, you can pinch exactly! It just happened to be the last moment."

Zou Dukong and Chen Fei Xiaoxiao made a joke, which can be regarded as realizing to help Chen Fei confirm the time.

Although Chen Fei didn't know what happened, but seeing the faces of several people at the scene, he roughly guessed what was going on.

So, he arched his hand to Zou Dukong, showing a grateful smile, "Thank you, head Zou for the lesson, next time, I will come early."

"Well, it's fine without delay.

Pay attention later. "

Zou Dukong waved his hand, then glanced at the other three heads, and said, "The time is up, let's start!"

Zou Dukong's words can be regarded as holding back the room for Duan Guzhou's seizures, leaving him no room for seizures.

Duan Guzhou snorted coldly, with a gloomy expression, "Let's get started!"

Immediately, an elder of the Tianwuzong came forward to introduce the situation of Xuankong Valley to everyone present, and asked some precautions.

After everyone remembered, the elder waved his hand, and Tian Wuzong disciples stepped forward and distributed an emerald green jade slip to each of the twenty people.

Then, the elder opened his mouth and explained: "The space in the Profound Sky Valley is special, and modern communication tools cannot be used inside."

"In order to ensure your safety, our four major sects have jointly produced these jade slips.

After entering the Profound Sky Valley, you only need to infuse your true vitality to reveal your position and let us outsiders know your general condition. "

"If you encounter an unsolvable danger, you can crush the jade slip."

"In that case, we will enter from outside and rescue you."

"Of course, once you smash the jade slip, it means that you lose the qualification to continue exploring Xuankong Valley.

Therefore, if the situation is not dangerous enough, I advise you to be more cautious. "

"But from another perspective.

If the situation is really dangerous, don't act aggressively.

After all, being alive is the most important thing. "

"And, one more thing, I want to remind you.

Because of the special nature of Xuankong Valley, even if the four heads want to enter Xuankong Valley, it will take a certain amount of time. "

"This also means that there will be a period of time between when you smash the jade slip and when the rescuers arrive."

"This interval is related to your location.

The deeper the location, the longer the time. "

"So you must remember.

You must leave yourself a certain margin, otherwise, even if the jade slips are crushed, we may not be able to rescue them. "

"Do you understand everything?"

The elder asked.

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