
Chapter 2317: Hold back

As soon as Shan Yumeng walked over, a young girl in Lingyan Pavilion uniform rushed over excitedly and asked with concern: "Senior Sister Shan, did you feel the martial intentions of those fluctuations just now?"

"Uh-" Shan Yumeng was taken aback, looked at this excited junior sister, nodded, and said, "I have realized the meaning of martial arts."

"Senior Sister, you are really amazing."

The junior sister was extremely excited, "I just counted and the martial intention fluctuates eighteen times. Doesn't that mean that Senior Sister Shan, you understand the eighteen martial intentions."

"This, I—" Shan Yumeng wanted to wave his hand to deny.

After all, she only understood two of the eighteen ways just now, and the remaining sixteen were all felt by Chen Fei.

Coupled with the martial intent of the Nine Dao Stones on the first floor, Chen Fei has realized the martial intent of the Nine Dao Stones at only two floors. This result is really amazing.

However, without waiting for Shan Yumeng to explain.

Chen Fei stood on the side and said aloud, interrupting her words.

"Let's go to the third floor!"

Hearing this, Shan Yumeng glanced at Chen Fei and immediately understood his thoughts.

He didn't want to show himself.

So Shan Yumeng did not explain, but came to the pillar with Chen Fei.

Upon seeing this, the junior girl's face changed involuntarily, her mouth puffed up, she wanted to say something, but she dared not speak.

She really didn't understand why Senior Sister Shan, such an excellent person, should act with such a fellow Chen Fei.

Logically speaking, Senior Sister Shan should act with Du Wuxuan, Li Songzhao, Huikong, and Guo Ming.

As a result, Senior Sister Shan was with this guy, and she looked like she was following his command.

Seeing that the two had reached the pillar, they were ready to break the ban.

The junior sister finally couldn't help it, mustered her courage, stepped forward, and shouted: "Senior Sister Shan."

"what's happenin?

Any thing else? "

Shan Yumeng turned his head and looked at the younger sister.

Junior sister clenched a fist to cheer herself up, looked at Shan Yumeng earnestly, took a deep breath, and finally spoke.

"Sister, I don't understand.

Why do you want to be with such a person?

He will only hold you back, you should go to higher levels as soon as possible to achieve better results. "

Shan Yumeng looked at this junior girl in astonishment, never expecting that she would say such a thing.

But at this time, the other people around almost all had the same idea as Junior Sister.

Some people even spoke out unceremoniously.

"Fairy Shan, with your strength, there is really no need to be with him."

"Senior Sister Shan, our Senior Brother Du in Wushuang Building, as I said before, hope to act with Sister Shan."

"Senior Sister Shan, let him go, you move faster alone."

......Zong Han couldn't help being angry when he heard this, "You are too much, how did Senior Sister Shan choose? That is his own business, do you want you to talk more?"

"Furthermore, Brother Chen's strength is much stronger than you think. It is not something you can question."

However, Zong Hanben has always been very polite to Chen Fei, even respectful.

His words, in the eyes of others, are just a deliberate compliment, and have no meaning.

Upon seeing this, Shan Yumeng stepped out, wanting to explain.

But Chen Fei on the side waved his hand and said, "No, don't waste time.

Entering the third level is even more important. "

After speaking, Chen Fei put his palms on the pillars, running the vitality aura, and began to break the prohibition.

Upon seeing this, the others couldn't help but feel another burst of cynicism.

"I was so speechless, I didn't dare to argue at all, it was too incompetent."

"It's just a pity that Senior Sister Shan was deceived by this kind of person."

"And that Zong Han, who was also considered the number one person in Tian Wuzong before.

As a result, after returning from the outside last time, he became someone else's dog. It was a shame for Tian Wuzong and the four major sects of us. "

"Pretending to be, this level of prohibition, even if we want to break it, is not a simple matter.

That guy may not be able to crack it. "

"Hehe, watch the show, I see when he can pretend."

………Just as the surrounding cynicism and sarcasm were enthusiastic, the light on the pillar flickered, and an arch appeared in front of everyone.

The people who talked a lot were dumbfounded, and they all stopped talking.

Because the place where the arch appeared was exactly where Chen Fei broke the ban.

In less than three minutes before and after, Chen Fei easily broke the restriction.

You know, even for Du Wuxuan, it would take almost five minutes to break this level of prohibition.

Now, within three minutes, Chen Fei broke the ban, which really made everyone feel a little unbelievable.

Even Zong Han was a little shocked and looked at Chen Fei blankly.

Chen Fei didn't change his emotions, and went straight into the arch.

Shan Yumeng also entered immediately and stood with Chen Fei.

Suddenly, Chen Fei seemed to have thought of something suddenly, beckoned to Zong Han, and said, "Zong Han, do you want to be together?"


Zong Han didn't react for a while, and he paused, only to realize that Chen Fei wanted to bring himself to the third floor.

Suddenly, he became excited and rushed over, "Yes, I want to be together."

After all, for Zong Han, it would take at least an hour to break this level of prohibition, even if it succeeds.

Chen Fei took him to the third floor now, but it helped a lot.

The three of them entered the archway, and the archway disappeared immediately, and then the light flickered, and the figure of the three of them disappeared.

The shocked people around, gradually recovered at this moment, looked at each other, dumbfounded, their faces full of disbelief.

"This, is this true?"

"That, then Chen Fei broke the prohibition so easily."

"The speed is faster than Senior Brother Du, isn't he better than Senior Brother Du?"

"This is impossible, there should be some special means."

………Others are still talking about it, but at this moment, the younger sister who asked Shan Yumeng just now is full of regrets.

She was very upset that if she didn't question Chen Fei, she would build a good relationship with them.

Then, in addition to Zong Han, the person the other party brought might also have himself.

Thinking of missing such a good opportunity, this young disciple of Ling Yan Pavilion had red eyes, and he cried directly.

At the same time that Chen Fei and the others entered the third floor, at the moment the square of the Tian Wuzong outside was also caught in a turbulent discussion.

Just now, the people on the first floor first realized Wu Yi, which has surprised them very much.

And now, there are people on the second floor who have realized the meaning of martial arts, and the number has reached twice the number of the first floor, there are as many as 18 Dao, which makes them even more surprised and puzzled.

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