
Chapter 2324: ? Greed

Chen Fei and Shan Yumeng returned to the place they had felt just now.

The two glanced at each other.

Chen Fei reminded in a low voice, "Be careful when you feel it."

"I will, and so will you!"

Shan Yumeng nodded, and then said, "However, everyone is decent and decent, even if they are a little careful, they should not dare to act rashly.

After all, the teachers of the various sects are all outside. "

Chen Fei sighed softly when he heard the words, secretly saying that Shan Yumeng was still kind-hearted, and somewhat underestimated the greed of human nature.

It's just that he didn't say these words, just nodded and responded, "I hope so!"

Converging their minds, the two continued to feel the meaning of the sword.

At this moment, Du Wuxuan and others were also traveling around the valley, looking for a place that suits them, and began to realize their feelings.

Just when almost everyone seized the time to realize the meaning of the sword.

Han Zhi and Huibao avoided the crowd, rushed through the grass and trees, and came to a remote place.

"You are here, how is the plan going?"

Behind a protruding boulder, a figure walked out and asked in a deep voice.

Seeing this man, Han Zhi and Hui Baoma stepped forward quickly, bowed their hands to him, and greeted respectfully: "I have seen adults."

"In special circumstances, the red tape is no longer necessary, and I will talk about the plan."

The figures waved their hands and said to the two of them.

If there are other people here, they will be surprised when they see this figure.

Because the adult mentioned by Han Zhi and Hui Bao turned out to be Guo Ming.

You know, Guo Ming is not a member of the four heavenly sects, but a casual cultivator outside the sect.

And Han Zhi and Hui Bao are the disciples of Tian Wuzong and Jue Tong Temple.

They not only knew this Guo Ming, but also respected him as an adult. Such a scene can not help but be a little intriguing.

It's just that the other people at this moment are all seizing the time to comprehend the sword intent, so no one has noticed the abnormality of the three people.

Han Zhi and Huibao told Guo Ming what happened on the third floor after finishing the book.

After listening, Guo Ming touched his chin, thinking for a while.

"You have already provoked Chen Fei, but in the end you still didn't fight.

Therefore, it is still unclear about his strength at present. "

When the two heard this, their heads lowered.

"My lord, or else, let's provoke one more time, this time we will definitely test out Chen Fei's strength."

"Yes, we can act now."

Guo Ming pondered for a while, shook his head, and said: "I asked you to test before, that's because I'm not on the third floor.

Now, since we are all together, there is no need for this. "

"My lord, you mean, do it directly--" Han Zhi said.

"The three of us joined forces and killed the kid."

Huibao's kind smile showed a sulky look at this moment.

Guo Ming squinted and said, "It's best to get rid of that kid directly."

"But we must also be prepared for failure.

Prepare yourself a retreat. "


Sir, what are your arrangements! "

Han Zhi and Hui Bao looked at Guo Ming.

Guo Ming beckoned and asked the two of them to come over, whispering to them in a low voice.

After listening, the eyes of the two could not help but light up.

"This is a good way. We can definitely succeed."

"It's worthy of being an adult, and the plan made is foolproof."

Immediately, the three of them rushed into the woods again and began to act.

………At this time, Chen Fei continued to feel the sword intent.

A series of sword intents flew towards Chen Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

In less than half an hour before and after, Chen Fei realized more than two hundred sword intents, and the total number of sword intents he had felt was nearly five hundred.

Shan Yumeng, not far away from him, although not as much as Chen Fei, he also felt more than 80 sword intents, which was a very good harvest.

However, at this same moment, for others in the valley, the form is somewhat different.

Du Wuxuan, Li Songzhao, and Hui Kong are powerful and they have a sense of the sword intent themselves, so the speed is not slow at this time, and they have more than a dozen or twenty sword intents, and the total number is about fifty.

Others with slightly lower strength and talents, some have realized four or five sword intents, and some are still struggling, and have not yet realized any sword intent.

If compared with the past, this situation is quite normal, and it can even be said to be relatively good.

After all, there are three geniuses of fifty martial intents, Du Wuxuan, Li Songzhao and Hui Kong, plus seven or eight martial artists who have realized four or five martial intents.

This achievement has surpassed the past.

But what I'm afraid of is comparison.

Compared with the results of Chen Fei and Shan Yumeng, this good result is very bleak, even a little ugly.

Especially when everyone is in the valley, they are not far apart.

The successive waves of blade intent, like a heavy hammer, slammed Du Wuxuan's heart fiercely, shattering their pride and confidence.

"Fifty-eight Dao, I feel the fifty-eight Dao martial intent, it is very difficult to continue.

And the total number of Wu Yi fluctuations over there is more than three or four hundred! "

At this moment, Du Wuxuan, feeling the continuous fluctuations in martial arts, compared to his own achievements, his expression became more and more gloomy.

In other places in the valley, Li Songzhao, Hui Kong and others have almost all similar expressions.

"Could it be that Shan Yumeng really got any treasure?"

For a time, everyone couldn't help but think of this idea.

Just when they hesitated whether to look for Shan Yumeng.

Suddenly, a burst of true vitality collision sounded in the valley, and then the crackling and rumbling fighting sound quickly sounded.

At this moment, everyone was shocked, stood up with a sigh, and looked at the source of the sound.

"It's Shan Yumeng and Chen Fei where something happened?"

Du Wuxuan's expression sank, and he left immediately, "Let's take a look!"

Others also set off one after another and started to take action.

………Ten seconds ago, Chen Fei continued to comprehend the sword intent, and accumulated the total number of sword intents in the sea of ​​knowledge to more than five hundred.

Just as he was preparing to go further, he suddenly felt a tingling sensation coming from the back of his heart.

In an instant, Chen Fei reacted sensitively, and avoided the sneak attack on the back of his heart.

Turning around, he saw a black shadow flying past his body.

The black shadow seemed a little surprised when the shot was lost. After a slight pause, he rushed towards the valley and woods, trying to escape.

How could Chen Fei let him succeed, and immediately followed him.

"Boom, boom!"

One after another, Qi Jin bombarded out, producing a crackling sound in the valley.

"It's you!"

After chasing up, Chen Fei looked at Guo Ming in front of him, with a look of surprise on his face, "Guo Ming.

I have no grievances with you, why are you attacking me? "

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