
Chapter 2326: ?Who is lying

Guo Ming suddenly let out a scream, his whole body limp on the ground, big beads of sweat slipped down on his forehead, his expression was very ugly.

"You, you abolished my dantian."

Guo Ming, who fell on the ground, looked up at Chen Fei, full of resentment.

Chen Fei looked at him condescendingly with cold eyes, "Say, why are you killing me?

Who sent you here? "

"Uh-" Guo Ming's expression changed, and then he closed his mouth tightly, with an expression of unwillingness to speak.

Chen Fei squinted and said coldly: "Don't tell me! A dead end."

While speaking, Chen Fei raised his right hand, and in his palm, a stunned light wafted out.

"You, you can't kill me.

You moved me, I—" Guo Ming said hurriedly.

However, before he could finish his words, Chen Fei waved his hand and slammed across Guo Ming's left arm.

A section of his arm flew up with blood, and Guo Ming let out a scream.

"I don't care who you are, if you don't speak, I will let you know what is better than death!"

Chen Fei's voice was cold.

Looking at the appearance of Chen Fei, who had never seen him before, Guo Ming felt a bit of chill at the moment.

From the bottom of my heart, there was a sudden surge of regret.

At this moment, he had already secretly regretted why he had to take on this tricky task.

However, there was not much time for him to regret, Chen Fei's cold voice rang again, "My patience is limited."

"I, I--" Guo Ming's expression was uncertain, hesitated, hesitating to speak.

"The last three seconds!"

Chen Fei continued to pressure.

Guo Ming's complexion darkened, with a few panic expressions on his face, he was about to speak.

But at this moment, a sharp shout rang out, "What are you doing!"

Immediately, more than a dozen breaths approached here one after another, and various loud shouts followed.

"What happened here?

We noticed that there was a fight here. "

"Guo Ming, what's the matter?

Why are you injured? "

"Shan Yumeng, what are you doing, why did you do it to Han Zhi and Hui Bao?"

"what is the problem?"

…. Obviously, it was Du Wuxuan and others who rushed over after hearing the movement.

Guo Ming, who was about to speak, couldn't help but his eyes changed when he saw this, and the words on his lips changed at the last moment.

"Brother Du, Brother Li, Master Huikong, Chen Fei is going to kill me, please help me!"

Upon hearing this, everyone's eyes fell on Chen Fei's body.

Coupled with the scene at this moment, they almost immediately believed Guo Ming's words, and they drank sharply one by one.

"Chen Fei, let go of Guo Ming."

"You are so courageous, you dare to do something to your colleagues."

"Chen Fei, if you don't stop, you will catch it."

………Chen Fei ignored them, continued to stare at Guo Ming coldly, and said coldly: "Don't tell me, I will kill you."

"You all heard, he is going to kill me, hurry, save me."

Guo Ming hurriedly shouted.

Du Wuxuan and the others shook their true vitality aura, flashed their weapons, and stared at Chen Fei fiercely.

"Chen, stop immediately and let go of Guo Ming!"

When Shan Yumeng on the side saw this, worried that the two sides would really fight, and hurriedly stood up.

"Du Wuxuan, Li Songzhao, Huikong, don't do it, this is a misunderstanding, things are not what you think."

"The facts are in front of you, Chen Fei is going to kill people.

Shan Yumeng, do you still maintain him like this? "

Du Wuxuan stared at Shan Yumeng.

Shan Yumeng hurriedly explained: "Chen Fei said so for a reason.

It was Guo Mingxian who attacked Chen Fei and wanted to assassinate him, so Chen Fei did it. "

However, as soon as Shan Yumeng's voice fell, Guo Ming immediately shouted again.

"They are lying, it's not like this."

"Just now, I felt the sword intent here.

But Chen Fei suddenly came over and said that he had taken a fancy to this place and told me to get out.

I didn't want it, so he acted on me and hurt me like this. "

"At that time, Han Zhi and Hui Bao were nearby. They all saw this scene. If you don't believe it, you can ask them."

As soon as these words came out, Du Wuxuan and others immediately looked at Han Zhi and Hui Bao.

Shan Yumeng was also anxious, and quickly defended: "Han Zhi and Huibao belong to Guo Ming and his group.

They joined forces to kill Chen Fei, their words cannot be believed. "

Hearing this, everyone on the other side frowned.

Du Wuxuan looked at Han Zhi and said in a deep voice, "You said, what was the situation at that time?"

Monk Huikong also looked at Huibao and said, "The monks don’t talk, Huibao, tell me what the facts are."

Han Zhi and Huibao glanced at each other, and then said together: "Senior Brother Guo said the truth, that is, Chen Fei wanted to grab the site and took the initiative to attack Guo Ming.

We came forward to persuade, and he also acted on us. "

"You lied, the truth is not like that at all.

You are obviously the ones who attacked Chen Fei, why are you—" Shan Yumeng was a little anxious.

Han Zhi turned his eyes and asked directly, "Fairy Shan, I know you have a good relationship with Chen Fei.

But I want to ask you, have you seen us attack Chen Fei with your own eyes? "

Facing these rhetorical questions, Shan Yumeng was stunned.

Indeed, when she rushed over, Chen Fei had already fought with them.

She did not see the scene of the other party's sneak attack.

However, she still believed Chen Fei, "I didn't see it with my own eyes.

But I believe Chen Fei, he said so, he will not lie to me. "

"Furthermore, what Guo Ming said was the land grab.

In my opinion, it is absolutely impossible. "

"Chen Fei is very strong, and his ability to find martial intent is much better than us.

This valley was the first he discovered.

If he wants to find a good place, he is much stronger than Guo Ming, and there is no need to fight Guo Ming. "

"Fairy Shan, you said he Chen Feiqiang, I have no objection.

But because of this, you questioned me, it would be too biased! "

With an aggrieved appearance, Guo Ming spoke boldly.

Du Wuxuan and the others couldn't help frowning after listening.

In their view, Guo Ming's words are more convincing.

After all, there are two witnesses, Han Zhi and Hui Bao.

But Shan Yumeng's words are just wishful thinking and trust, without any substantive evidence at all, which is really unconvincing.

So, several people exchanged glances.

Du Wuxuan stood up and said, "Shan Yumeng, it depends on the evidence. If you have no evidence, I cannot believe it."

Li Songzhao said concisely: "I believe in Guo Ming."

Monk Huikong also said: "What is the truth of the matter, we can follow-up to investigate it slowly.

But for now, I still ask Donor Chen to let go of Donor Guo and let him heal his injuries! "

"Yes, let go quickly."

"The injury is so serious, it's important to treat the illness and save people."

"The surname Chen, did you hear that, please let go."

"A few seniors are magnanimous enough, don't be shameless!"

………The scene suddenly became fierce, everyone glared at Chen Fei, and even shouted directly.

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