
Chapter 2338: Stalemate

"Zou Dukong, what do you mean by this? Are you suspicious of my Tian Wuzong?"

Duan Guzhou glared over.

Zou Dukong said: "Head of Duan, I'm paying attention to evidence, don't talk about identity qualifications."

"Otherwise, Shan Yumeng even testified, and Han Zhi and the others colluded in the assassination."

"Then why don't you believe Shan Yumeng's words? Are you suspecting Lingyange?"

This rebuttal made Duan Guzhou speechless.

After all, he would naturally not admit this kind of sin Ling Yan Ge.

His complexion changed, Duan Guzhou hurriedly defended: "Zou Dukong, don't be rhetorical.

In short, it is an iron fact that Chen Fei injured my Tian Wuzong and Juetong Temple disciples, and this is no way to escape. "

The Master Ji Ling on the side also said at this time, "The head Duan said that it hurt people, there is no doubt about it."

"It's a fact that hurting people, but the reason why hurting people is of great importance must be figured out."

Zou Du Kongdao.

………For a time, the two sides argued, stalemate, and almost no progress.

Duan Guzhou made it clear that he was going to deal with Chen Fei. Perhaps Master Ji Ling was dissatisfied with Chen Fei because of the injury of his disciple, and has been helping Duan Guzhou.

And Zou Dukong is backing Chen Fei.

On the contrary, Zhan Biyun remained almost neutral and did not speak aloud.

Seeing this continued to argue, there was no end to it.

At this moment, Chen Fei spoke, "Dear heads, I actually have a very simple way to verify the authenticity of my words."

"Oh, Xiao Chen, what can you do?"

Zou Dukong looked over.

Chen Fei glanced at Han Zhi and Huibao, and said, "Actually, I have practiced a spiritual power technique that can probe a person's spirit."

"As long as I use this method on Han Zhi and Hui Bao, I will naturally let them speak the truth."

"At that time, the truth will come to light!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's expressions changed.

After all, being able to practice spiritual power is unthinkable for many warriors.

Among the countless warriors, almost only one in a million warriors can be lucky enough to practice spiritually.

Even the strongest leaders on the scene have no way of spiritual cultivation.

Therefore, they were naturally surprised when they heard that Chen Fei could cultivate spiritual power.

And to say that the most shocking were Han Zhi and Hui Bao.

There are ghosts in their hearts, and if what Chen Fei said is true, then their secret conspiracy will not be concealed at all.

They couldn't imagine the consequences of that.

As a result, the two immediately opposed strongly.

"Master, I suspect that Chen Fei is lying.

The spiritual practice is very rare, how can he learn it? "

"Even if he really cultivates his mental power, we can't accept his inspection.

Otherwise, when he checks us, he will secretly attack us, and then we will be finished. "

On the side, Du Wuxuan also spoke out to help him: "Master, I also agree with Junior Brother's statement."

"Don't say whether this mental power is true or false.

Even if it is true, even if Chen Fei is asked to check Han Zhi and Huibao, how can he guarantee that the words spoken by the two are not under his control. "

"After all, powerful mental power can even directly control a person."

Du Wuxuan spoke out everyone's concerns, and made Han Zhi and Hui Bao nod their heads and express their opposition.

Chen Fei laughed when he heard the words, "Brother Du is really high enough to look at me! In other words, Brother Du doesn't know anything about spiritual power!"

"what did you say?"

Du Wuxuan glared at Chen Fei.

Chen Fei said, "I said, Brother Du, you don't know anything about spiritual power.

Theoretically speaking, after practicing spiritual power, you can indeed control a person's spirit, and even make the other person his own puppet, doing whatever he wants. "

"But that can only be achieved under completely ideal conditions.

First of all, the spiritual power must be cultivated to the extreme, and the strength of the controlled person must not be too strong.

Otherwise, it is completely impossible to directly control a person's thoughts. "

"Han Zhi and Hui Bao are both martial artists in the late-stage heavenly realm. A strong man in such a realm, even a master of the gods, may not be able to completely control the two with mental power.

Brother Du was worried that I had controlled the two of them with mental power. It was too ridiculous. "

"You, you--" Du Wuxuan's face was a little unsightly after being ridiculed for a while, "Who knows if what you are saying is true?"

But this time before Chen Fei could speak, Zou Dukong said, "What Chen Fei said is a fact. The reason why spiritual power is difficult to cultivate is also related to the mind and spirit of people."

"Don't talk about controlling a martial artist in the late-stage heavenly realm. Even if you want to completely control an ordinary person, it's not that easy."

"I--" Du Wuxuan didn't believe it.

But on the side, Zhan Biyun also nodded and said, "Mental control is not as simple as it said.

Said to be control, in fact, a more accurate description should be guidance.

It is a bit similar to the hypnosis of the dunya, which makes people unconsciously tell the most true feelings in the heart. "

"This--" Both heads spoke, Du Wuxuan was speechless for a moment, so he could only cast his sights on Duan Guzhou and Master Ji Ling.

However, the two of them at this moment also had a low expression and shook their heads slightly.

They obviously understand that it is almost impossible to completely control a person's spirit as Du Wuxuan said.

Upon seeing this, Du Wuxuan's face turned white, and he was speechless for a while.

And Han Zhi and Hui Bao, with a look of fear on their faces, became emotional.

"No, no—Master, I—" Han Zhi said hurriedly, "Master, even if you can't completely control your mind.

But Huibao was right just now, if Chen Fei wants to use his hands, we will encounter accidents! "

These words changed Duan Guzhou's expression and said, "This is the truth."

"Chen Fei, in Xuankong Valley, you are going to kill both of them.

Now, I want to let the two of you unsuspectingly let you detect and test your mental power. Don't you think that your mind about killing is too obvious? "

Chen Fei said coldly: "I said, I am fighting back in self-defense, not killing people."

"There is nothing to say about it."

Duan Guzhou Road.

For a while, the two sides were deadlocked again.

At this moment, Du Wuxuan seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and whispered to the master in a low voice.

When Duan Guzhou heard this, his expression immediately changed.

He looked at Chen Fei and said, "The matter of Han Zhi and Huibao, put aside for the time being."

"Chen Fei, there is one more thing, I want to make it clear with you."

"what's up?"

Chen Fei frowned.

Duan Guzhou snorted coldly: "When you were in the mysterious realm of Xuankong Valley, when you started with Du Wuxuan, did you use my Tianwuzong's unique knowledge-Tianwu sword?"

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