
Chapter 2340: ? Senior Xuanyuan

"That's it! But at that time, why didn't I see Senior Xuanyuan leading the disciple--" Duan Guzhou was still confused.

Chen Fei faintly explained: "My master and his elders felt that we were not good at learning art, so they were not allowed to show up outside, so as not to lose his face, so they did not let us show up.

"This, this--" Duan Guzhou felt a little confused in his head for a while, as if it couldn't work.

With Duan Guzhou's words, the crowd who had been sluggish for dozens of seconds finally came to their senses and started to lively.

"Senior Xuanyuan Jiangshan, it turned out to be that, that legendary character!"

"Chen Fei is Senior Xuanyuan's disciple, is this true?"

"I remember, before opening the secret realm, didn't it mean that Chen Fei was retreating in the back mountain hut?

That is his master's cabin. He can break through the formation and enter it, which can explain it. "

"It's just that this still can't be directly proved."

"Senior Xuanyuan hasn't shown up in many years, let alone heard of him accepting disciples.

Now, a disciple suddenly appeared, I always feel that I can't believe it! "

……… Amidst the lively discussion, Duan Guzhou also looked at Zou Dukong with doubts on his face, his eyes flickering, he was obviously thinking whether Zou Dukong’s words were true or not.

The others, almost all with the same doubts as Duan Guzhou, all looked over.

Zou Dukong looked at Duan Guzhou and said in a deep voice, "Head of Duan, do you think I would lie about this kind of thing?"

"Or, you think I will use Senior Xuanyuan's affairs to deceive people."

As soon as this remark came out, Duan Guzhou's expression could not help but change.

Indeed, analyze it from a rational point of view.

Zou Dukong will not lie about this kind of thing at all, after all, it will not do him much good, but the disadvantages are huge.

Therefore, what Zou Dukong said is very likely to be true.

Moreover, if you think about it more carefully, Chen Fei's identity is true, which can explain why Zou Dukong is so optimistic and upholding Chen Fei.

The reason is very simple, it is because of senior Xuanyuan Jiangshan.

Thinking of this, the expression on Duan Guzhou's face changed for a while, and his expression seemed a bit complicated.

It is obviously not the right choice to continue working on Chen Fei at this moment.

In any case, he is a disciple of Senior Xuanyuan, if Senior Xuanyuan is to blame, don't you? Say that he is a Tianwu Sect, even if the four major sects add up, I am afraid that Senior Xuanyuan is not an opponent of Xuanyuan.

However, Duan Guzhou is really unwilling to stop if he stops there.

After all, he has already said what he said, and if he takes it back like this, it will be a naked face slap, making him faceless.

Besides, the disciple of his own sect was hurt by Chen Fei. Regardless of this matter, he needs an explanation.

Otherwise, how can Tianwuzong's face remain and how to maintain its prestige among the warriors in the future.

Thinking of this, Duan Guzhou's eyes changed, and finally he raised his head and said, "I believe the words of Chief Zou."

After a pause, he immediately turned around.

"However, even if he is Senior Xuanyuan's disciple, he has to be responsible for doing something wrong."

"I believe that as Senior Xuanyuan's status, he will agree with me."

As soon as he said this, Zou Dukong frowned, his expression a little unsightly.

He couldn't help but reminded: "Head of Duan, don't be impulsive."

Duan Guzhou snorted coldly, looking towards Zou Dukong, and said: "Zou Zhangmen, what do you mean by this?

Don’t you think I’m wrong.

Or, in your mind, Senior Xuanyuan is the kind of person who protects shortcomings without reason? "

Such questioning, Zou Dukong naturally cannot admit it.

He waved his sleeves and quickly explained: "Naturally I don't mean that."

"I just want to say that before the truth of the matter is figured out, please ask the head of Duan to proceed with caution."

"I'm already proceeding cautiously."

Duan Guzhou snorted coldly, "Otherwise, even if Chen Fei is a disciple of Senior Xuanyuan, he must give us an explanation for the killing of Guo Ming."

After speaking, Duan Guzhou's eyes fell on Chen Fei, and he asked in a deep voice, "I will not ask about Chen Fei and Guo Ming for the time being.

But, how do you solve the matter of hurting Du Wuxuan, Han Zhi, and Huibao? "

Chen Fei frowned slightly, and said: "I have already said that, they are going to attack and assassinate me, it is only natural for me to act on them."

"Now that's the matter, do you still have to be stiff?"

Duan Guzhou's expression sank.

"Even if you are Senior Xuanyuan's disciple, you can't act so recklessly."

Duan Guzhou shouted sharply.

"What do you want?"

Chen Fei stared at Duan Guzhou and snorted coldly.

Duan Guzhou said solemnly: "My request is very simple. You must give an explanation for the injury of my Tianwuzong disciples Du Wuxuan and Han Zhi."

"What do you want to say?"

Chen Fei squinted his eyes and his tone became deeper and deeper.

Duan Guzhou flashed a light in his eyes, and said: "I want you to never use my Tianwuzong's unique knowledge from now on."

"Then, join my Tianwu Sect, please repent for three months."

Hearing Duan Guzhou's request, Chen Fei's expression couldn't help but change.

Not using Tianwuzong's unique learning, this has no effect on Chen Fei.

After all, his own unique learning is more powerful than Tian Wuzong's unique learning, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't need it, there is no loss.

But after entering the Tianwu Sect, after three months of repentance, there is something to say.

"How to repent?"

Chen Fei gave a cold snort and looked at Duan Guzhou.

Duan Guzhou said solemnly: "According to the rules of my Tian Wuzong, please repent and enter the meditation hall."

"If you stay in the meditation hall for three months, you will be regarded as having sinned and repented."

After Duan Guzhou finished speaking, many people, including Chen Fei, seemed a little surprised.

After all, in their opinion, Duan Guzhou's request seemed a bit too light.

It only needs to stay in a room of Tian Wuzong for three months. For a warrior, there is no difficulty at all.

After all, at this level, sometimes it takes ten and a half months to meditate and retreat.

Three months is nothing.

After thinking about it, everyone seems to have found the reason.

Chen Fei was a disciple of Xuanyuan Senior, and his status was too special.

Although Duan Guzhou wanted to punish him, he had to look at Senior Xuanyuan's face.

Therefore, deliberately proposing such a punishment of remorse, avoiding the serious, and saving one's face, and did not offend Senior Xuanyuan, it is a choice that kills two birds with one stone.

Many people are discussing and agree with this reason.

Even Chen Fei himself, at this moment, began to guess that Duan Guzhou really thought so.

But at this moment, Zou Dukong said with a calm face, "Headmaster Duan, you are too much to do this!"

Duan Guzhou's face sank, and he gave Zou Du a warning look in the airdrop, and said in a deep voice: "Zou Zhangmen, my Tianwu Sect affairs, you should not interfere in the end."

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