
Chapter 2347: ?Village Difference

So Chen Fei pointed at Xie Zhi, and said to Cao Lin, "How many rich companies do they earn by cheating people?"

Cao Lin looked over and saw Xie Zhi, his eyes shrank slightly.

However, she shook her head and said, "Only Xie Zhi's family is like this, others are not like this."


Chen Fei looked at Cao Lin curiously.

Cao Lin's tone was a little low and explained: "The people in our village all lived on Qingluo Mountain back then.

Basically, they make a living by collecting medicines. "

"Later, the Guo family developed and expanded and expanded their family's territory on Qingluo Mountain, occupying almost half of the mountain."

"More than ten years ago, the Guo family wanted to take down the entire Qingluo Mountain, so they wanted to drive down us mountain people."

"Many of us, our ancestors have lived on the mountain for more than a hundred years, and don't want to go down the mountain at all.

Therefore, the crackdown united and opposed the Guo family. "

"But the Guo family is very strong. It directly threatened and lured, and gave some benefits to the few that took the lead in going down the mountain, directly breaking the alliance of the mountain people, and then coercing other villagers down the mountain."

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei basically guessed what was going on, "This Xie Zhi's family is one of the few that have been bought down the mountain?"

Cao Lin nodded and said, "Well, Xie Zhi's family was the first to take the lead in reversing the situation.

So the benefits are the most. "

"The mountain people who descended from behind received very little subsidy.

In the last few houses, not only were there no subsidies, but also because of the coercion of the Guo family, they had a bad time. "

When she said this, the little girl's eyes were filled with a little disappointment.

Chen Fei guessed what, "Xiao Lin, which ones of yours are the last to go down the mountain?"

Cao Lin nodded and said: "My grandfather is a veteran of the mountain. He has been firmly opposed to the Guo family's monopoly of Qingluo Mountain, so he persisted until the end."

"Therefore, my family has also become a key target of the Guo family's suppression.

Five years ago, my parents fell off a cliff and died during a process of collecting medicine. "

"The result of the official report was an accident, but Grandpa is a veteran, so he went to the scene to see it in person.

He said that it was not an accident, but someone made hands and feet on the rope and killed my parents. "

"Grandpa suspected that the Guo family did it at the time, but we don't have any evidence, and we can't beat the powerful Guo family."

"Plus Grandpa thought about my safety, and finally had to move down from the mountain."

After listening to Cao Lin's account, Chen Fei couldn't help frowning, a chill in his eyes.

Originally, he just wanted to talk to the Guo family calmly, to see if he could find a clue that Guo Ming was instructing behind the scenes.

But now it seems that this Guo family, in Qingzhou City, is also a tyrant, and has done a lot of oppressing ordinary people.

"When the time comes to negotiate, the Guo family has to pay a price!"

Chen Fei thought in his heart.

But at this moment, Xie Zhi, who was sitting at the door looking at his mobile phone, also found Chen Fei and Cao Lin. They looked over and smiled: "Xiao Lin, I don’t usually see you so bold. I just met him and brought it back. Here comes home, how much money is collected!"

"You say a price, your Uncle Xie usually takes care of your business."

Such innuendo words immediately made Cao Lin flushed with anger, stared at Xie Zhi, and defended: "What are you talking about? It's too late and Brother Chen has nowhere to stay, so I took Brother Chen home to stay overnight. Don't think about it."

"Thinking about it?"

Xie Zhixie smiled and said, "Big night, with a strange man coming home, you still said you don't want to make people think, isn't this self-deception?"

"You--" Cao Lin was very angry.

But Xie Zhi continued to say with a smile on his face, "Xiao Lin, I also watched you grow up anyway.

I know that without your parents, the old man in the family is sick again, and life is difficult. "

"If you are short of money, talk to Uncle?

Uncle is not the kind of unfeeling person, he will definitely take care of your business and help. "

"Of course, if you don't think it's enough.

Uncle still knows a lot of bosses in the city. They are all rich, and spend four to five thousand a night without blinking their eyes. "

"How about it, would you like Uncle to introduce to you?"

"I'm not that kind of person, don't talk nonsense!"

Cao Lin was really angry, his chest was straightened, and he stared at Xie Zhi fiercely.

But for a rogue like Xie Zhi, the more Cao Lin is, the more complacent the other party is.

"I didn't expect Xiao Lin to really grow up, and his figure is so good! It makes my uncle unable to suppress the fire.

Or, don't ask for that kid tonight, let uncle take care of your business, uncle will give you double the price! "

"You, you—" Cao Lin was so angry that his cheeks were red, but there was nothing he could do.

At this time, Chen Fei's expression sank, and he walked directly towards Xie Zhi.

When Xie Zhi saw Chen Fei approaching, his eyes narrowed, revealing a look of horror.

"You, what are you doing?"

"I tell you, don't mess around.

This is in our village, in my house.

If you dare to touch me, I won't let you go. "

Faced with Xie Zhi's threat, Chen Fei was not afraid at all. He stepped forward directly, fetched the iPhone in Xie Zhi's hand, and then slapped Xie Zhi's face with a "bang".

Xie Zhi suddenly let out a scream, and fell to the ground with his cheeks, crying out in pain.

Following Xie Zhi's screams, several people rushed out of the house.

"Xie Zhi, what's wrong with you?"

"Smelly boy, are you the one you beat?"

"Stop me!"

……… In the sound of shouting, Xie Zhi, who was lifted up, wiped the blood off his face, glared at Chen Fei fiercely, and shouted: “Call someone, call me, I will kill him. "

Hearing this, Cao Lin was a little scared, so he trot to Chen Fei's side and pulled Chen Fei's sleeves, "Brother Chen, let's go quickly.

Xie Zhi knows the gangsters in the village. If someone is called, we--" Chen Fei is not afraid, waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, no matter who comes.

Today, I must ask him to pay the price. "

Seeing Chen Fei's resolute attitude, although Cao Lin was still worried and afraid, he still stood firmly next to Chen Fei, in a posture of being side by side with him to the end.

However, at this moment, a middle-aged woman trot over along the road.

When the middle-aged woman saw Cao Lin, her face was anxious, and she shouted: "Xiao Lin, it's not OK, you go home soon."

"Aunt Zhang, what's the matter?"

Cao Lin hurriedly said.

The middle-aged woman said: "Huang Dong has brought people here again, and he has to deal with your grandfather."


Cao Lin's complexion changed instantly, and he hurriedly ran.

When Chen Fei saw this, he didn't care about Xie Zhi's second-rate son, and hurriedly followed Cao Lin.

Running towards the depths of the village, Chen Fei saw that it was exactly what Cao Lin had said.

Except for the magnificent houses in the village, the buildings in the village seem to be very ordinary, they are all red brick bungalows with one or two floors.

At the end of the village, there are even fewer bungalows.

The last place, even an old clay tiled house, looks very dilapidated, not like a place to live at all.

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