
Chapter 2353: ?Lesson Huang Jin

Huang Jin was frightened by Chen Fei's eyes, and stabilized his figure, "I am, you—" Again, before he could finish, Chen Fei waved his hand and blasted out with vigor, hitting Huang. Between Jin's legs.

"Ah, ah" Huang Jin screamed, covering his crotch with his hands, and writhing on the ground in pain.

At this time, there was a mess of footsteps at the door, and a group of people rushed over.

"what happened!"

"Young Master Jin, are you all right!"

"Who dares to move Young Master Jin?"

………Huang Jin's painful and distorted cheeks gave Chen Fei a resentful look, and then gave an order: "It is them who killed me."

"kill him!"

"Dare all Jin Shao make a move, looking for something to die."

In an instant, more than a dozen brawny men rushed into the private room with a splash, and they were about to act on Chen Fei.

At this moment, Cao Lin, who was a little slower, saw this situation, his pretty face was white, and his face was full of horror, "Brother Chen--" "Don't worry, they can't hurt me!"

Chen Fei smiled confidently.

In this way, he still held Cao Lin in one hand, and dealt with the attacking opponent with the other.


In less than three minutes, all these aggressive men fell in the private room, wailing in pain, and they all lost the power to resist.

As for Chen Fei, there were no scars on his body, not even a drop of blood.

Stepping to Huang Jin's body, Chen Fei looked at him condescendingly, and said coldly, "Do you know what you did wrong?"

At this moment, Huang Jin was also frightened. He didn't expect Chen Fei to be so fierce that he would knock down nearly twenty people under his control.

You know, these people were trained by the Guo family from the Huang family. They are all people with martial arts. Usually, a few big men can't get close.

But now, all fell into Chen Fei's hands.

Huang Jin couldn't help but was trembling with fright, "I, I was wrong.

I shouldn't do anything to Cao Lin, shouldn't send someone to arrest her. "

"Really know that I was wrong?"

Chen Fei squinted at Huang Jin.

Huang Jin nodded quickly, "Really, I really know I was wrong."

"is it?"

Chen Fei looked at Huang Jin, his eyes suddenly changed, and he shot an angry glow at Huang Jin, "But I don't believe it."

With a "shoo," Qi Mang hit Huang Jin's right arm, cut it off, and splashed with blood.

Huang Jin screamed again and almost fainted without pain.

Chen Fei looked at him with a calm face and a calm tone, "This is just a little lesson. If there is another time, it will not be as simple as breaking the hand."

After speaking, Chen Fei hugged Cao Lin and turned and left.

However, when he walked to the door, he seemed to have thought of something again. He turned to look at Huang Jin, smiled, and said, "By the way, if you still want someone to retaliate, you can come to me. My name is Chen. fly."

"No, I don't dare, I don't—" Huang Jin endured the pain and hurriedly said.

At this time, Chen Fei had already left with Cao Lin in his arms.

After leaving the Crown KTV, Chen Fei took Cao Lin home.

After returning home and staying in a familiar environment, the frightened Cao Lin finally eased up.

After thanking Chen Fei, Cao Lin looked at Chen Fei with worry, "Brother Chen, thank you very much.

But you should leave quickly. You interrupted Huang Jin's hand. The Huang family won't let it go--" Chen Fei smiled and said, "The Huang family's revenge, don't care.

My worry is that they won't come yet. "

"But—" Cao Lin was extremely worried.

"No, but, don't you believe in my strength, Xiaolin, Brother Chen?"

Chen Fei said.

"No, I just—" Cao Lin wanted to say something else.

At this time, Old Man Cao heard the news and he was anxious, "Xiao Lin, are you okay?

I heard that the guy Huang Dong has done something to you again, and I have to spare this old life, and I have to fight him. "

"Grandpa, I'm fine, don't get excited."

Cao Lin went to comfort Grandpa.

Chen Fei came to the door and looked at the road at the entrance of the village. The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he said lightly: "Huang Jin, just go and call someone! It's best to call someone from the Guo family to come, so I don't have to go to find the trouble myself."

………At the same moment, in an elegant tea house in Qingzhou City, two young men with appearances of twenty-four and five were sitting in a retro pavilion, holding tea and drinking gently.

The man on the right, wearing a casual outfit, took a cup of tea, took a sip, and said, "It's a pity that brother Ling was killed."

The man on the left, in a blue robe, has a cold face and no expression, "Thank you, Brother Liu Xuan, for your concern. My cousin Guo Ming was killed and I am also very sad."

"is it?"

The man in casual clothes smiled and said, "Brother Guo Yu, are you really sad?"

"Brother Liu Xuan, what do you mean by this?"

Guo Yu said, "Guo Ming is my cousin and the hope of my Guo family. He was killed and I am naturally sad."

Hearing this, Liu Xuan in casual clothes put down his tea cup, leaned forward, approached Guo Yu, lowered his voice, and said, "Guo Yu, with our friendship, there is no need to hide it."

"There are no outsiders here, so I'll be straightforward with you."

Liu Xuan said, "As far as I know, your cousin Guo Ming has always been the undisputed first genius of the Guo family. This time he got the spot to go to the Xuankong Valley of Tianwu Sect to enlighten, which is the best proof."

"Your grandfather Guo Heyi has almost decided to pass on the Guo family to Guo Ming.

If there is no accident, no one in the Guo family can compete with Guo Ming. "

"But now, an accident happened and Guo Ming died in Tianwu Mountain.

Then, the position of the next generation Patriarch of your Guo family is about to change.

Could it be that Guo Yu, don't you have any ideas about this position? "

Such naked and exposed words made Guo Yu's face change involuntarily.

After a few seconds of silence, he raised his head, and a gleam in his eyes that had been dull at this moment, "Since Liu Xuan, you have said everything, then I will just say it straight.

Of course I want to be the next head of the Guo family. "

Liu Xuan said, "Don't tell me, as far as I know, after Guo Ming died.

In this generation of yours, there are at least three people who are equal to you. If you want to get the position of Patriarch, I'm afraid it's not that simple. "

"That's why I need your support from Brother Liu Xuan."

Guo Yu didn't hide his ambitions anymore, "Liu Xuan, your grandfather Liu Yuanqing and my grandfather Guo Heyi have been friends for many years, and this birthday banquet is again at my home.

If you can move your grandpa and ask him to support me, my chances of winning with grandpa will be much larger. "

Hearing this, Liu Xuan smiled, "Since I came to see you today, that's what I meant naturally.

My Liu family will support you. "


There was joy on Guo Yu's face, his expression a little excited.

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