
Chapter 2357: ?Guo's Sanjie

It is not a big bet to join the Guo family directly with the family and become a subordinate of the Guo family.

Even Guo Lao was surprised by Meng Qi's actions. After a slight pause, the corners of his mouth agreed with a smile, and he even toasted himself and had a drink with Meng Qi, which caused a heated discussion on the court.

Many people slapped their thighs, secretly saying why they didn't think of this idea.

After Meng Qi gave the birthday gift, the next step was for relatives and friends of the Guo family to come up to congratulate the old man.

Because they are relatives and friends, it does not matter whether the gift is valuable or not.

It has become a test of the old man to the younger generation.

Of course, from another perspective, it is also an opportunity for the Guo family to show off the strength of their family.

I have to say that the strength of the Guo family is not bad, and the cultivation of the family's children in the martial arts is also quite good.

Among the seven or eight young people in their twenties who played successively, the ones with the lowest cultivation level reached the early stage of the prefecture level, and the high ones had entered the middle stage of the heaven level, which was quite impressive.

A child of a famous family showed it, and Guo Heyi looked at it with a smile, and commented out a few words from time to time. It seemed to be in a good mood.

Finally, a man and a woman, two young people of 27 or 18 years old came out, each holding a long sword, and arched their hands at Guo Heyi.

The woman raised her head to look at Guo Heyi and said, "Grandpa, ordinary displays are not very effective.

Brother Guang and I want to practice against each other. Please grandpa for advice. "

After speaking, the woman glanced at the young man on the side.

On the side, the young man also said with a confident smile on his mouth, "Grandpa, I also want to find a qualified opponent. I heard that Yunmei has made some progress recently, and I also want to see it."

After speaking, the man also glanced at the woman, his face also confident and smiling.

Upon seeing this, before Guo Heyi could speak, everyone below started talking.

"This is Guo Guang and Guo Yun. They are both masters. I heard that the cultivation base has reached the late stage realm of the heavenly rank."

"They are going to compete in public, to decide the victory and defeat in front of Mr. Guo!"

"Of course, Guo Ming was a unique leader in the young generation of Guo's family.

Under Guo Ming, there are Guo Guang, Guo Yun, and Guo Yu. The strengths are not much different. They can be regarded as the top powers besides Guo Ming, and they are called the three greats of the Guo family. "

"Originally, if Guo Ming was still there, the three of them, no matter what, would have almost no chance to compete for the position of Patriarch.

But now, Guo Ming is gone, their opportunity has come, and naturally they want to fight for it. "

"That's it, I don't know so much insider."

"Guo Guang and Guo Yun both appeared, why didn't Guo Yu see them?

Did he give up? "

………All the guests below talked about it, and Guo Heyi in the main seat naturally saw the thoughts of the two grandchildren.

However, he was not very angry.

After all, this kind of behavior seemed to him to be normal, and the position of the head of the Guo family was won by his own strength.

What's more, the two practiced against each other to show their strength, which is also a means to show the strength of the Guo family to the outside world.

Thinking of this, Guo Heyi's eyes changed, and he said: "The martial artist is based on actual combat. I am very pleased that you have this mindset."

"In that case, call Guo Yu on, and the three of you will practice together.

I will also test your strength. "

After hearing what the old man said, everyone was surprised again.

Obviously, everyone did not expect that the old man would let Guo Yu come with him, calling all the three best young people of the Guo family's generation to compete.

Isn't this going to choose the owner on the spot?

For a while, everyone seemed curious and excited.

However, the expressions of Guo Guang and Guo Yun on the court were a little strange at the moment, and they were stunned.

"what's happenin?

Don't you agree? "

Upon seeing this, Guo Heyi spoke out.

Guo Yun hurriedly said: "Grandpa, your proposal is very good, of course I agree.

It’s just that I don’t know where cousin Guo Yu went! "

"Uh-" Guo Heyi was also taken aback, frowning, "Is he not here today?"

There was a gloating expression in Guo Guang's eyes, and he said: "Grandpa, I called my cousin Guo Yu just now, but I couldn't reach him. I don't know where he went!"

Upon hearing this, Guo Heyi's expression could not help but sink, his expression a little unhappy.

After all, today is his 80th birthday.

As his grandson, Guo Yu is not at the birthday banquet. This kind of thing is impossible to justify.

The old man turned his eyes to Guo Zexia, and said in a deep voice, "Where did Guo Yu go?"

Guo Zexia was also sweating profusely at the moment, and her heart was extremely anxious.

He knew that his son was a little dull, and he hadn't fallen behind like eating, drinking, and having fun.

At this moment, he was worried that his son was eating, drinking and having fun outside, and he missed the father's birthday banquet.

But naturally he couldn't say such words. He could only reluctantly say: "Yu'er went out yesterday, maybe something happened and was delayed."

"What can be delayed!"

Guo Heyi said solemnly, the old man's expression was obviously a little unhappy.

Guo Zexia almost fainted, if he angered the old man on such a critical occasion.

I am afraid that my son's qualification for the position of the head of the family will be cancelled directly.

At this moment, Liu Yuanqing, who was next to Guo Heyi, said, "Brother Guo, don't be angry.

I heard Liu Xuan say yesterday that Guo Yu asked him to go out with him, discussing preparing birthday gifts for you. "

"Maybe you have prepared something good, hiding it, ready to surprise you?"

"Is that right?"

Guo Heyidao.

Guo Zexia on the side hurriedly said, "Yes, it's like this.

That's what Yuer said yesterday.

He is very important to your father's birthday banquet, and he prepared it very early, saying he wanted to give you a surprise. "

"Smelly boy, so many tricks!"

Guo Heyi snorted, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Then, he waved his hand and said to Guo Guang and Guo Yun: "Since Guo Yu has something to do, you should practice with the two of you!"

Guo Guang and Guo Yun glanced at each other, drew out their swords, and fought each other, then their momentum changed drastically, and they fought each other.

I have to say that Guo Guang and Guo Yun are both powerful and solid.

Although he has reservations, the level of cultivation in the later stage of the heavenly ranks is placed there, and he has been dazzled and dizzying after he has practiced moves.

"As expected, Guo Guang and Guo Yun, this strength is too strong."

"If you put the strength in the late stage of the heavenly ranks outside, it will be a master, you think it's a joke!"

"There is another Guo Yu who hasn't appeared. I have to say that the Guo family is really rich in background!"

"These two are already so powerful.

How powerful is Guo Ming, who is more famous than them? "

"Guo Ming, the realm of strength has reached the peak of the sky level, and it is already among the top ones.

It's just a pity that he died. "


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