
Chapter 2360: ?Guo family shot

However, compared to the shocked guests, the faces of the Guo family seemed normal, but their expressions became a little gloomy.

Seeing other guests retreating, the Guo family knew that Meng Qi's tragic end made the other guests dare not come forward.

Now, only their Guo family can make a move.

Snorted slightly.

Guo Guang and Guo Yun glanced at each other, stood out from the crowd, and looked at Chen Fei coldly.

"Guo Yun, the son of the Guo family!"

Guo Yun shouted coldly, drew out his long sword, and pointed at Chen Fei, "You killed my cousin, and you won't be able to capture it before you stop."

"Guo Guang! Chen Fei, take your life!"

Guo Guang is even more direct.

Two outstanding children of the Guo family's younger generation appeared at the same time, and the atmosphere of the scene suddenly became tense.

After all, these two people are both martial artists in the late stage realm of heaven.

Their realm of strength is much higher than Meng Qi.

Coupled with the combination of the two, Chen Fei really is not necessarily their opponent.

When Guo Zexia saw this, his eyes flickered.

Guo Guang and Guo Yun made a move at this time, obviously to show off in front of the old man.

If they succeed, then their son Guo Yu will be completely compared.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little anxious, so he looked at his son Guo Yu and said, "Yu'er, Guo Yun and Guo Guang have all shot, and you too—" But what he didn't expect was that he didn't say anything. Finish.

Guo Yu seemed to be greatly frightened, curled up, and tremblingly said, "No, no.

I am not his opponent, I will die, I don't want it! "

Guo Heyi, who was in the first seat, looked down here. Seeing such a scene, his eyes sank and he shook his head disappointedly.

Upon seeing this, Guo Zexia looked very ugly, and looked at her son angrily, wanting to reprimand him.

But immediately, he saw his son's embarrassed appearance, and his heart felt distressed again.

Turning all the anger on Chen Fei, he glared at him, gritted his teeth and said: "Kill him! Revenge for Guo Ming and Yuer!"

With the lessons learned by Meng Qi earlier, Guo Guang and Guo Yun are obviously much more cautious.

Two people, one left and the other right, pinched Chen Fei.


Guo Yun screamed, and the two were dispatched at the same time.

Two long swords, like spirit snakes coming out of a hole, pierced with deadly venom.

The offensive of the two was not as fierce as Meng Qi just now, but the level of lethality completely surpassed Meng Qi's attack.

However, facing this offensive, Chen Fei still stood still and didn't mean to move.

With both hands sticking out, two groups of hot red true essence aura gathered in the palm, and then bombarded out.

It seemed that two groups of hot flames were facing the two long swords of Guo Yun and Guo Guang.

The deadly long sword, after encountering the two groups of flames, turned out to be like chocolate, melted directly, dripped onto the bluestone slab, and made a "sizzling" sound.

"How can it be?"

Guo Guang and Guo Yun were shocked at the same time.

At this moment, Chen Fei lightly flicked both hands, two flames of light bombarded out, hit the two people's chest, and knocked them out.

The two flew more than ten meters, and finally hit the ground heavily, spouting blood.

The Guo family hurriedly stepped forward and helped them up.

At the same time, cries of incomparable anger continued to sound.

"Chen, you are too much."

"First killed Guo Ming, then injured Guo Yu, and now Guo Guang and Guo Yun were injured.

Chen Fei, are you trying to kill my Guo family? "

When Chen Fei heard the words, he let out a cold voice, "Hurry up and kill?"

"If I really had this idea, the two of them just now would not have survived."

After speaking, Chen Fei looked at Guo Heyi and said solemnly: "Old Guo, I said, I have no grudges with the Guo family.

I came here today just to investigate clearly, who is the real behind-the-scenes? "

"If the Guo family cooperates with my investigation now, I can treat what has happened just now as if it did not happen."

When Guo Heyi heard this, he actually laughed, "Haha!"

However, this laughter is not a joyful laugh, but an extremely angry laugh.

Gritting his teeth, he stared at Chen Fei fiercely, his eyes as cold as a knife, "Chen Fei, do you really think that my Guo family will let you insult you."

"Today, I need you to pay the price!"

After finishing speaking, Guo Heyi's momentum soared, a majestic and oppressive momentum, booming and rising.

At this moment, Guo Heyi looked like a giant, oppressing Chen Fei.

"Old Guo is going to do it himself!"

"This momentum is too strong, I can hardly bear it."

"It is said that Elder Guo is already close to the realm of a demigod. Is this imposing a demigod master?"

"It shouldn't be, demigod masters are not that easy to reach."

………At this moment, facing Guo Heyi who was full of warfare, Chen Fei frowned, then his eyes sank, and he said coldly: “I have no intentions, but you don’t appreciate it. Let’s fight!”

After speaking, Chen Fei's momentum also surged out.

For a while, he and Guo Heyi stood up against each other, and did not let the wind fall.

Such momentum made Guo Heyi a little surprised.

However, after the surprise, his face sank, and his fighting spirit became more intense.

Just when the momentum was booming, the war was about to start.

Liu Yuanqing stood on the side and said, "Brother Guo, I will be with you."

Guo Heyi glanced at Liu Yuanqing and said, "Brother Liu, you don't have to—" Before he finished speaking, Liu Yuanqing shook his head and said, "Brother Guo, I did it not only for you, but also for my grandson Liu Xuan. "

"Liu Xuan, could it be that he was really—" Guo Heyi was surprised.

Liu Yuanqing nodded, with anger in his eyes, "I just checked with Guo Yu.

Liu Xuan was killed by Chen Fei, just below Qingluo Mountain yesterday evening! "

After that, Liu Yuanqing looked at Chen Fei and said angrily: "Chen Fei, dare you admit that you killed my Sun Liuxuan?"

"Yes, I killed Liu Xuan."

Chen Fei's tone was indifferent, "Liu Xuan and Guo Yu wanted to rob civilian girls yesterday evening. I warned them, but they still wanted to do something and even kill me.

Therefore, I had no choice but to kill Liu Xuan. "

However, this indifferent tone made Liu Yuanqing more angry.

"I am going to kill you!"


Liu Yuanqing moved, and the majestic breath came over the sky.

On the other side, Guo Heyi also moved, the terrifying coercion, like a wild beast, fiercely attacked.

This momentum made the complexion of the guests on the scene change drastically, their legs were soft, and they staggered and almost fell to the ground. Even breathing became a little difficult at this moment.

"Guo Lao and Liu Lao started together."

"The two of them are both masters close to the realm of a demigod."

"This terrifying strength, even if it is really a demigod master, I am afraid it is not an opponent!"

"The kid surnamed Chen is dead."


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