
Chapter 2362: ?Guo Family Patriarch

The two gritted their teeth and attacked, almost bursting out of their strongest strength.

But soon, they felt a sense of shock and powerlessness.

Because Chen Fei, who uses a long spear, is actually even more powerful than Chen Fei who uses a long sword and a broad sword just now.

Although the two tried their best, within five minutes, Chen Fei was forced to retreat again and again, and they were about to lose.

"This kid, is he a monster?"

"Why, he is so proficient in all kinds of weapons, how is this done?"

"Could it be that he is really a demigod master?"

......... Guo Heyi and Liu Yuanqing's complexion was extremely red, and the hands holding the weapons began to tremble.

Seeing that the two were about to lose, at this last moment, Chen Fei dropped the spear in his hand and stepped back.

"What is this going to do?"

"Then kid, why didn't you attack all of a sudden?"

………In this situation, everyone is at a loss again.

At this time, Chen Fei clapped his hands, smiled at the corners of his mouth, and whispered to himself softly: "The martial arts are indeed strong. I didn't expect that close combat against me could improve so much."

"The first six martial arts have been tried.

Now, there is only one kind of thunder. "

With a whisper, Chen Fei stretched out his hands to arouse the thunder in the sea of ​​knowledge.

In an instant, lightning flashed in the palm of his hand.

Immediately after screaming, two groups of thunder lights flew towards Guo Heyi and Liu Yuanqing with howling.

Feeling the power of this horror, the two of them changed their complexions and hurriedly used their true vitality to protect themselves, trying to block Chen Fei's lightning attack.

But with two loud sounds of "crack, pop".

The two people's true essence protection was penetrated in an instant, and the faint blue thunder light slammed on the two people, making a sizzling electric sound, and seeing everyone around their scalp numb.

The two people who were wrapped in thunder screamed, desperately trying to resist the escape, but they couldn't get rid of them at all, and they could only be thundered and thundered.

Soon, the two lost the ability to resist, their bodies were limp, almost fainting.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei hummed softly and retracted his hands.

In an instant, the thunder and lightning dissipated, and the sky was clear, as if everything just did not happen.

"I felt about six thousand thunder intents on the seventh floor. This power is indeed impressive, second only to fire intent."

Chen Fei was quite satisfied with the power of Lei Yi.

After whispering, Chen Fei put his hands on his back and his eyes fell on Guo Heyi and Liu Yuanqing.

The two at this moment, supported by relatives and friends, stood up from the ground.

It's just that, even though he stood up, the image of the two of them at the moment was embarrassed.

His skin was scorched, his clothes were in tatters, and there were lightning-shaped wounds on his body, blood seeping from inside.

Facing Chen Fei's gaze, the expressions of the two looked a little complicated.

Angry, unwilling, but helpless, with some fear! Looking at the complex eyes of the two, Chen Fei snorted coldly and said, "I said, I have no ill intentions, but I just want to have a good talk with you."

"But you have to do it with me, then I can only do so."

"You killed my grandson and injured so many people in my Guo family, and you said there was no malice—" Guo Heyi was so angry that he couldn't help but say.

Chen Fei snorted coldly, and said coldly: "If I wanted to kill someone, you are already dead now."

As soon as he said this, Guo Heyi suddenly stiffened, and his whole body was cold, and he was stunned in place.

Indeed, with Chen Fei's strength just now, there were many opportunities to kill him and Liu Yuanqing.

But in the end, Chen Fei let them go, which really surprised him.

For a moment, Guo Heyi was stunned, froze in place, motionless.

At this time, there was a rush of footsteps, and a subordinate ran out in a hurry, "Too old man, too old man--" "Say, what's the matter?"

Looking at the next person, Guo Zehua glared at him and let out a sharp shout.

The servant hurriedly said: "Master, too master ordered us to check Chen Fei's information, now we have news."

"what news?"

Guo Zehua asked instinctively.

Immediately, he thought of Chen Fei not far away, his expression stiffened, and he wanted to say something.

But at this moment, the servant has already spoken.

"Before, the U.S. sent people to investigate the war that took place in Vantaa.

Now, there are results. "

"At that time, it was Chen Fei, our young master of China, who fought in the Mengnao City of Vantaa.

Chen Fei was arrested because of a friend, and went to Vantaa to save people. He clashed with the Witch Gate, and eventually killed Lord Witch Lord and also killed the Yaori brothers who came to help. "

After these words, everyone at the scene was shocked.

Guo Heyi and Liu Yuanqing were even more shocked.

After all, before yesterday's birthday banquet, they discussed this matter, and they were still feeling that even masters of the level of Master Witch Master and Brother Yao will die.

Therefore, the two of them wanted to step into the semi-god realm more and more urgently.

As a result, they did not expect that the Master Witch Master and Brother Yao Ri they discussed were actually killed by Chen Fei.

For a time, the two of them understood why they were both crushed and beaten by Chen Fei.

Because the strength is not at the same level at all.

The scene was silent, everyone looked at Chen Fei in shock, completely speechless.

Chen Fei clasped his hands, looked at Guo Heyi, and said coldly: "Now, are you willing to cooperate with me in investigating?"

Upon hearing this, Guo Heyi's complexion changed slightly, he hesitated a little, and then he sighed, raised his head to look at Chen Fei, and said: "My Guo family, willing to cooperate--" But when Guo Heyi was about to agree, suddenly, he said The loud shout came from the depths of Qingluo Mountain, like a billowing thunder, shocking people's hearts.

"My Guo family, when is it the turn of a boy to be so presumptuous."

Accompanied by this rumbling sound, an old man wearing a shabby robe with long beard and hair flew out of the Qingluo Mountain and fell onto the hall.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were all attracted to the old man with long hair.

Everyone in the Guo family changed their complexion in an instant, with a surprised expression, and shouted.

"Old ancestor, you, you are out!"

"It's the ancestor of our Guo family."

"The ancestor has been in retreat for more than 20 years and has never come out. I didn't expect to come out today."

"Father, you, you--" Guo Heyi was full of tears, looking at the old man in front of him, extremely excited.

As for the surrounding guests, there was a burst of excitement at the moment.

"That, that is the ancestor of the Guo family, the founder of the Guo family, the predecessor of Guo's business!"

"It's not that he passed away 20 years ago. Unexpectedly, he was still alive."

"Over twenty years ago, Senior Guo was very close to the realm of a demigod.

Now that he has been in seclusion for so long, I don't know how strong his strength has reached? "

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly.

Senior Guo was out at this moment, and now the Guo family is saved. "


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