
Chapter 2375: ?Apologize

Early the next morning, as soon as Chen Fei got up, he received a call from Zhu Kuishan.

After answering the phone, Chen Fei couldn't help being surprised, "Old Zhu, you mean, Huo Hongxing will bring Huo Siyu to apologize to me?"

"Don't use it! Besides, I have already made it clear in the coffee shop about Huo Siyu and I. I don't think it is necessary--" Zhu Kuishan said on the other side of the phone, "Huo Hongxing said it, not for marriage.

I just apologized to Xiao Chen for the things in the cafe. "

"This, isn't it necessary.

One little thing, I didn't take it to heart. "

Chen Fei said.

Zhu Kuishan said helplessly: "Huo Hongxing has already arrived at my house, and my wife greeted him at the door.

I'm leaving soon, so I can only trouble Xiao Chen to deal with it. "

"I, all right!"

Chen Fei was a little helpless, but he could only agree.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Fei told his wife what had happened, and then cleaned up.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Huo Hongxing took Huo Siyu, Zhu Kuishan and his wife, and the four came to Chen's house together.

As an elder Zhu, Chen Fei would naturally entertain him, bringing a few people to the living room and serving hot tea.

After a few words of greeting, finally, I started to get into the topic.

Huo Hongxing put down the tea cup, stood up, came to Chen Fei, and said: "Mr. Chen, what happened in the cafe yesterday.

It was Siyu who offended you, Mr. Chen, and I came here to express my apologies to you today! "

After speaking, Huo Hongxing bowed and apologized to Chen Fei.

Aside, Huo Siyu also hurried forward and bowed and apologized to Chen Fei.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei hurriedly said: "Old Huo, Miss Huo is serious. What happened yesterday was just a trivial matter, and I didn't take it to heart."

"Mr. Chen, you didn't take it to heart, it was Mr. Chen that you were generous.

But we did something wrong and we must apologize. "

Huo Hongxing said, then glanced at the granddaughter beside him.

Huo Siyu immediately took out a gift box and gave it to Chen Fei, "Mr. Chen, I'm sorry.

I was impolite yesterday. This gift was a little bit of my care. "

Chen Fei waved his hand and said that it was okay, then he took the gift and put it aside.

Upon seeing this, Huo Hongxing's eyes lit up and quickly added: "Mr. Chen, this gift was made by Siyu herself overnight.

In order to express your feelings to Mr. Chen. "

Huo Siyu's cheeks reddened and he looked a little shy, and said, "As long as Mr. Chen accepts it, I will be happy."

The posture of the two of them made Chen Fei look stupid for a while.

This was not an apologetic gift, did Chen Fei take it smoothly?

How can it be said by these two people that it seems like a token of love.

Chen Fei understood the other party’s thoughts and knew that he could not continue to be vague. He coughed and said, "Thank you very much Huo Lao and Miss Huo for your kindness. There will be malice."

It was already obvious that Chen Fei didn't want to have anything to do with the Huo family.

Hearing this, Huo Siyu's face changed obviously, and her pretty face trembled slightly.

But Huo Hongxing didn't change his face, as if he didn't understand Chen Fei's words, and said: "It is the glory of my Huo family to be known by Mr. Chen."

"This—" Chen Fei was speechless for a while.

Huo Hongxing took advantage of the momentum and continued: "Mr. Chen, my granddaughter Huo Siyu has always been interested in martial arts.

I heard that Mr. Chen has an excellent martial arts talent and great strength. "

"Siyu is very admired and wants to learn martial arts with Mr. Chen.

I wonder if Mr. Chen can—" "Mr. Chen, I like martial arts very much. "

Huo Siyu put his hands in front of his chest, looking at Chen Fei with enthusiasm.

Chen Fei frowned slightly and said: "Huo Lao Miao praised it.

However, my martial arts is a bit special, and a large part of it is practiced by myself. "

"If Miss Huo wants to learn martial arts, she should find a professional martial arts teacher. Starting from the basics, it is better to learn a little bit."

Hearing this, Huo Hongxing's eyes changed, and he continued to say: "Basic martial arts teachers from the Huo family have also been invited, but the effect is not very good.

Therefore, Siyu hopes to learn from top experts like Mr. Chen. "

"I heard that Mr. Chen accepted a female disciple called Zhuo Qingyu! If Mr. Chen allows, she can study with Zhuo Qingyu!"

"Zhuo Qingyu, I know her."

Huo Siyu said.

The other party made it clear that he was going to haunt him. Chen Fei couldn't help but frowned, paused slightly, and refused aloud: "I did accept Zhuo Qingyu as a disciple, but her situation is quite special, unlike a normal warrior. different.

Studying with her is probably not good for Miss Huo's martial arts. "

"I--" Huo Siyu's expression was a bit expressive, and the emotions in his heart were slightly strange.

I am a well-known beauty eldest in Beijing anyway. It can be said that all conditions are top-notch existence.

Now, so proactively and in a low voice to please Chen Fei, the other party turned a blind eye, but kept rejecting it, which made Huo Siyu's mood a little strange.

However, thinking of what Grandpa said at home last night, Huo Siyu suppressed the slight dissatisfaction in his heart and did not speak.

And Huo Hongxing obviously saw Chen Fei's taboo.

He rolled his eyes, and his gaze fell on the other two people.

Zhu Kuishan picked up his teacup and drank tea, pretending he hadn't seen it.

But Zhu Kuishan's wife could not help but speak at this time, after all, she and the Huo family have a relationship.

Elder Zhu's wife looked at Chen Fei and said, "Xiao Chen, Si Yu just wants to learn some self-defense skills. It doesn't need to be so advanced."

"Those professional martial arts teachers are relatively older, and it is not easy to get along with Siyu.

You are about the same age as Siyu, and it is easier for people of your age to get along with each other, and you can learn more with less. "

"This--" Taking into account Mr. Zhu's face, Chen Fei refused aloud for a while.

Upon seeing this, Zhu Kuishan glared at his wife, then put down his teacup, looked at Huo Hongxing, and said, "Old Huo, everyone knows everything well, so there is no need to erode.

"I'll just let it go. Siyu is a good boy, with excellent conditions in all aspects."

"But emotional matters cannot be forced.

So, let's forget about Siyu marrying Chen Fei! "

When Zhu Kuishan said so, everyone at the scene was stunned for a while.

After all, everyone did not expect that he would directly explain the matter.

For a while, the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

However, Huo Hongxing is obviously a veteran, he quickly reacted, smiled, and said: "Since Mr. Zhu has said everything, then I won't hide it."

"Mr. Chen, my granddaughter Siyu admires you very much and hopes to have a good relationship with you for a hundred years!"

"Of course, our Huo family also agrees with her very much.

If Siyu can marry Mr. Chen, our Huo family will definitely support Mr. Chen. "

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