
Chapter 2381: ?Smart calculations

Hearing this, Chen Fei frowned slightly and looked at Zhong Zhu's flue, "Miss Zhong seems to think people are too dark!"

He snorted and continued, "Besides, stay by my side, the future is not necessarily worse than Zhenwu Zhong's family!"

"Although you have some strength, it is too arrogant to say that you can compare to my Zhenwu Zhong family!"

Zhong Zhuyan looked at Chen Fei.

Chen Fei said lightly: "I don't think so."

"You--" Zhong Zhuyan continued.

At this time, the door opened, and Zhuo Qingyu walked out of the house, looking at Zhong Zhuyan, his expression was solemn and serious, "Miss Zhong, I understand your kindness."

"But my mind will not change.

Mr. Chen is my master, I will not leave him. "

"Quietly, you--" Zhong Zhuyan wanted to persuade him.

But Zhuo Qingyu's expression was extraordinarily serious, "Miss Zhong, if you continue to say anything, please forgive me for being rude. I can only ask you to leave."

Zhong Zhuyan's words were held back.

With a breath of breath in his mouth, he glanced at Zhuo Qingyu and Chen Fei, Zhong Zhuyan sighed and said, "Since you have said so, then I won't force you."

"Thank you Miss Zhong for your understanding.

In any case, Miss Zhong, you are my benefactor, I will not forget. "

Zhuo Qingyu said with a smile.

Zhong Zhuyan waved his hand and said, "Aren't we friends already?

What benefactors and not benefactors is no longer important. "

After speaking, Zhong Zhuyan rolled his eyes and said, "Don't talk about the whispered thing for now, and there is one more trivial matter. I would like to ask Mr. Chen for a favor!"

"Miss Zhong, please say?"

Chen Fei said.

Zhong Zhuyan showed a smile, came to Chen Fei, blinked his big pretty eyes, and said, "I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend during this time."

Hearing this, Chen Fei couldn't help but was stunned, "This--I'm afraid--somewhat inconvenient."

Zhong Zhuyan squinted his eyes and chuckled lightly: "Is such a beautiful face, can't I still get Mr. Chen's eyes?"

Chen Fei shook his head and said, "Miss Zhong's country is beautiful and beautiful.

It’s just that I’m already married, it’s not appropriate to impersonate my boyfriend. "

"You also said, it's just a fake, not real."

Zhongzhu flue.

Immediately, she tilted her head slightly, leaned close to Chen Fei, breathed into Chen Fei’s ear, and said in a suspicious voice: "If Mr. Chen can satisfy me, really use some boyfriend’s Right, it's not impossible!"

These provocative words, coupled with Zhong Zhuyan's good looks.

Not to mention ordinary men, I am afraid that even a heavenly martial artist can't bear such a temptation.

But Chen Fei is a demigod master. Although he was a little absent for a while, he quickly recovered and shook his head and said: "Miss Zhong, my attitude, as I have just said, this is not convenient."

"You--" Zhong Zhuyan was a little angry, staring at Chen Fei.

However, Chen Fei's expression of inadequacy made Zhong Zhuyan helpless.

In the end, she could only pout and sigh, and said: "You are not allowed to pretend to be a boyfriend. As your apprentice's savior, please ask me to have a meal, shouldn't it be a problem?"

"This is naturally not a problem."

Chen Fei chuckles, "Ms. Zhong wants to eat something, I'll go order a meal right away."

Zhong Zhuyan took out his phone, flipped through it, and said, "I read this western restaurant in Dayuecheng on the Internet, and it tastes very good.

I want to eat there! "

Although Chen Fei didn't have a cold for western food, Zhong Zhuyan was the guest.

When the guest makes a request, he will naturally be satisfied.

After making a phone call, the restaurant was quickly set.

It was almost time, so I packed up, changed clothes, and Chen Fei, Lin Qiuhan, Zhuo Qingyu and Zhong Zhuyan went out together.

Soon, I came to the western restaurant, took a seat, ordered the meal, and the four of them had a chat while eating.

Zhong Zhuyan said that she likes this restaurant, but when the food comes up, she looks like she has no appetite, almost every dish is just a taste.

Instead, they kept toasting.

As a result, Lin Qiuhan and Zhuo Qingyu didn't sit for long, they were filled with water by Zhong Zhuyan and could only go to the bathroom.

When the two left, Chen Fei and Zhong Zhuyan were the only ones left on the table.

Chen Fei was forking a steak, when he was about to eat it.

The opposite Zhong Zhuyan suddenly got up and sat next to Chen Fei. He even hugged Chen Fei's arm intimately and leaned against him.

Chen Fei was taken aback by her sudden behavior, "Miss Zhong, what are you doing?"

Chen Fei struggled slightly, trying to get rid of Zhong Zhuyan, but she hugged Chen Fei harder and almost fell into Chen Fei's arms.

Such a scene fell in the eyes of outsiders, and suddenly made them look at Chen Fei's eyes strangely.

After all, just now Chen Fei came with three top beauties alone, which was very eye-catching.

Just now, Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan were obviously very close.

Now, he hugged the beautiful woman across from him like this again.

In the eyes of others, Chen Fei seemed to be a scumbag with several boats on his feet, and all kinds of contemptuous eyes were cast at Chen Fei for a while.

Even some aggrieved ladies got up and walked to the bathroom, looking like they were going to complain to Lin Qiuhan.

"Miss Zhong, what do you mean?"

Chen Fei's tone increased slightly, and the vitality aura in his body began to flow.

At this moment, Zhong Zhuyan let go of Chen Fei, then got up and returned to his position with a slightly panicked look.

"This guy, very nervous, what's up!"

Chen Fei was confused by her.

At this moment, a man's voice that was obviously angry, rang, "Zhu Yan, who is he?"

Hearing the sound, Chen Fei turned his head and saw a handsome young man looking at him and Zhong Zhuyan angrily.

Facing the man’s question, Zhong Zhuyan tucked his hair in his ear and said: "Yu Wenji, who is he, does it have anything to do with you?"

"Zhu Yan, you are my fiancee.

But I am here with such a man, you say, does this matter have anything to do with me? "

The man was obviously suppressing his anger.

At this time, listening to the conversation between the two of them, Chen Fei instantly understood what was going on.

This Yuwenji is very likely to be the child of the Yuwen family, the top family in the Zhenwu family. The Yuwen family and the Zhong family are of equal status.

Yu Wenji and Zhong Zhuyan should have a marriage contract, so they will appear here.

However, Zhong Zhuyan should be more resistant to this engagement, so he asked Chen Fei to pretend to be her boyfriend.

Although Chen Fei was rejected, but looking at the current situation, Zhong Zhuyan still calculated him a little, and successfully made Yu Wenji misunderstood.

And this western restaurant, as well as Zhong Zhuyan's previous toasts, served for the misunderstanding at this moment.

For a moment, Chen Fei couldn't help but his face became dark, and he glared at Zhong Zhuyan angrily.

Seeing this, Zhong Zhuyan avoided Chen Fei's gaze blinking and bowed his head.

Looks a little embarrassed.

However, in Yu Wenji's eyes, the exchange of expressions between the two seemed to be a face-to-face flirting.

This made him, who was already angry, even more angry, and his eyes almost burst into flames.

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