
Chapter 2384: ?Yuwenji shot

"Master Yuwen, do you know him?"

Song Hongyue asked.

Yu Wenji snorted coldly, "Of course I do.

He is also my enemy. "

"Master Yuwen, your enemy, this—" Song Hongyue wanted to ask in detail, but seeing Yu Wenji's expression, she didn't continue to ask.

Yu Wenji patted the armrest of the seat, stood up, and said, "Don't worry, I will deal with Chen Fei."

"Not only will I defeat him in the martial arts, but I will crush him in all aspects and crush him completely into powder!"

Yu Wenji gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, his expression dignified and angry.

...... Three days later, Chen Fei saw his wife Lin Qiuhan return home with a solemn expression.

Chen Fei hurried forward, gave his wife a shoulder massage, and then asked, "My wife, what's wrong?

I'm not very happy when I came back these few days. Did something happen? "

Lin Qiuhan smiled at Chen Fei and said, "It's not a big deal, it's just some trouble in business."

"I knew you didn't like these things, so I didn't tell you."

"Business affairs, what happened, is there anything I can help?"

Chen Fei asked.

Lin Qiuhan said: "In the last few days, several opponents of our Autumn Group have suddenly launched a blockade against our company and started a price war."

"At first, I just thought it was a competitor who wanted to seize the market.

But then, even many of our partners have ceased cooperation with us. "

"Now, the situation of the company is more troublesome."

"how so?"

Chen Fei did not expect the company to encounter such a thing.

Lin Qiuhan also shook his head and said: "In just a few days, so many companies can be launched to attack our Autumn Group.

I suspect that the opponent is definitely not a layman.

I have asked someone to investigate secretly. "

"Or, I'll ask someone to check it out!"

Chen Fei said.

Lin Qiuhan was about to respond when her mobile phone rang, and she hurriedly connected the phone, "Yes, um—" "How's the situation?"

"What, how could this be?"


"Okay, trouble you.

Next time, I will come to thank you. "

After hanging up the phone, Lin Qiuhan's expression sank.

Chen Fei sat next to his wife and asked with concern: "How is it?

Got news? "

Lin Qiuhan nodded and said solemnly: "I found the news, and it has been determined that someone is behind the trader and deliberately targeted our company."


Chen Fei's expression sank.

Lin Qiuhan looked at Chen Fei, paused, and said in a deep voice, "Zhenwu family, Yuwen, avoid Young Master Yuwen."

"I heard that three days ago, he personally opened a few tables in the hotel and invited well-known merchants in the capital.

After returning that day, our Autumn Group was suppressed. "

"Yu Wenji!"

Hearing this name, Chen Fei's eyes became cold. "It's him!"

Lin Qiuhan continued: "Furthermore, the other party also said that Yu Wenji has already contracted the Emgrand Hotel and is preparing to hold a business reception tomorrow evening, inviting well-known businessmen from the capital and even the country to discuss cooperation."

"This is to completely deal with our Autumn Group."

Chen Fei said.

"It should be like this."

Lin Qiuhan nodded.

A flash of anger flashed in Chen Fei's eyes, and stood up from the sofa, "I'll look for him."

Lin Qiuhan grabbed Chen Fei at once, and hurriedly persuaded him: "Don't be impulsive, Yu Wenji's identity is unusual, and it's not good for you to conflict directly."

"No matter what his status is, I'm not afraid!"

Chen Fei said.

Lin Qiuhan held Chen Fei not letting go, and continued to persuade: "Even if you are not afraid, but this time the matter is just a commercial conflict.

If you really do it, I'm afraid you will be wrong.

At that time, even if General Xu comes forward, I am afraid that he will not be very good at talking. "

"Moreover, if something whispers is ahead, you should also think about the people around you."

Hearing this, Chen Fei couldn't help calming down, but his heart was still filled with anger.

Upon seeing this, Lin Qiuhan patted Chen Fei's back lightly, and said: "You don't need to be so angry, it's actually not a big deal."

"Don't say whether they can defeat our Autumn Group, even if the Autumn Group really collapses, we won't be short of money, don't care."

Chen Fei looked at Lin Qiuhan and solemnly said: "But, the Autumn Group is your wife's painstaking effort, I can't let it just fall down like this."

"That's natural, I just made a comparison just now.

The current Autumn Group is not so easy to fall.

They want to deal with me, and they have to pay a price. "

Lin Qiuhan's eyes condensed slightly, at this moment, the demeanor of a former business woman broke out.

………Soon, the news that Yu Wenji invited a businessman from the capital to hold a cocktail party quickly spread in the business community.

The incident about the suppression of the Autumn Group also spread.

For a time, people from all walks of life in the capital were talking about it, and the opinions were divergent.

Some people say that Chen Fei and Qiuqi Group are over. After all, Yu Wenji is a disciple of the Zhenwu family. Once he makes a move, no one can stop it.

Some people say that Chen Fei will not let go. After all, Chen Fei has come along this way, and how many opponents who have looked down on him have been knocked down by him.

In such an environment, the atmosphere inside the Huo family at this moment has also become a little strange.

Originally, since Huo Hongxing disclosed Chen Fei's identity last time, the Huo family almost all changed their attitudes, and even Huo Siyu, who was extremely opposed to this marriage before, was secretly moved.

In the past few days, the Huo family was originally considering how to get Huo Siyu close to Chen Fei and create opportunities for the two of them.

As a result, at this moment, the news of Yu Wenji suddenly broke out.

As a result, the attitude of everyone in the Huo family will inevitably become a little strange.

Huo Yongxian looked at his silent father sitting in the first seat, then looked at his daughter who bowed his head and thought, took a deep breath, and finally said, "Dad, Yu Wenji is going to deal with Chen Fei, our Huo family, Hurry up, it's still too late."

Some other Huo family members have also spoken out at this moment.

"Yes, Yuwenji is the eldest son of the Yuwen family, the top family in the Zhenwu family.

Against him, there is no end to it. "

"Yes, although Chen Fei has great potential, compared with Yuwen's family, it's still far behind!"

………Hearing all the voices below, Huo Hongxing, who had been silent without speaking, finally said, "I understand what you said."

"But don't forget, Xu Junshan has already recommended Chen Fei to the Sixteen Temples in the Inner Island of Forbidden Island.

Once he was selected, even the Yuwen family would not dare to treat Chen Feiren.

At that time, if my Huo family could climb this big tree—" "Dad, what you said was the result of Chen Fei being selected by the Sixteenth Hall.

What if he is not selected?

Now I have offended Yu Wenji again, his future is not as good as you think? "

Huo Yongxian was opposed to his daughter being Chen Fei's junior, so he seized the opportunity and spoke one after another.

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