
Chapter 2392: ? Demigod Wedding

In the capital city the next day, everyone hadn't recovered from the news that Song Hongyue and Song Yuan were killed and Yu Wenji was injured by Chen Fei.

Another huge news shocked the entire capital-Chen Fei, Master Chen is about to hold a wedding.

The wedding venue was set at Wanhe Garden, an ancient royal garden, a place that ordinary people couldn't step into.

In the new era, Wanhe Garden has become a place for high-level Huaxia to recuperate and rest, and ordinary people cannot enter it at all.

And now, Chen Fei actually wants to hold a wedding in Wanhe Garden. Just this location shocked many people.

Next, the wedding guest list was exposed, which shocked a group of people.

Needless to say, almost all the celebrities and wealthy people in the capital were invited.

In addition, there are all the names that are surpassing each other, all of which have entered the guest list.

Li Hanming, the current president of the Xiangjiang Li Group, Zhu Kuishan, the deputy leader of the Wudao League, Mu Ningbian, the second in command of the Linglong organization, all the families of the Hidden Family, and the heads of the four heavenly sects were all invited.

Of course, there is Xu Junshan, the most famous Chinese military god.

As for overseas celebrities, many have also been invited.

Lisa, the current president of the Hachiki Club of the Island, the famous English star singer Anita, and even the No. 1 American star and the **** of war Steve, have all been included in the invitation list.

As soon as this list was exposed, there was an upsurge in the capital in an instant, and everyone was talking about it.

Not to mention all the people on the list, even if only one-half or even one-third comes, it is already a great honor.

For a time, people in Beijing called this wedding a "demi-god wedding."

First, it shows that Chen Fei, the bridegroom, has the strength of a demigod realm.

The second is to describe the wedding lineup as exaggerated and influential enough to describe it as a demigod.

Immediately, all kinds of luxurious and exquisite preparations were carried out quickly, and related content was continuously exposed, which caused another round of discussion.

On the Internet, topics related to this wedding continue to rush into hot spots.

Countless women are envious on the Internet, chanting that if you want to marry, you must marry Chen Fei.

The news about the bride Lin Qiuhan was also accompanied by the wedding, and was turned out by countless netizens for heated discussion.

Although many people knew that Chen Fei was married before, they also knew that Lin Qiuhan was his wife.

But after all, the matter has never been made public. For ordinary people, Chen Fei's bride still exists very mysteriously.

Now, with the exposure of various information about Lin Qiuhan on the Internet, countless netizens can't help but become hotly discussing.

Some turned out a lot of photos of Lin Qiuhan, which made people sigh the grace and beauty of the groom.

Many netizens exclaimed, it is no wonder that Chen Fei in the realm of the demigod would be addicted to it. Who doesn't like beauties of this level.

Later, some people found out Lin Qiuhan's experience.

From the owner of a small make-up company in a small place, in a few years, he became the president of a group with a market value of 100 billion yuan.

This kind of legendary business woman experience has set off a wave of heated discussion.

The bits and pieces that Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan had together before were also turned over by various netizens.

The dull and happy life of the two is gradually exposed to the eyes of everyone, making countless netizens envy.

……… Chen Fei’s wedding has become an absolute hot topic in the capital.

But even in this upsurge of discussions almost all the way, naturally some people are still unhappy.

The first to bear the brunt was Yu Wenji, who was injured by Chen Fei at the reception.

Chen Fei repulsed him twice, if only the injury is concerned, it is not that serious.

After Yu Wenji came back, he recovered completely after a day of recuperation with drugs.

However, the huge negative impact brought about by this incident has not subsided for a long time.

He Yuwenji, as the eldest son of the dignified Wuyuwen family, was beaten in public, twice in a row.

In the end, she was robbed of the woman she was engaged to.

This was definitely a great shame, and it was an existence that Yu Wenji couldn't let go of.

In addition, in the past few days, the topic of Chen Fei's wedding has spread enthusiastically in the capital, which has brought Yu Wenji's resentment towards Chen Fei to a peak.

"Chen, I must kill you.

I want you to kneel in front of me, kowtow to me for mercy, and let you know that it is the last thing you regret to provoke me, Yu Wenji. "

Just as Yu Wenji gritted his teeth and whispered, there was a knock on the door, "Master Yuwen."

"Come in!"

Yu Wenji adjusted his state and spoke out.

The door was pushed open, and a servant walked in, bowed respectfully to him, and said: "Master Yuwen, there is news from over there.

The glory of the Yuwen family is not to be insulted, and Master Yuwen is invited to maintain the glory of the family. "

"This, I know it naturally."

Yu Wenji said solemnly, "Are there any arrangements at home?"

Down with humanity: "Master said, he has sent Yuwenkang to worship.

Set off with Song Linghan of the Song family, on the way to the capital. "

"Uncle Kang is here, and Song Linghan from the Song family.

Good, good, two demigods.

I see how arrogant Chen Fei is. "

Yu Wenji laughed, with a smug smile on his face.

"You arrange the itinerary for me, and I am going to meet them both personally."

Yuwen jealously said.


Get down on humanity, then retreat.

In the room, Yu Wenji gritted his teeth, with a grinning smile on the corners of his mouth, "The surname is Chen, don't you want to have a good wedding?"

"At that time, I will turn your wedding into a funeral.

Let the happy event become a funeral, when the time comes, I would like to see what your face is.

Haha! "

………The preparations for the wedding continue. Apart from the invitations of various celebrities, the most important thing is the relatives and friends of Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan.

Both of them don't have many relatives, and they are mainly friends of all kinds. They should be invited from all over the country.

In order to show respect, Chen Fei could not send people to play at will. He had to meet in person, which took a lot of time.

After all, Chen Fei contracted a five-star hotel near Wanhe Garden, and directly arranged the guests, relatives and friends who had been invited into it.

Since Chen Fei came to the capital in the past two years, he has known more people, but also a lot of various things. The chance to meet with relatives and friends around him has decreased a lot.

Taking advantage of this wedding, Chen Fei had a good time with them.

On this day, a few guests had just been arranged, and a call came to Chen Fei’s mobile phone, "Brother-in-law, I am here, why don’t you come to pick me up!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Chen Fei immediately reacted and quickly said, "Momo, are you at the airport?

Isn't it two o'clock in the afternoon?

Why is it early, I'll pick you up? "

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